- 非常无产阶级化,非常战斗化,非常群众化
- highly (extremely) proletarian and militant and completely identified with the masses
- 非对抗性矛盾
- non-antagonistic contradiction
- 非法活动
- underground work/unlawful activities
- 非驴非马
- neither hay nor grass
- 非组织观点
- disregard of organizational discipline/non-organizational viewpoint
- 飞扬跋扈
- throw one's weight around/arrogant
- 飞跃
- by leaps and bounds/a forward leap
- 诽谤
- vilify/slander
- 费尽心机
- painstakingly/rack one's brains
- 费力不讨好
- unappreciated effort/a thankless job
- 分崩离析
- disintegrating/crumbling/falling apart
- 分别对待
- deal with case on its own merits
- 分道扬镳
- take separate routes/go different
- 分工负责
- division of responsibilities
- 分化
- disintegrate/divide
- 分化瓦解
- demoralized
- 分类排队
- classifying and listing of
- 分裂主义
- secessionism/separatism
- 分片包干
- divide up the work and assign a part to each
- 分批吸收
- enroll in groups
- 分期分批
- stage by stage and group by group
- 分清大是大非
- distinguish between right and wrong on vital questions
- 分清敌友我
- drew a distinction between ourselves and our friends and the enemy
- 分清是非
- differentiate (distinguish) between right and wrong
- 分清问题的性质和情节的轻重
- determine the nature and seriousness of the case
- 分手
- part ways with/take leave of
- 分散主义
- departmentalism
- 分水岭
- watershed/dividing line/demarcation line
- “分数第一”
- "Stress is put exclusively on getting good marks."
- 分田到户(组)
- allocation of land to individual households (groups/teams)
- 分庭抗礼
- stand up to
- 分销店
- retail shop
- 分组讨论
- group discussion
- (牛鬼蛇神)纷纷出笼
- One monster after another comes out of its hiding place.
- 焚尸扬灰
- burn somebody's corpse and scatter the ashes to the winds
- “焚书坑儒”
- "burn books and bury the literati"
- 粉墨登场
- don one's costume and appear on the stage/assume office
- 粉身碎骨
- utterly crush/be smashed/be ground to dust
- 粉饰门面
- serve as window-dressing
- 奋不顾身
- selfless heroism
- 奋斗终身
- dedicate one's life to the struggle for
- 奋发图强、自立更生
- energetically building a prosperous country through self-reliance
- 奋起自卫
- fight bravely in self-defense
- (一有)风吹草动,就纷纷出笼
- whenever some wind stirs the grass, they will raise their ugly heads.
- 风卷残云
- like a whirlwind scattering wisps of clouds
- 风雷激荡
- tempestuous struggle
- (说)风凉话
- make irresponsible and carping comments from the side lines
- 风流人物
- truly great and noble-hearted men
- 风潮
- campaign/in the storm and stress of this period
- 风浪
- squalls/in moments of stress
- 风马牛不相及
- have nothing in common with
- 风靡一时的“大人物”
- one who has stood briefly in the limelight as a "great personage"
- 风起云涌
- tempestuous growth
- 风气
- common practice
- 风声鹤唳,草木皆兵
- a slight movement in the grass or a gust of wind is enough to make the enemy jittery/be scared by the sigh of the wind or the cry of the cranes/fear ambush at every tree and tuft of grass
- (看)风向
- see which way the wind blows
- 风头一时
- become popular for a time
- 风头主义
- strive for the limelight/showing off
- 风行一时
- be all the rage for a time
- 风雨飘摇
- unstable
- 风云人物
- man of the day
- 风展红旗如画
- The wind will unfurl likes a scroll our scarlet banner.
- 疯狂敌视
- rabid hostility
- 疯狂反扑
- launch a frantic counter-offensive
- 疯狂挣扎
- frenzied and desperate kicks
- 疯狂咒骂
- frenzied vilification
- 锋芒指向
- direct the spearhead against/focus the attack on
- 丰功伟绩
- valiant record
- 丰衣足食
- ample food and clothing
- 封官许愿
- hand out official posts and make lavish promises
- 封建家长制
- feudal patriarchal domination
- 封建迷信活动
- feudal and superstitious practice
- 封锁消息
- prevent the leakage of news
- 奉公守法
- respect justice and abide by the laws
- 奉陪到底
- keep the enemy company and fight the finish
- 奉若神明
- revere as sacred
- 奉若至宝
- revere as a priceless treasure
- 否定一切的态度
- a completely negative attitude
- 敷衍态度
- perfunctory attitude
- 敷衍了事
- perfunctory
- 浮夸作风
- working style characterized by exaggeration
- 浮在上面,做官当老爷
- become bureaucrats or lords
- 服从领导
- be obedient to the chiefs
- 服从分配
- obey the allocation
- 服从组织
- submit to the Party
- 俯首甘为孺子牛
- Head bowed, like a willing ox I serve the children.
- 腐化分子
- a degenerate
- 腐化堕落
- corruption and degeneracy
- 腐蚀干部
- corrupt the cadres
- 付诸东流
- cast to the winds
- 付诸实施
- be carried out
- 付诸行动
- put into practice
- 附敌叛国
- betray one's country, attach oneself to the enemy
- 复辟
- stage a come-back/restoration
- 复辟活动
- activities of restoration
- 复古思想
- back-to-the-ancient ideology
- 复旧
- restoration of the old
- 复课闹革命
- re-open school classes and carry on the revolution
- 复审
- review of a case
- 复职
- reinstate
- 赴汤蹈火
- jump into hot water or walk through fire
- 富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈
- Neither riches nor honors can corrupt him, neither poverty nor lowly condition can make him swerve from principle, neither threats nor force can bend him.
- (共同)富裕的道路
- the road of common prosperity
- 富日子当穷日子过
- Though we could have lived quite well, we live frugally.
- 富农
- rich peasant
- 富裕中农(即“上中农”)
- well-to-do middle peasant
- 负隅顽抗
- resist desperately