- 发愤(奋)图强
- rise in great vigor/work energetically
- 发国难财
- exploit the national crisis for profiteering purposes
- 发人深省
- something to think deeply about
- 发言权
- have a bigger say in matters of
- 发扬成绩,纠正错误,以利再战
- Add to your achievements and correct your mistakes so as to do still better in future struggle.
- 发扬革命传统,争取更大光荣
- Carry the revolutionary tradition forward, may you gain still greater glory.
- 发扬光大
- give greater scope to
- 发扬民主
- promote democracy
- 发展不平衡
- uneven development
- 发展经济,保障供给
- develop the economy and ensure supplies
- 发展生产,繁荣经济
- develop production and bring about a prosperous economy
- 发展体育运动,增强人民体质
- Promote physical culture and build up the people's health.
- 发动群众
- call on the masses
- 法宝
- wonder-working weapon
- 法办
- to be dealt with according to law
- 法家
- Legalist school
- 翻不了天
- cannot topple the skies
- 翻案
- reverse earlier (previous) correct decisions
- 翻案风
- the evil wind of reversing decisions already made
- 翻版
- reproduction/refurbished version/replica
- 翻老帐
- thumb through the records of
- 翻身
- remake one's life/emancipate/to stand up
- 翻手为云,覆手为雨
- with one turn of the hand, and with another turn of
- 翻天覆地
- a tremendous change/earth-shaking/titanic changes
- 反党反社会主义黑线
- sinister anti-Party and anti-socialist line
- 反党分子
- anti-Party elements
- 反党联盟
- anti-Party bloc
- 反动党团骨干分子
- key-elements of reactionary parties and the reactionary Kuomintang youth league
- 反动会道门
- secret reactionary society
- 反动透顶
- ultra-reactionary
- 反动集团
- clique of reactionaries
- 反动家伙
- reactionary scoundrels
- 反动言行
- reactionary statements and actions
- “反对一切,排斥一切,打倒一切”
- "oppose, exclude and overthrow all"
- 反帝必反修
- To oppose imperialism, it is imperative to oppose modern revisionism.
- 反夺权
- counter-seize power
- 反复讲,年年讲,月月讲,天天讲
- repeat every year, every month, every day
- 反复教育,反复宣传,反复学习,反复实践
- repeated education, dissemination, study and practice
- 反革命复辟阴谋
- plot for a counter-revolutionary come-back
- 反革命黑手
- a sinister counter-revolutionary hand
- 反革命两手
- counter-revolutionary dual tactics
- 反革命气焰
- counter-revolutionary arrogance
- 反革命政变
- counter-revolutionary coup d'état
- 反戈一击
- turn back to hit those who have misled you
- 反攻倒算
- counter-attack in revenge
- 反共老手
- inveterate anti-communist
- 反共逆流
- ant-communist counter-current
- 反华大合唱
- anti-China chorus
- 反华包围圈
- anti-China encirclement
- 反华必降美
- Opposition to China inevitably leads to capitulation to U.S. imperialism.
- 反华叫嚣
- anti-China outcries
- 反华浪潮
- the anti-China tide
- 反“火药味”论
- theory of opposition to "the smell of gunpowder"
- 反击右倾帆案风
- fight back the Right wind of reversing previous correct decisions
- 反面教材
- lesson by negative example
- 反面教员
- teacher by negative example
- 反面人物
- negative character
- 反其道而行之
- act in opposition to
- 反贪污、反浪费、反官僚主义
- struggle against corruption, waste and bureaucracy
- 反“题材决定”论
- the theory of opposition to "subject matter as the decisive factor"
- 反省
- self-reflection
- 反修防修
- oppose revisionism and prevent its emergence
- 反咬一口
- turn on by slanderously accusing
- 反映工农兵
- portrayal of workers, peasants and soldiers
- 反映到党内来
- find its expression within the Party
- 反映情况
- to report the local situation
- 反右倾
- against the Right deviation
- 犯错误的好人
- good persons who have made mistakes
- 犯走资派的错误
- those who committed the errors characteristic of the capitalist-roaders in power
- 犯错误的干部
- erring cadres
- 方向错误
- wrong in orientation
- 方向盘
- steering wheel
- 方兴未艾
- rising/in the ascendant
- 方针
- guiding line/policy
- 访贫问苦
- go to see the poor and ask about their past bitterness
- 放暗(冷)箭
- stab on the back
- “放长线钓大鱼”
- angle for a large fish with a long line
- 放出笼
- let loose
- 放开眼界看未来,坚定不移向前进
- broaden one's vistas of the future and press forward unswervingly
- 放老实点
- behave yourself
- 放手让大家讲话
- let all people express their opinions freely
- 放肆
- blatant/intemperate/unbridled
- 放下包袱
- cast off mental burdens
- 放下臭架子
- drop pretentions airs
- 放下官架子
- discard bureaucratic manners
- “放下屠刀,立地成佛”
- "the butcher who lays down his knife and at once becomes a Buddha"
- 放一放
- lay aside
- 放在第一位
- make...one's prime concern
- 放之四海而皆准
- a universally applicable truth
- 放出毒草
- spread poisonous weeds
- 放开手脚
- have one's hands and feet unfettered
- 放射出灿烂的光辉
- shine forth brightly
- 放手发动群众
- boldly arouse the masses
- 放眼全球,展望未来
- keep the whole globe in view and look ahead into the future
- 放在首要地位
- assign the primary role to
- 放在群众中进行斗争
- be made the objects of mass struggle