- 割断历史
- chop up history/lop off history
- 革别人的命
- make revolution against others
- 革命不分前后
- Whoever makes revolution, whether early or late, is revolutionary.
- 革命不怕死,怕死不革命
- Revolutionaries brave death; cowards flee the revolution.
- 革命不能输出
- Revolution cannot be exported.
- 革命串连
- exchange revolutionary experience
- 革命闯将
- revolutionary path breakers
- 革命大方向
- general revolutionary orientation
- 革命大联合
- revolutionary great alliance
- 革命大批判
- revolutionary mass criticism
- 革命第一,工作第一
- give first place to the revolution and work
- 革命斗争果实来之不易
- The fruit of revolutionary struggle are hard-earned.
- “革命到头了”
- "reach the end of the revolution"
- 革命到底
- remain revolutionaries to the end
- 革命的根本问题是政权问题
- The fundamental question of revolution is political power.
- 革命的战斗的群众性的文艺批评
- revolutionary, militant mass criticism on literature and art
- 革命发展阶段论
- theory of the development of revolution by stages
- 革命豪情
- revolutionary spirit
- 革命化、民族化、大众化
- make literature and art truly revolutionary, national and popular in both form and content
- 革命加拼命
- revolutionary optimism
- 革命乐观主义
- revolution plus all-out exertion
- 革命理想主义
- revolutionary idealism
- 革命烈火
- raging revolutionary flames
- 革命灵魂
- revolutionary essence
- 革命气节
- revolutionary integrity
- (把)革命气概和实际精神结合起来
- combine revolutionary sweep with practical application
- 革命群众组织
- revolutionary mass organizations
- 革命热情与科学精神相结合
- combine revolutionary zeal with s scientific spirit
- 革命熔炉
- revolutionary crucible
- 革命圣地
- sacred place of the revolution
- 革命是不能输入的
- Revolution cannot be imported.
- 革命是历史的火车头
- Revolutions are the locomotives of history.
- 革命委员会
- revolutionary committee
- 革命无罪,造反有理
- Revolution is no crime, rebellion is justified.
- 革命先辈
- revolutionary forebears
- 革命现实主义和革命的浪漫主义相结合
- combine revolutionary realism with revolutionary romanticism
- 革命小将
- young revolutionary fighter
- 革命样板戏
- model revolutionary theatrical works (operas)
- 革命,也得革自己的命。不革自己的命,这个革命是搞不好的。
- In making revolution, we must also revolutionize ourselves. Without revolutionizing ourselves, we cannot succeed in making this revolution.
- 革一辈子命
- remain revolutionary all one's life
- 革命造反派
- revolutionary rebel groups
- “革”字当头
- dominated by "revolutions"
- 革命左派
- revolutionary Left
- 隔离审查
- examination by separating...from
- 隔靴瘙痒
- scratch an itch through one's boot - a useless attempt
- 格格不入
- misfits/incompatible with
- 格杀勿论
- kill with lawful authority
- 个别谈话
- personal talks
- 各行各业
- all trade and professions
- 各怀鬼胎
- Each has his own axe to grind./Each has something up his sleeve.
- “个人迷信”
- "cult of the individuals"
- 个人奋斗
- make one's own way
- 个人服从组织
- The individual is subordinate to the organization.
- 个人利益、局部利益服从集体利益、长远利益
- subordinate one's immediate individual interests to the long-term collective interests
- 个人说了算
- the arbitrary style of "do as I say"
- 个人野心
- personal ambition
- 个人野心家
- careerists
- (资产阶级)个人主义是万恶之源
- Bourgeois individualism is the source of all evil.
- 个体经济
- the individual economy
- 个体经营
- individual farming
- 个人名利
- personal fame and gain
- 个人生活问题
- questions affecting everyday life
- 个人主义思想
- individualist thinking (ideology)
- 各打五十大板
- a balance of blame
- “各人自扫门前雪”
- clear the snow away only from one's doorstep
- 各行其是
- act as one pleases
- 各自为政
- Everyone goes his own way.
- 各个击破
- crush (defeat, destroy)...one by one
- 各种各样的人物
- a variety of characters
- 给出路
- give a way out
- 给以生活出路
- give one a chance to earn one's living
- 根深蒂固
- deeply rooted
- 跟着指挥棒转
- follow the baton
- 耿耿于怀
- stick in one's throat
- 更加深入
- developed in depth
- 更加光荣、更加伟大、更加正确
- more correct, greater and more glorious
- 工、农、商、学、兵
- workers, peasants, businessmen, students, intellectuals and soldiers/industrial, agricultural, trade, educational and military circles
- 工农差别
- difference between workers and peasants
- 工农联盟
- alliance of the workers and peasants/worker-peasant alliance
- 工农子弟
- children of workers and peasants
- 工农子弟兵
- the army of the workers and peasants
- 工人讲师团
- the group of worker lecturers
- 工人阶级本色
- sterling qualities of the working class
- 工人阶级必须领导一切
- The working class must exercise leadership in everything.
- 工种
- kind of work
- 工资制度
- wage system
- 工资级别
- wage category/wage scales
- 工作队(组)
- a political work force (team, group)
- 工作重心
- center of gravity of the work
- (把)功劳归于自己,把错误推给别人
- claim credit for himself and shift blame onto others
- 攻其一点,不及其余
- attack someone for a single (particular) fault without considering the whole
- 宫廷政变
- "palace" coup
- 公报
- communiqué/bulletin/official report
- 公报私仇
- use one's position to get even with another person for a private grudge
- 公共食堂
- community dinning hall
- 公、检、法
- judicial and public security organs
- 公开论战
- open polemics
- 公审大会
- public (open) trial at mass meeting
- 公私兼顾
- take both public and private interests into account
- “公私熔化论”
- theory of "merging public and private interests"
- 公字当头
- put public interest to the fore
- 巩固社会主义阵地
- fortify the positions of socialism
- “共产风”
- "tendency to effect the transition to communism prematurely"
- 共鸣
- echo
- 共命运,同呼吸
- share weal and woe
- 共同对敌
- join hands to oppose the enemy
- 共同富裕
- prosperity in common
- 供给制
- free supply system/supply on a maintenance basis