- 巴结权势
- fawn on the powers
- 巴黎公社
- Paris Commune
- 八面玲珑
- good mixer/artful person
- 八仙过海,各显神通
- Like the Eight Immortals soaring over the ocean, each of you show your true worth.
- 叭儿狗们
- lap dogs
- 把持
- put...under control
- 把方便让给别人,把困难留给自己
- offer others what is convenient while tackling the difficulties himself
- 把革命进行到底
- carry the revolution forward (through) to the end
- 把感想当政策
- substitute their personal feelings for policy
- 把好突出政治的关
- hold fast to the principle of putting politics in the forefront
- 把立足点移过来
- shift their stand/move their feet over to the side of...
- 把水搅浑
- create confusion
- 把他们打翻在地,使他们永世不得翻身
- Knock them down so that they will never get up again.
- 把无产阶级的政治觉悟提得高高的,眼睛擦得亮亮的,嗅觉搞得灵灵的
- Raise our proletarian political consciousness to a very high level, keep our eyes wide open and our sense of smell very sharp.
- 把有限生命投入无限的为人民服务中去
- devote one's limited life to the unlimited cause of serving the people
- 把重点放到农村去
- put the stress on the rural areas
- 罢官
- dismiss from office
- (南)霸天
- southern despot
- 霸主地位
- dominant position
- 霸权主义
- policy of seeking hegemony
- 霸占
- forcibly occupy
- “白卷英雄”
- "hero who handed in a blank examination sheet"
- 白日做梦
- day dreaming
- 白纸黑字
- in black and white
- 白脸
- villain
- 白专道路
- the road to becoming specialists without a socialist consciousness
- 百倍提高革命警惕
- heighten one's revolutionary vigilance a hundredfold
- 百花齐放,推陈出新
- Let a hundred flowers blossom; weed through the old to bring forth the new.
- 百花齐放,百家争鸣
- Let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend.
- 百年大计
- a fundamental task crucial for generations to come
- 百闻不如一见
- To see it once is better than to hear about it a hundred times.
- 百折不挠
- unrelenting/undaunted by repeated setbacks
- 摆到桌面上来
- place problems on the table
- 摆布
- manipulate
- 摆架子
- put on airs
- 摆老资格
- flaunt one's seniority
- 摆事实,讲道理
- set forth the facts and discuss them rationally
- (两条路)摆在面前
- two roads are open to someone
- 拜年陋俗
- the wasteful customs associated with the Chinese New Year calls and gifts
- 拜倒
- cast oneself at another's feet
- 拜金主义
- worship of gold
- 拜群众为师
- look upon the masses as one's teacher
- 拜物主义
- fetishism
- 败坏声誉
- ruin one's prestige
- 败家子
- a disgrace to the family
- 败类
- dreg
- 班子
- leading team
- 班底
- old cast
- 班前会
- pre-shift meeting
- 搬弄是非
- tell tales
- 搬起石头砸自己的脚
- lift a rock only to drop it on one's feet
- 半吊子
- half-baked
- 半工半读
- part-work and part-study
- 半农半读
- part-farm work and part-study
- 办法跟着方针来
- Measures step from policy.
- 办事机构
- administrative office
- 帮腔
- beat the drums for
- 帮凶
- accomplice
- 帮倒忙
- a poor service
- 磅礡于全世界
- sweep the world with the momentum of an avalanche and the force of a thunderbolt