- 充耳不闻
- turn a deal ear to
- 充分发挥
- give full rein (weight) to
- 充分估计
- make a full appraisal of/take full account of
- 充分说明
- prove to the hilt that...
- 充分注意
- make quite sure that...
- 充实
- replenish and enrich/strength/broadly based/be reinforced/fill... with new content
- 冲锋陷阵
- breach and storm enemy citadel/make frontal attacks/storm the enemy's positions
- 冲劲
- drive/full of go
- 冲击
- impact/pound away at/onslaught
- 冲昏了头脑
- become dizzy
- 冲破罗网
- smash all the trammels
- 冲天干劲
- soaring enthusiasm
- 重蹈覆撤
- meet with the same fate as that of/fall into the rut
- 重叠的行政机构
- duplication in the administrative structure
- 重温
- review/recapitulate
- 重温旧梦
- again indulge in one's pipe-dreams/renew one's old dream
- 重新登记党员
- re-registration of Party members
- 重新入党
- be re-admitted into the Party
- 重新审查
- re-investigation/reconsideration
- 重新做人
- turn over a new leaf
- 重新上台
- regain power
- 重新学习/从新学习
- study anew/learn afresh
- 重新组合
- realignments
- 重演故伎
- repeat the stock tricks
- 重整旗鼓
- rally forces again
- 重振信心
- restore the confidence
- 崇美、媚美、恐美和联美的思想
- the ideas of worshipping, toadying, fearing and uniting with the United States
- 崇洋媚外
- worship of the foreign things and toady to the foreign powers
- 丑化
- defame
- 丑恶嘴脸
- ugly features
- 丑态百出
- utterly ridiculous
- (放下)臭架子
- shed the ugly mantle of pretentiousness
- 臭不可闻
- malodorous
- 臭老九
- stinking ninth-category status (landlords, rich peasants, counter-revolutionaries, bad elements, rightists, renegades, enemy agents, persons in power within the Party taking the capitalist road, intellectuals)
- 臭知识分子
- stinking intellectuals
- 出洋相
- make a person a laughing-stock for all
- (纷纷)出笼
- come forward in large numbers
- (已)出笼、未出笼的牛鬼蛇神
- ogres and monsters, open or hidden
- 出乱子
- lead to trouble
- (给)出路
- give a way out
- 出谋献策
- offer advice
- 出生入死
- brave countless dangers
- 出身
- class origin
- 出身清白
- with a clean class origin
- 出尔反尔
- inconsistent
- 出卖
- betray the interests of
- 出修正主义
- give rise to revisionism
- 初级阶段
- primary (first) phase of
- 处置
- disposition
- 处理
- dispose of
- 处理从宽
- be treated with leniency
- 处心积虑
- set one's mind on
- 处于水深火热之中
- plunge into an abyss of suffering
- 触及灵魂
- touch the people to their every souls
- 触目惊心
- horrid/startling/shocking
- 穿连档裤
- as thick as thieves
- 穿小鞋
- deliberately make trouble for a person
- 穿新鞋,走老路
- wear new shoes but walk on old ways
- 传达
- communicate to/make reports
- 传达报告
- relay a report/transmit a report
- 传家宝
- hereditary treasure
- 传播
- propagate
- 串通
- in collusion with
- 串通一气
- hand in glove with
- (革命)串连
- establish revolutionary ties
- 闯将
- path breakers
- 闯劲
- spirit of a path breaker
- 吹吹打打,拉拉扯扯
- resort to boasting, flattery and touting
- 吹得天花乱坠
- laud to the skies
- 吹灰之力
- as easy as to blow away the dust
- 吹毛求庇
- find fault with
- 吹鼓手
- trumpeter/bugler
- 吹响号角
- sound the clarion call for
- 吹捧一部分人,攻击一部分人
- sing the praises of one group of people and damn another
- 吹阴风
- stir up a malicious wind
- 垂死挣扎
- give dying kicks
- “纯学术讨论"
- "purely academic discussion"
- 蠢蠢欲动
- itch for action
- 戳穿
- poke a hole in
- 此地无银三百两
- A thief posted a marker saying: "The missing treasure is not buried here."
- 刺刀见红
- fight courageously at bayonet-point range
- 从长远的、整体的观点看问题
- look at the problem as a whole and from a long-term point of view
- 从群众中来,到群众中去
- from the masses, to the masses
- 从群众中集中起来,又到群众中坚持下去
- Take the ideas of the masses and concentrate them, then go to the masses, persevere in the ideas and carry them through.
- 从弱到强,从小到大
- from a weak and small beginning into strong and large forces
- 从团结的愿望(目标)出发
- start with the desire (purpose) for unity
- 从无到有、从小到大
- grow out of nothing and expand from a small to a large force
- 从最困难处着想,向最好处努力
- prepare from the worst and strive for the best
- 从难、从严、从实战出发
- undergo intensive and rigid training to meet the needs of actual fighting
- 从不平衡达到新的平衡
- achieve a new balance out of imbalance
- 从严惩办
- severely punish
- 从轻处理
- give lighter punishment
- 从一个极端跳到另一个极端
- jump from one extreme to the other
- 促进派
- promoters of progress
- 促退派
- promoters of retrogression
- 篡党、篡军、篡权
- usurp Party, military and state power
- 篡夺领导权
- usurp leadership
- 窜(篡)改
- tamper with
- 存在决定意识
- Man's social being determines his consciousness.
- 挫伤积极性
- dampen one's enthusiasm
- 措手不及
- be caught unawares (unprepared)
- 错误言论
- fallacious statement (speech)
- 错误路线
- wrong line
- 错误常常是正确的先导
- Error is often the precursor of what is correct.