- 标榜
- brag about/present oneself as
- 标新立异。标社会主义之新,立无产阶级之异
- Create what is new and original, new in the sense that is socialist and original in the sense that is proletarian.
- “标语口号式”的倾向
- the tendency towards the "poster and slogan style"
- 表决
- put a question to the vote
- 表面是人,暗中是鬼
- appear to be men but are demons at heart/ghosts in human guise
- 表面现象
- superficial phenomenon
- 表面文章
- specious writing
- 表态
- make public (proclaim) one's stand on
- 表现自己
- assert oneself
- 表现好
- acquit oneself well
- 表里不一
- speak and act in one way but actually aim at something quite different
- 表忠
- affirm one's loyalty to
- 婊子还想立牌坊
- It is like a woman of easy virtue who, while selling herself, believes that she must have a monument erected to her chastity.
- (编者译)It is like a whore longing for a monument to her chastity.
- 别树一帜
- raise another standard
- 别有用心
- with ulterior motives
- 冰冻三日,非一日之寒
- It takes more than one cold day for the river to freeze three foot deep.
- 兵民是胜利之本
- The army and the people are the foundation of victory.
- 波浪式的起伏
- in a wave-like manner
- 拨开迷雾洞察一切
- clear away the miasma to achieve a profound insight into things
- 拨开迷雾,端正方向
- chart the correct course through heavy fog
- 拨正航线
- set right the course of
- 剥削阶级本能
- exploiting class instinct
- 剥夺……权利
- deprive someone of one's rights
- 剥光……外衣
- strip someone of one's mantle of
- 剥削阶级轻视劳动的思想影响
- the contempt for labor, which is an expression of the influence exerted by the ideas of the exploiting classes
- 剥削收入
- income from exploitation
- 剥削有罪,罪该万死
- Exploitation is criminal, utterly criminal.
- 剥开画皮
- expose...for what it is
- 博爱观
- concept of brotherhood
- 勃列日涅夫主义
- Brezhnev doctrine
- 不白之冤
- a wrong that has not been righted
- 不卑不亢
- neither humble nor pert
- 不齿于人类的狗屎堆
- something filthy and contemptible like dog's dung
- 不打无准备之仗
- fight no battle unprepared
- 不打自招
- a confession made without duress
- 不戴帽子
- be exempted from stigmatization
- 不得人心
- contrary to the will of the people
- 不得已而求其次
- have to take the second best
- 不得违背
- no violation whatsoever will be permitted
- 不懂就是不懂,不要装懂
- We must not pretend to know what we do not know.
- 不斗则已,斗则必胜
- We will not fight unless we are sure of victory.
- 不二法门
- standard practice
- 不法地主
- lawless landlords
- 不法资本家
- lawless capitalists
- 不放过一个坏人,不冤枉一个好人
- See to it that not a single bad person escapes or a single good person is wronged.
- 不分敌我友
- make no distinction between enemies, friends and ourselves
- 不分轻重缓急
- without regard to the degree of importance or urgency
- 不分青红皂白
- indiscriminately
- 不给出路的政策,不是无产阶级的政策
- It is not the policy of the proletariat to deny people a way out.
- 不共戴天之仇
- bitter enemy
- 不够论战的水平
- fall far below the standards of a debate
- 不顾大局
- lack of consideration for the whole
- 不辜负党的信任
- live up to the Party's trust
- 不辜负党的培养
- be worthy of the Party's care
- 不怪天也不怪地
- blame neither heaven nor earth
- “不管白猫黑猫,捉住老鼠就是好猫。”
- "White or black, so long as the cats can catch mice, they are alright."
- 不管地位多高,资格多老,声望多大
- no matter how high one's position, how senior his service and how great his renown
- 不管三七二十一
- no matter what may happen
- 不怀好意
- ill intentions
- 不会有好下场
- will come to no good end
- 不获全胜决不收兵
- Never stop till complete victory.
- 不计报酬,不讲条件,日以继夜地劳动的态度
- the attitude of laboring day and night irrespective of pay or working conditions
- 不见棺材不掉泪
- He does not shed tears until he sees his own coffin.
- 不讲情面
- not care to save the face of
- 不绝其自新之路
- not deny a person the chance to turn over a new leaf
- (任何时候都)不可忘记阶级斗争,不可忘记无产阶级专政,不可忘记贫农、下中农,不可忘记党的政策,不可忘记党的工作
- At no time must we forget class struggle, forget the dictatorship of the proletariat, forget to rely upon the poor and lower-middle peasants, or forget the policy of the Party and Party work.
- 不可挽救的蜕化变质分子
- incorrigibly degenerate elements
- 不可救药
- incurable
- 不可告人的勾当
- furtive activities
- 不可收拾
- unmanageable/get out of hand
- 不可思议
- unthinkable/incomprehensible
- 不堪设想
- inconceivable
- 不劳动者不得食
- He who does not work, neither shall he eat.
- 不劳而获的收入
- unearned income
- (把)不利因素转化为有利因素
- turn unfavorable factors into favorable ones
- 不良分子
- unhealthy elements
- 不良现象
- unhealthy phenomena
- 不流血的斗争方式
- a form of struggle without blood-shed
- 不伦不类
- be neither fish nor fowl
- 不漏掉一个坏人
- make sure that not a single bad person escapes
- 不买帐
- pay no heed to
- 不明真相
- be unaware of the true
- 不拿群众一针一线
- Don't take a single needle or piece of thread from the masses.
- 不谋私利
- unselfish
- 不怕苦,不怕死
- fear neither hardship nor death
- 不怕天,不怕地
- fear neither heaven nor earth
- 不破不立,不塞不流,不止不行
- There is no construction without destruction, no flowing without clamming and no motion without rest.
- 不认账
- go back on one's word
- 不入虎穴,焉得虎子
- how can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair?
- 不失时机
- lose no time
- 不识人间有羞耻事
- lost to all sense of shame
- 不是你吃掉我,就是我吃掉你
- Either you swallow me up, or I swallow you up.
- 不是东风压倒西风,就是西风压倒东风,中间的道路是没有的
- Either the East Wind prevails over the West Wind, or the West Wind prevails over the East Wind. There is no middle road.
- 不躺在过去的成绩上
- not to rest on one's past achievement
- 不调和的斗争
- irreconcilable struggle
- 不痛不痒
- superficially
- 不为名,不为利
- seek no fame nor gain
- 不畏艰险
- fearing neither hardship nor danger
- 不问政治
- pay no attention to politics
- 不闻不问
- turn a blind eye to
- 不忘阶级苦,牢记血泪仇
- Never forget the bitter class oppression!
- 不惜任何代价
- at all costs
- 不肖子孙
- unworthy descendants
- 不幸而言中了!
- Unfortunately, our words have proved all too true!
- 不许别人革命
- forbid people to make revolution
- 不学无术
- not study and know nothing
- 不言而喻
- it goes without saying that... /self-evident
- 不要忘本
- never forget one's origin
- 不要小看不拿枪的敌人
- must not lose sight of the enemy without guns
- 不要打草惊蛇
- Let the sleeping dog lie.
- 不要脸
- shameless
- 不要上当
- not allow oneself to be misled
- (只有)不要脸的人,才说得出不要脸的话
- Only someone without any sense of shame dare suggest anything so shameful.
- 不以人们意志为转移的客观规律
- an objective law independent of man's will
- 不遗余力地吹捧
- spare no efforts in extolling
- 不在没收之列
- not be subject to confiscation
- 不折不扣地
- carry out to the letter
- 不正当收入
- illegitimate income
- 不正派
- the dishonest way
- 不知羞耻地
- unblushingly
- 不知人间有羞耻事
- lost to all sense of shame
- 不准革命的理论
- theory of forbidding revolution
- 不着边际地,无关痛痒地
- indulge in irrelevant inanities
- 不着边际的长篇大论
- long-windedness
- 不自量力
- overreach oneself
- 不足为奇
- not at all surprising
- 不足为据
- not prove the point
- 补贴工分
- subsidiary work-points
- 捕风捉影
- beat the air
- 步步紧跟
- follow at every step
- 步伐
- tempo
- 步行串连
- travel on foot to exchange revolutionary experience
- 步步为营且战且退的策略
- make a stand at every step and carry on the fight while beating a retreat
- 部署
- arrangements for