- 到火热的斗争中去
- go into the heat of the struggle
- 到群众中去
- go among the masses
- 到什么山上唱什么歌
- Sing different songs on different mountains.
- 到头来总是碰得头破血流
- bound to batter his head against a stone wall
- 盗窃中央名义
- usurp the name of the Party Central Committee
- 盗名欺世,混淆视听
- hoodwink world public opinion by calling black white
- “道高一尺,魔高一丈”
- The evil is strong, but the good will eventually prevail over the evil.
- 道貌岸然
- sanctimoniously
- (人人)得而诛之
- Every citizen has the right to punish.
- 登上上层建筑斗、批、改的政治舞台
- have mounted the political stage of struggle-criticism-transformation in the superstructure
- 登台表演
- come on the stage
- 等闲视之,掉以轻心
- treat...casually or take it lightly
- 低估
- underestimate
- 低级趣味
- vulgar interest
- 低头认罪
- hang (bow) one's head and admit one's guilt
- 敌对阶级
- hostile classes
- 敌人一天天烂下去,我们一天天好起来
- The enemy rots with every passing day, while for us things are getting better daily.
- 敌我不分
- fail to differentiate between the enemy and ourselves
- 敌我界限
- dividing line between the enemy and ourselves
- 敌我矛盾
- contradiction between the enemy and ourselves
- 敌、我、友
- our enemies, our friends and ourselves
- 敌对分子
- hostile elements
- 敌视
- be hostile to
- 抵制
- combat/reject/counteract/boycott/resist
- 抵赖
- deny facts
- 底子薄
- meager heritage
- 地方主义
- localism
- 地富反坏,牛鬼蛇神
- landlords, rich peasants, counter-revolutionaries, bad elements and monsters
- 第五纵队
- the Fifth Column
- 第一把手
- those who are in primary responsibility
- 第二把手
- someone who is in secondary responsibility
- 第一手材料
- first-hand material
- 帝王将相
- emperors, kings, generals and ministers
- 帝国主义走向全面崩溃,社会主义走向全世界胜利
- The imperialism is heading for total collapse and the socialism is advancing to world-wide victory.
- 颠倒敌我友
- reverse the relationships between the enemy, ourselves and our friends
- 颠倒历史
- turn the history upside down
- 颠倒了敌我关系
- transpose the enemy and ourselves
- 颠倒是非
- confound right and wrong
- 颠倒事实
- turn things upside down
- 颠覆活动
- subversion/subversive activities
- 点火
- kindle the flames/set afire
- 点名批判
- criticism of a person by name
- 点面结合,以点带面
- link work at selected spots with that in entire areas
- 典型
- typical example
- 典型人物
- typical character
- 典型示范,逐步推广
- set up typical examples for the rest to follow and popularize them step by step
- 掉队
- drop off/fall out
- 掉以轻心
- casual attitude
- 调动一切积极因素
- bring into play all positive factors
- 调干部
- transfer cadres
- 跌到……边缘
- slide down to the brink of
- 顶得住风浪
- withstand any upheaval
- 顶风
- go against the wind
- 顶峰
- acme/peak/summit/zenith
- 顶礼膜拜
- prostrate oneself before
- 顶了他一下,也没有哈
- There wasn't much to...once we stood up to it.
- 顶天立地
- upright and high-minded
- 顶住逆流
- stand our ground in the face of this adverse current
- 订成份
- determine someone's class status
- 订错成份
- class status wrongly determined
- 定案
- decision in a case
- 定调子
- set the tone
- 定量供应
- on ration
- 东方不亮西方亮,黑了南方有北方
- When it is dark in the east, it is light in the west; when things are dark in the south, there is still light in the north.
- 东风劲吹,捷报频传
- The East Wind blows strong. News of victory keeps pouring in.
- 东风压倒西风
- The East Wind prevails over the West Wind.
- 东山再起
- stage a come-back
- 动向
- the trends of
- 动摇分子
- the hesitant elements
- 斗倒
- strike down
- 斗倒、斗臭、斗垮
- to refute, discredit and overthrow
- (要)斗到脸上发烧,身上出汗,吃不下饭,睡不着觉
- We must fight self until we blush with shame, swear and lose appetite and sleep.
- 斗、批、改
- struggle-criticism-transformation
- 斗争是团结的手段,团结是斗争的目标
- Struggle is the means to unity and unity is the aim of struggle.
- 斗批会
- exposure-criticism meeting
- 斗私批修
- critize the private interests and repudiate the revisionism/fight self and repudiate revisionism
- 斗争大方向
- the main orientation (direction) of the struggle
- 斗争会
- public accusation meeting
- 斗争锋芒
- the spearhead of the struggle against/the target of the struggle
- 斗争重点
- main targets of struggle
- 斗争对象
- targets of struggle
- 斗争方式
- form of struggle
- 毒草
- poisonous weeds
- (受)毒害
- be poisoned by
- 独立自主,自力更生,奋发图强,艰苦奋斗
- maintain independence and keep the initiative in our own hands and rely on our own efforts, wage arduous struggles and work hard
- 独立思考
- think things out for oneself
- 独断专行,发号施令
- made dictatorial decisions and order others about
- “读书做官论”
- "study in order to become an official"
- 读报组
- newspaper reading group
- “镀金”
- "win a name"/"get gilded by"
- 断章取义
- a garbled of quotation
- 端正思想
- correct one's thinking
- 端正阶级立场
- acquire a correct class stand
- (一碗水)端平
- treat equally/fair
- 对策
- counter-measure/policies for coping with
- 对待同志要像春天般的温暖,对待工作要像夏天一样火热,对待个人主义要像秋风扫落叶一样,对待敌人要像严冬一样残酷无情
- be warm to comrades like the spring, be enthusiastic in work like the summer, treat individualism like the autumn wind sweeping away the withered leaves, and be merciless to the enemy like the fierce winter
- “对敌和,对友狠”的政策
- policy of "being friendly to enemies and tough with comrades"
- 对敌狠,对己和
- ruthless towards the enemy, kind to one's own comrades
- 对反动派造反理由
- it is right to rebel against reactionaries.
- 对立的统一,对立的斗争
- the unity and struggle of opposites
- 对人马列主义,对已自由主义
- They apply Marxism to others but liberalism to themselves.
- 对牛弹琴
- play the harp to a cow
- 对革命无限忠诚,为人民鞠躬尽瘁
- Dedicate yourself to the revolution, work for the people until our dying day.
- 多行不义必自毙
- A wicked person is sure to bring destruction to himself.
- 多一事不如少一事
- the less trouble the better
- 多吃多占
- eat and take more than they are titled to
- 夺权、掌权、用权
- seize power, keep power and exercise power
- 夺“私”字的权
- seize power from the "self-interest" from one's own mind
- 堕落到
- descend to/become so degenerate