- 《海港》
- On the Docks
- 海可枯、石可烂
- even if the seas run dry and mountains crumble
- 海沽石烂,永不变心
- Oceans may dry up and rocks may crumble, but their hearts will never change.
- 海内存知己,天涯落比邻
- A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near./Bosom friends are close neighbors though separated by oceans.
- 海外关系
- have relatives abroad
- 害怕得要死
- mortally afraid/scared to death
- 害群之马
- black sheep
- 害人虫
- pest/vermin
- 害人害己
- harm oneself and others
- 含恨死去
- died without revenge
- 含沙射影
- insinuate
- 汉奸卖国贼
- traitor and collaborator
- 喊冤叫屈
- complain about the injustice/call for redressing one's grievance
- 捍卫
- defend
- 豪情
- lofty sentiments/full of pride and enthusiasm
- 豪不利已专门利人的精神
- utter devotion to others without any thought of self/doing everything for others and nothing for one's own
- 毫不留情
- relentlessly
- 毫不动摇
- unshaken in one's conviction
- 毫无悔过之意
- show not the slightest intention of mending one's ways
- 毫无自私自利之心
- absolute selflessness
- 号角
- clarion call
- 好表现
- be wont to show off
- 好吃懒做
- fond of eating and averse to work/like to eat but not to work
- 好大喜功、急攻近利
- crave greatness and success, seek quick success and instant benefits
- “好汉不吃眼前亏”
- "A wise man doesn't fight against impossible odds."
- 好话说尽,坏事做绝
- say every fine word and commit every evil
- 好景不长
- be short-lived
- (不会有)好下场
- come to no good end
- 浩浩荡荡的革命大军
- mighty revolutionary contingent
- 何其相似乃尔
- What a striking likeness (similarity)!
- 何去何从
- decide on what path to follow/where to go
- 核实
- verify/check up
- 核心力量
- core of strength
- 核心作用
- play the role as a core
- 和事佬
- peace-maker
- 和平共处
- peaceful coexistence
- “和平过渡”
- "peaceful transition"
- “和平竞赛”
- "peaceful competition"
- 和平麻痹思想
- a false sense of peace and tranquility
- “和平长入社会主义”
- "grow into socialism peacefully"
- 和平演变
- peaceful evolution
- “合二而一”
- "combine two into one"
- 合作医疗制度
- co-operative medical service
- 赫鲁晓夫式的人物
- person of Khrushchev type
- 黑帮
- secret clique
- 黑帮爪牙
- henchman (hatchet man) of a secret clique
- 黑报告
- malicious report
- 黑材料
- black list information
- 黑后台
- sinister boss behind the scenes
- 黑话
- malicious words/argot
- 黑会
- sinister meeting
- 黑货
- sinister stuff
- 黑“六论”
- "six sinister theories"
- “阶级斗争熄灭论”the theory of "the dying out of class struggle"
- “驯服工具论”the theory of "docile tools"
- “群众落后论”the theory that "the masses are backward"
- “入党做官论”the theory of "joining the Party in order to climb up"
- “党内和平论”the theory of "inner-Party peace"
- “公私熔化论”the theory of "merging private and public interests"
- 黑名单
- black list
- 黑旗
- black ensign/sinister flag
- 黑手
- vicious boss manipulating from behind/sinister tentacles
- 黑五类
- the black five-category status (landlords, rich peasants, counter-revolutionaries, bad elements, rightists)
- 黑戏、黑电影
- sinister plays and films
- 黑线上的人
- follower of the sinister line
- 黑线总头目
- ringleader of the sinister line
- 黑秀才
- malevolent scholars
- 黑《修养》
- the sinister book Self-Cultivation
- 黑样板
- sinister example
- “黑云压城城欲摧”
- "The city might crumble under the mass of dark clouds."
- 黑指示
- sinister instructions
- 黑暗即将过去,曙光即在前头
- Darkness will soon pass and the sun break through.
- 黑店
- sinister clique inn
- 黑风
- evil wind/ill wind/foul wind
- 黑浪
- sinister waves
- 黑心肠
- diabolical nature