- 改变颜色
- change political color
- 改革不合理的规章制度
- reform (change) irrational and outdated rules and regulations
- 改过自新
- turn over a new leaf/become a new person
- 改良主义思想
- reformist ideas
- 改天换地
- transform heaven and earth/remake nature
- 改头换面
- to disguise
- 改邪归正
- give up evil ways and return to the right
- 改弦更张
- make a fresh start
- 改弦易辙
- make a new start
- 改造世界
- change the world
- 改造思想
- remold ideology
- 改进思想作风
- raise ideological level and improve working style
- 改口
- change one's tune
- 改善待遇
- improve living conditions/increase the pay of
- 改善伙食
- with better food
- 改善民生
- improve the people's livelihood
- 改善生活
- improve the living conditions
- 改造
- remold/reform/transform
- (未曾)改造的
- have not been remolded
- 改造成为新人
- remold them into new men
- 盖棺论定
- Only when a person is dead can he be finally judged and assessed.
- 概不追究
- no action will be taken against
- 甘当小学生
- make oneself a willing pupil of the masses
- 甘居下游
- resigned to a state of lagging behind
- 甘心情愿
- willingly and gladly
- 赶下台
- oust from office
- 敢冲敢拼
- dare to take on anything and dare to risk all
- 敢闯、敢干、敢革命、敢造反的无产阶级革命精神
- proletarian revolutionary spirit of daring to break through, to act, to make revolution and to rise up in rebellion
- 敢打、敢拼、敢造反
- dare to fight, dare to have a trial of strength, dare to rebel
- 敢死队
- dare-to-die teams
- 敢想敢干
- bold thinking and action
- 敢想、敢说、敢闯、敢做、敢革命
- have the courage to think, to speak out, to break through, to act and to make revolution
- 敢于斗争、敢于革命、善于斗争、善于革命
- dare to struggle and dare to make revolution and be good at waging struggles and at making revolution
- 敢在太岁头上动土
- dare to scratch Buddha's head
- 敢字当头
- place daring above everything else/put daring above all else
- 感性认识
- perceptual knowledge
- 擀面杖吹火一窍不通
- don't know the first thing about
- 干尽坏事
- have done every evil
- 干社会主义
- fight for socialism
- 干一行,爱一行,干一行,钻一行
- love whatever job one is given and try to be proficient in whatever one does
- 干部参加集体生产劳动
- system of cadre participation in collective productive labor
- 干校
- school for cadres
- (提到)纲上
- raise it to the level of principle
- 纲领性的文件
- programmatic document
- 纲举目张
- once the head rope of a fishing net is pulled up, all its meshes open/once the key link is grasped, everything falls into place
- 钢琴伴唱《红灯记》
- Piano Music The Red Lantern with Peking Opera Singing
- 钢铁般的团结
- iron-like unity
- 高标准要求自己
- set high demands on oneself
- 高高飘扬,永远飘扬
- waves on high forever
- 高高在上
- hold oneself aloft
- 高歌猛进
- advance boldly with songs
- 高官厚禄
- high position and a large income
- 高级干部
- high-ranking cadre
- 高级知识分子
- hgher intellectuals
- “高精尖”
- "high-grade, precision and advanced"
- 高举三面红旗
- hold aloft the Three Red Banners (of the General Line, the Great Leap Forward and the People's Commune)
- (土)高炉
- small indigenous blast furnace
- 高帽子
- tall paper-hat/empty title/high hat
- 高屋建筑,势如破竹
- press on irresistibly from a commanding height
- 高瞻远瞩
- look far ahead and aim high/far-sighted
- 高枕无忧
- sleep without any anxiety
- 高度集中
- high degree of centralization
- 高踞于群众之上
- stand above the masses
- 高谈阔论
- harangue/loud and big talk
- 搞臭
- make a person's name reek to high heaven/discredit
- 搞好斗批改
- make a success of the struggle-criticism-transformation
- 搞好样板
- do well in the production of good models
- 搞阶级斗争
- carry on class struggle
- 搞乱阶级阵线
- confuse the class line-up
- 搞马列主义
- go in for Marxism-Leninism
- 搞深搞透
- carry through thoroughly and in depth
- 搞通思想
- arrive at a right perception of
- 搞小动作
- indulge in petty and mean actions
- 搞阴谋
- embark on conspiracy
- 搞政治
- dabble in political activities
- 搞好关系
- build good relation with
- 搞乱
- end up in a mess
- 告发
- report/lodge accusation against
- 歌功颂德
- flattery and exaggerated praise/praise and eulogy