- 大办民兵师
- organize contingents of the people's militia on a big scale
- 大暴露
- a devastating exposure
- “大比武”
- "make a big show of military skills"
- 大辩论
- great debate
- 大, 并不可怕
- Bigness is nothing to be afraid of.
- 大搏斗
- intense struggle
- 大串联
- mass exchange for revolutionary experience
- 大打
- large-scale warfare
- (准备他们)大打,早打,打常规战,打核大战
- make preparations against their launching a big war and against their launching a war at an early date, preparations against their launching a conventional war and against their launching a large-scale nuclear war
- 大胆发展而又不让一个坏分子混入
- Expand the Party boldly, but do not let a single undesirable in.
- 大胆使用
- boldly assign work to
- 大党阀
- big party tyrants
- 大刀阔斧
- make snap decisions
- 大动荡,大分化,大改组
- great upheaval, great division and great reorganization
- 大多数人对少数人的专政
- dictatorship of the majority over the minority
- 大毒草
- a big poisonous weed
- 大方向
- main orientation
- 大放厥词
- loosen one's tongue/to talk drivel
- 大放特放
- "open" as wide as possible
- 大风大浪
- violent storms and waves
- 大翻身
- completely throw off the oppressor
- 大发展
- immense growth
- 大干一场
- an all-out effort to do big things
- 大搞技术革命
- go full steam ahead with the technical revolution
- 大搞群众运动
- launch vigorous mass movements
- 大刮单干风
- actively encourage "going it alone"
- 大国沙文主义
- great-power chauvinism/great-nation chauvinism
- 大好的革命形势
- an excellent revolutionary situation
- 大检查,大评比
- large-scale inspection, large-scale comparison and appraisal of work done
- 大家动手
- everyone takes a hand
- 大节
- major issue of one's revolutionary integrity
- 大节小节都好
- maintain one's revolutionary integrity in regard to both major and minor issues
- 大讲
- talk a great deal about
- 大开方便之门
- open the gates wide to
- 大快人心
- to the satisfaction of the masses
- 大课题
- a great task
- 大老爷们
- Your Lordships
- 大老粗
- rustic/illiterate
- 大论战
- a great polemic
- (革命的)大联合
- the revolutionary great alliance
- 大量出笼
- grow en masse
- 大灭资产阶级威风
- greatly crush the arrogance of the bourgeoisie
- 大民主
- mass democracy/extensive democracy
- 大鸣大放
- full and frank expression of views and opinions
- 大鸣、大放、大字报、大辩论
- air their views freely, write big-character posters and hold great debates
- 大逆不道
- thoroughly turbulent and absurd
- 大批判
- mass criticism
- 大批判专栏
- wall newspapers for mass criticism
- 大破剥削阶级的四旧,大立无产阶级的四新
- destroy the "four olds" of the exploiting classes on a large scale and extensively foster the "four news" of the proletariat
- 大破私字,大立公字
- firmly eliminate egoism and foster devotion to the public interest
- 大破(灭)资产阶级思想,大立(兴)无产阶级思想
- destroy bourgeois ideology and foster proletarian ideology on a grand scale
- 大破大立
- utterly destroy...and vigorously establish the supremacy of
- 大批逮捕
- make wholesale arrests of
- 大人物
- big shot/a bigwig
- 大扫除
- general cleaning up
- 大少爷作风
- style of life of pampered youngsters
- 大势所趢、人心所向
- the general world trend and the popular feeling
- 大事做不来,小事又不做
- be incapable of doing great things yet disdain minor tasks
- 大事化小,小事化无
- first reduce major issues to minor ones, and then minor issues to naught
- 大是大非
- right and wrong on cardinal issues
- 大肆吹嘘
- preach and trumpet
- 大肆泛滥
- run rampant
- 大肆贩卖
- energetically peddle
- 大肆放毒
- pour out a great deal of poison
- 大肆攻击
- wantonly attack
- 大肆鼓吹
- make a big hue and cry about
- 大肆进攻
- massive attacks
- 大肆活动
- bustle around
- 大肆捏造
- spread fabrication
- 大肆渲染
- play up/enormously exaggerate
- 大肆宣扬
- vigorously propagate
- 大肆吹捧
- extol...to the sky
- 大肆宣传
- particularly active in the propaganda to
- 大同小异
- mostly alike except slight differences/for the most part the same/a general resemblance with slight differences
- 大踏步
- in full stride
- 大无畏的精神
- indomitable spirit
- 大无畏的英雄气概
- dauntless heroism
- 大学阀
- big scholar-tyrants
- 大兴调查研究之风
- energetically undertake investigations and studies
- 大兴水利
- large-scale building of water conservancy projects
- 大学解放军
- learn in a big way from the PLA
- 大写特写
- write a great deal about
- “大、洋、古”
- big, foreign and ancient
- “大、洋、全”
- big, foreign and all-inclusive
- 大野心家
- arch-careerist
- 大义灭亲
- cut off consanguinity for the sake of righteousness
- 大鱼吃小鱼
- big fish swallowing little fish
- 大跃进
- the Big Leap Forward
- 大杂烩
- hodge-podge
- 大有人在
- here are quite a few persons who...
- 大有文章
- there is much finesse in...
- 大有作为
- plenty of room to develop their talents to the full
- 大长无产阶级革命派的志气,大灭资产阶级的威风
- heighten greatly the militancy (morale) of the proletarian revolutionaries and deal serious blows to the arrogance of the bourgeoisie
- 大张旗鼓地、雷厉风行地
- a large-scale, all-out and sweeping
- 大众化
- popularize
- 大抓狠抓活思想
- make the greatest effort to grasp living ideas
- 大抓阶级斗争
- actively grasp class struggle
- 大字报
- big-character posters/Dazibao
- 大做文章
- make a big noise about