- 包产到户
- the fixing of output quotas based on the household
- 包办代替
- do everything on behalf of
- 包庇
- to harbor/to shield
- 包藏祸心
- harbor ill intent
- 包袱
- get these loads off their backs
- 包干制
- the supply system/over-all rationing system
- (反华)包围圈
- ring of encirclement against China
- 包含险恶用心
- harbor the sinister design of
- 保持清醒头脑和警惕
- remain sober and alert
- 保持(劳动人民)本色
- maintain the distinction character of the working people
- 保持晚节
- maintenance of proletarian integrity in later life
- 保皇派
- loyalists
- 保守派
- loyalists
- “保”字当头
- dominated by "loyalty"
- 保守派组织
- "loyalist" organization/conservative organization
- 保护过关
- help a person to slip through
- 保护好人
- protect the innocent
- 保护伞
- protective umbrella
- 保留意见
- reserve one's view
- 保命哲学
- philosophy of survival
- 堡垒最容易从内部攻破
- A fortress is most vulnerable when attacked from within.
- 饱食终日,无所用心
- loaf around all day long and do nothing
- 报仇雪恨
- take revenge
- 报复
- retaliate
- 报喜不报忧
- report only the good things but not the bad
- 暴发户
- upstart
- 暴风骤雨
- mighty storm
- 暴力没收地主的土地
- forcible confiscation of the landlords' land
- 暴露在光天化日之下
- expose to the bright light of day
- 暴露文学
- literature of exposure
- 暴露无遗
- completely unmasked
- 背叛原来的阶级
- forsake one's original class
- 背叛自己出生的阶级
- rebel against one's own class
- 背弃
- betray the people
- 背包袱
- take on heavy burdens
- 背后议论
- talk behind someone's back
- 背靠背地揭发
- expose a person in his absence
- 背信弃义
- perfidious/play false
- 北大荒
- the Great Northern Wilderness
- 卑鄙伎俩
- despicable trick
- 卑鄙无耻的小人
- a most mean creature
- 卑躬屈膝
- submissive/bow low and humiliate oneself
- 备荒
- be prepared against natural disasters
- 备战
- preparations against war
- 被驳得体无完肤
- refuted down to the last point
- 被管制分子
- someone under public surveillance
- 被人利用
- cat's paw
- 本末倒置
- confuse cause and effect
- 本人成分
- personal class status
- 本位主义
- departmental egoism
- 本能
- instinct
- 本色
- distinctive character
- 崩溃
- breakdown/collapse/crumble
- 比、学、赶、帮
- the campaign to emulate the advanced, learn from and overtake them and help the less advanced
- 庇护
- shield someone/put someone under one's aegis
- 逼供信
- obtain confessions by compulsion and give them credence
- 逼上梁山
- driven to drastic alternatives/driven to revolt
- 必欲置其死地而后快
- not happy with anything less than the destruction of
- 必由之路
- inevitable course of history
- (美帝)必败!
- Defeat to US imperialism!
- 闭门思过
- meditate on one's own
- 闭门造车
- work on some project without reference
- 避重就轻
- evade the crucial point
- 辨别是非
- distinguish right from wrong
- 辨别力
- ability to see tings in their true light
- 辩护士
- apologist
- 辨明真相
- clarify matters
- 变本加厉
- intensify
- 变工队
- labor-exchange teams
- 变花样
- conjuring feats
- 变换手法
- change tactics
- 变节
- defect
- 变节分子
- defectors
- 变色
- change political color
- 变色龙
- chameleon
- “变天”
- make a come-back/restore the reactionary rule
- 变天帐
- keep their records in expectation of a come-back
- (把党的政策)变为群众的行动
- translate the Party's policy into action of the masses
- 变革
- transformation
- 变相的
- in disguised form
- 变相体罚
- corporal punishment in any shape of form