- 打扮
- make oneself out to be/dress oneself up as
- 打草惊蛇
- beat the grass to frighten away the snakes
- 打成“反革命”
- be stigmatized as "counter-revolutionaries"/label (brand) someone as "counter-revolutionary"
- 打成一片
- be integrated with/merge with/become one with/identify oneself with
- 打出风格(水平)
- give full play to their sportsmanship (skill)
- 打错算盘(主意)
- miscalculate/make a wrong decision
- (彻底)打倒打垮,使他们威风扫地
- thoroughly topple, smash and discredit
- 打倒奴隶思想,埋葬教条主义
- Down with the slave mentality! Bury dogmatism!
- 打倒“私”字,树立“公”字
- get rid of self-interest, foster devotion to public interest
- “打倒一切”
- "Down with the whole lot."
- 打倒在地,使他们永世不得翻身
- overthrow them and pin them down so that they will never rise again
- 打倒中国的赫鲁晓夫
- Down with China's Khrushchev!
- 打的是……旗号
- make the banner of
- 打得粉碎
- crush to pulp/smash to smithereens
- 打得狠,打得准
- strike hard and well-aimed blows
- 打得火热
- fraternize with/carry on intimately with
- 打得落花流水(狼狈不堪、焦头烂额、七零八落)
- shatter to pieces/smash to smithereens
- 打得头破血流
- badly battered
- 打翻在地,再踏上一只脚
- strike someone down to the dust and keep him there/beat them down and keep them underfoot
- 打击对象
- target of attack/aim our blows at
- 打击报复
- take revenge/retaliate
- 打击面
- scope of attach
- 打击面要小,教育面要宽
- The target of attack should be narrowed and more people should be helped through education.
- 打击歪风
- combat unhealthy tendencies
- “打击一大片,保护一小撮”
- "hit hard at many in order to protect a handful"
- 打江山,坐江山
- conquer and rule the country
- 打进来,拉出去
- worm their way into... and pull people out of...
- 打开缺口
- make a breath
- 打乱了……阵线
- throw into confusion the battle array of
- 打落水狗
- beat the mad dog even though it is already in the water/beat a dog in the water
- 打内战
- engage in feuds/fight a civil war
- 打破常规
- break away from convention/go off the beaten track
- 打破洋框框
- break down (with) foreign conventions
- 打入泠宫
- relegate to limbo
- 打上烙印
- be stamped with a brand
- 打手
- hatchet man/henchman
- 打退堂鼓
- draw in one's horn
- 打先锋
- act the shock brigade/be vanguard
- 打小算盘
- petty niggling
- 打响第一炮
- get off to a good start
- 打掩护
- provide cover for/shield
- 打油诗
- doggerel/ragged verse
- 打硬战
- fight the enemy head-on
- 打、砸、抢
- beating, smashing and looting
- 打着……幌子
- on the pretext of
- 打着“红旗”反红旗
- wave "red flags" to oppose the red flag
- 打着……旗号
- flaunt the banner of
- 打中要害
- deal a blow at the heart
- 打肿脸充胖子
- an impudent attempt to represent the defeat as a victory
- 打着……招牌
- put up the signboard of
- 代表人物
- persons representing...
- 代理人
- agents
- 带着问题学
- study to find a solution to
- 带纲领性的
- programmatic
- 带根本性的大事
- major measure of fundamental importance
- 带头人物
- ringleaders
- (愿意)带着花岗岩脑袋去见上帝的人
- those who would prefer to keep their thinking ossified down to the Day of Judgment
- 戴帽子
- clamp the label on someone/stigmatize
- 戴高帽子游街
- crown some ones with tall paper-hats, and parade them through the streets
- 戴上……大帽子
- stigmatize...with such labels as...
- 戴有色眼镜看
- look through colored spectacles
- 单纯业务观点
- purely vocational view
- 单干
- "go it alone"/work on one's own
- 单干风
- the trend of "going it alone"
- 单干户
- "go-it-alone" peasants
- 单枪匹马
- single-handed
- 当场逮住
- catch in the act/caught red-handed
- 当官做老爷
- act the high and mighty official
- 当家作主
- be the master of one's own affairs (fate)
- 当面不说,背后乱说
- say nothing to people to their faces but gossip behind their backs
- 当面说得好听,背后又在捣鬼
- say nice things to a person's face, but play tricks behind his back
- 当面说人话,背后说鬼话
- speak human language to one's face, but talk devil's language behind his back
- 当面一套,背后一套
- at one way to your face and another behind your back
- 当面说好话,背后下毒手
- say nice thing to the face of..., but lay murderous hands on in the back/say nice thing to someone's face and then stab him in the back
- 当权派
- person in power/people in authority
- 当权人物
- person in power
- (把……)当作主要的打击对象
- make...the main target of attack
- 党八股
- stereotyped Party writing
- 党阀
- Party tyrants
- 党风
- style in the Party's internal and external relations
- 党群关系
- relations between the Party and the masses
- “党内外矛盾的交叉”
- "the intertwining of the contradictions inside and outside the Party"
- 党内走资派
- Party persons in power taking the capitalist road
- (解决)党内不纯的问题
- the removal of impurities from Party organizations
- 党内的思想斗争
- inner-Party ideological struggle
- 党同伐异
- defend those who share the similar views and attack those who don't
- 刀山敢上,火海敢闯
- dare to climb a mountain of swords or plunge into a sea of flames
- 倒打一耙
- make unfounded counter-charges
- 倒行逆施
- perverted action/turn back the wheel of history
- 倒卖票证
- trade in rationed coupons