- 勾当
- fraudulent deal
- 勾勾搭搭
- hitch up with
- 勾结
- collaborate with/gang up with/collude with
- 勾销
- expunge/efface/erase/delete/remove
- 勾心斗角、互相倾扎
- scheme against each other and get locked in strife
- 狗屎堆
- dog's dung-hill
- 狗地主
- the damned landlord
- 狗急跳墙
- a cornered dog tries to jump over a high wall
- (像)狗屎一样
- as dog's droppings
- 狗血淋头
- pour dog's blood on
- (骂得)狗血喷头
- pour out a torrent of abuse
- 狗崽子
- son of a bitch
- 狗咬狗
- on a dog-eat-dog basis/dog-fight/dog-eat-dog strife between
- 狗嘴里吐不出象牙
- No ivory will come from a dog's mouth.
- 苟且偷安
- seek ease and comfort at the expense of principles
- 苟且偷生
- philistine philosophy of mere vegetative existence
- 苟延残喘
- try to prolong one's exhausted panting
- 构陷
- false charge
- 估计不足
- underestimate
- 沽名钓誉
- buy reputation and fish for praise/fish for fame and reputation
- 姑息养奸
- foster evil propensities by being over lenient
- 孤家寡人
- a man without followers
- 孤掌难鸣
- You can't clap with one hand.
- 孤注一掷
- make a last desperate effort
- 古今中外
- at all times and in all countries
- 古为今用,洋为中用
- Make the past serve the present and the foreign things serve China.
- 鼓足干劲,力争上游,多快好省地建设社会主义
- Go all out, aim high and achieve greater, faster, better and more economical results in building socialism.
- 鼓吹
- boost/agitate for
- 鼓动
- foment/agitate
- 蛊惑人心
- blind the minds of the people
- 骨干分子
- backbone elements
- 故技(伎)
- stock tricks
- 故伎重演
- repetition of the old dodge/up to one's old tricks
- 故态复明
- go back to his old way of doing...
- 故作姿态
- make a gesture
- 固步自封
- stand still and cease to make progress
- 故意刁难
- deliberately place obstacles
- 固执己见
- unduly attached to one's own opinions/abide by one's opinion
- 雇佣思想
- "employee" mentality
- 顾此失彼
- unable to attend to everything at once/be put in a double squeeze
- 顾全大局
- take the whole situation into consideration
- 刮翻案风
- trying to have the previous decisions reversed
- 刮目相看
- have a completely new appraisal of somebody
- 刮起一股歪风
- stir up an adverse current
- 刮起一阵妖风
- stir up a gust of ill wind
- "(奖金)挂帅"
- "bonus in command"
- (政治)挂帅
- politics in command
- “(业务)挂帅”
- ""professional skill in command
- “(利润)挂帅”
- "profit in command"
- “(分数)挂帅”
- "school marks in command"
- 挂羊头,卖狗肉
- selling horse meat as beefsteak/hang out a sheep's head when what they are selling is dog's fresh
- 挂着……招牌
- wear the cloak
- 官复原职
- the restoration of cadres to their original posts
- 官官相护
- All bureaucrats shield each other.
- 官气
- official airs
- 官样文章
- empty official formalities
- 关门主义者
- exclusivist
- 观礼代表
- representative attending National Day celebrations
- 冠冕堂皇
- ostentatious
- (被)管制分子
- person under surveillance
- 管制劳动
- labor under public surveillance
- 管制生产
- production under public surveillance
- 贯穿(串)着
- throughout this stage/from beginning to end
- 贯彻……精神
- be permeated with the spirit of
- 惯犯
- inveterate criminal
- 惯技
- customary tactic
- 惯用手法
- habitual (customary) practice
- 惯用技俩
- old trick
- 灌输
- instill something into the minds of/imbue with
- 光杆司令
- commander without troops
- 光辉思想
- brilliant teachings
- 光辉形象
- brilliant image
- 光辉照耀下
- under the resplendent light of
- 光芒万丈
- brilliant/radiant
- 光明正大
- above-board and straightforward
- 光宗耀祖
- make one's ancestors illustrious/bring honor to ancestors
- 光天化日之下
- in broad daylight
- 广阔天地
- a wide prospect
- 广泛深入地
- both extensively and intensively
- 归根结底
- in the final analysis
- (只许他们)规规矩矩,不许他们乱说乱动
- The must remain orderly, must not be unruly either in word or deed.
- 鬼话
- utter nonsense
- 鬼迷心窍
- be possessed by ghosts/be haunted by ghosts
- “鬼戏”
- traditional operas on ghost themes/operas acclaiming ghosts
- 贵族老爷
- overlords
- 滚蛋
- scampered off
- 滚滚向前
- roll ahead
- 滚一身泥巴
- get oneself covered with mud and grime
- (从台上)滚下去
- tumble from power
- “国防文学”
- "a literature of national defense"
- 国际反美统一战线
- the international united front against U.S. imperialism
- “国际分工”论
- the theory of "international division of labor"
- 国际共产主义运动总路线
- the general line of the international communist movement
- 国家机关
- state organs/government offices
- 国家机关工作人员
- government workers
- 国家机器
- state apparatus (machinery)
- 国民党作风
- the Kuomintang style of work
- 国内外反动派
- domestic and foreign reactionaries
- 过好社会主义关
- pass the test of socialism well
- (大搞人人)过关
- for everyone to make a self-criticism so as to pass the test
- 过河拆桥
- remove the plank after crossing the bridge-leave one in the lurch
- 过火
- overstep the limits
- 过火政策
- excessive policy
- 过街老鼠,人人喊打
- the object of universal condemnation
- 过去的功劳
- one's own past merits
- “过电影”
- go over the day's events in the mind
- 过硬本领
- first-rate capabilities in
- 过着牛马不如的生活
- live a dog's life
- 过“左”的政策
- ultra-"Left" policy
- 过左和(或)过右
- any deviation, either to the "Left" or to the Right