- 擦亮眼睛
- keep our eyes open
- 拆烂污
- make a mess of
- 才子佳人
- talents and beauties
- 踩在脚下
- trample underfoot
- “残酷斗争,无情打击”
- ruthless struggle and merciless blows
- 残渣余孽
- dross and remnant evils
- 灿烂的思想政治之花
- the magnificent ideological and political flowers
- 惨痛教训
- painful lessons
- 藏垢纳污
- a vehicle for filth
- 藏身之处
- a place to hide
- 藏在暗处
- lie low
- 草草收场
- hastily wind up a matter/end up rashly
- 曾几何时
- it was not long before...
- 插手
- have a hand in
- 插队落户
- go down to the countryside to become members of production teams
- 插遍全球
- plant...throughout the world
- 查无实据
- investigations show no evidence against
- 查户口
- check residence cards
- 拆穿谎言
- give the show away
- 拆墙脚
- undermine
- 拆台
- sabotage
- 铲除
- uproot
- 铲除毒草
- eliminate poisonous weeds
- 猖獗一时
- run wild for a while
- 猖狂进攻
- furious attack
- (循着)常规走路的人们
- those who follow the old routine
- 唱白脸
- wear the white make-up of the stage villain
- 唱反调
- harp on a discordant tune
- 唱红脸
- wear the red make-up of the hero
- 唱颂歌
- psalm-singing
- 唱挽歌
- sing the elegy for
- 唱对台戏
- put on a rival show
- 唱高调
- chant bombastic words
- 唱一个调子
- sing the same tune as
- 畅所欲言
- speak out one's mind freely
- 超现实主义
- surrealism
- 超级大国
- super-powers
- 超阶级
- transcend classes
- 彻底查明
- investigate thoroughly
- 彻底揭露
- thoroughly (completely) expose
- 彻底的革命精神
- the spirit of thorough-going revolution
- 彻底消灭
- be destroyed thoroughly
- 彻底打击
- attack...at the very roots
- 彻底抛弃
- discard...once and for all
- 彻底推翻
- overthrow once and for all
- 彻底的革命者
- a thorough-going revolutionary
- 彻底的唯物主义者
- thorough-going materialists
- 彻头彻尾,彻里彻外
- from top to bottom and inside out
- 撤销处分
- penalty shall be rescinded
- 撤销职务
- dismiss from
- 撤职罢官
- dismiss...from office
- 撤职查办
- discharge from one's post to be prosecuted
- 撤职处分
- punishment by dismissal
- 陈词滥调
- often-repeated trash
- 陈规陋习
- outdated conventions and bad customs
- “沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春”
- A thousand sails pass by the shipwreck; ten thousand saplings shoot up beyond the withered tree.
- 趁火打劫
- plunge a burning house
- 趁机捣乱/乘机捣乱
- seize the opportunity to make trouble/seize the opportunity to create disturbances
- 称霸世界
- dominate the world
- 成份
- class status/class origin
- 成份不纯
- impurities in class composition
- 成份好、出身好
- people of good class and family origin
- 成名成家
- seek fame and become an expert
- 成果
- fruits
- “城市老爷卫生部”
- "Ministry of Health for Urban Overlords"
- 城乡差别
- difference between town and country
- 城市小资产阶级
- the urban petty bourgeoisie
- 惩办和宽大相结合
- combine punishment with leniency
- 惩办少数、改造多数
- punish the few and reform the many
- 惩前毖后,治病救人
- learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones and cure the sickness to save the patient
- 惩办要严
- severe punishment should be meted out to
- 乘风破浪
- ride the winds and break the waves
- 乘机翻案
- take the opportunity to whitewash
- 乘机报复
- exploit the situation to take revenge
- 乘其不备
- catch someone unprepared
- 乘人之危
- take advantage of others' misfortune
- 乘胜前进
- go forward in triumph
- 乘虚而入
- get a chance to step in
- 吃喝玩乐
- gluttony and pleasure-seeking
- 吃苦在前,享乐在后
- be the first to bear hardships, the last to enjoy comforts
- 吃老本
- live off one's past glory
- 吃人的
- for the blood of the people
- 吃透两头
- have a thorough grasp of the Party's policies and have a thorough understanding of the views of the masses
- “吃小亏占大便宜”
- "lose a little, gain much"
- 吃忆苦饭
- eat the kind of meal the poor people used to eat in the old society
- 吃闲饭
- lead an idle life
- 吃香
- favorite
- 吃大亏,上大当
- be badly fooled
- 吃二遍苦,受二茬罪
- be hurled back into misery
- 吃人政治
- man-eating governments
- 吃人制度
- cannibalistic system
- 赤膊上阵
- come out without any disguise
- 赤脚医生
- barefoot doctors
- 赤胆忠心
- dedicatedly
- 赤地千里
- thousands of miles of cracked, parched and deserted land
- 赤贫
- the utterly destitute
- 赤裸裸的
- undisguised/barefaced