- 很不理解,很不认真,很不得力
- have very poor understanding and their leadership is far from conscientious and effective
- 狠斗资产阶级的“私”字
- relentlessly fight bourgeois "self-interest"
- 狠抓革命,猛促生产
- energetically grasp the revolution and vigorously promote production
- 横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛
- Fierce-browed, I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers; head-bowed, like a willing ox I serve the children.
- 横扫一切牛鬼蛇神
- Sweep away all ghosts and monsters!
- 横下一条心
- take the firm resolution
- 轰轰烈烈
- with vigor and vitality
- 轰下台
- shout one down
- 洪流
- powerful current/giant torrent
- 洪水猛兽
- like flood and wild beasts
- (装)红白脸
- with some wearing the white make-up of the stage villain and others the red make-up of the hero
- 《红灯记》
- The Red Lantern
- 红光满面
- glowing with health
- 红旗手
- red-banner pace-setter
- 红人
- favorite
- “红色买办”
- "red comprador"
- 红五类
- the red five-category status (revolutionary army men, revolutionary cadres, workers, poor peasants including hired farm labors and tenant-peasants, lower-middle peasants)
- 红卫兵
- Red Guards
- 红小兵
- Little Red Guards
- 红袖章
- red armband
- (日日)红,月月红,全年红
- making great achievements everyday, every month and throughout the year.
- 喉舌
- mouthpiece
- 后继有人
- have qualified successors
- 后浪推前流,一浪高一浪
- each wave pushing at the one ahead, each wave higher than the last
- 后台老板
- behind-the-scenes boss
- (走)后门
- back-door deals
- 厚古薄今
- pay more attention to the past than to the present
- 呼风唤雨、煸风点火
- fan the flames and foment trouble
- 呼风唤雨、推波助浪
- summon the wind and the waves
- 呼风唤雨、兴风作浪
- rise and swell the adverse current
- 忽而显出极右,忽而装作极“左”
- appear as an ultra-rightist one minute and on the extreme "Left" the next
- 忽而赞成这个,忽而赞成那个
- approve one thing today and another tomorrow
- 狐狸尾巴是藏不住的
- A fox cannot hide its tail.
- 狐狸再狡猾也斗不过好猎手
- The craftiest fox can't escape the skilled hunter.
- 狐朋狗友
- evil associates
- 狐群狗党
- a gang of scoundrels
- 互相标榜
- put up placards for each other
- 互相勾结,又互相争夺
- collude and at the same time contend with each other
- 花岗石脑筋
- ossified thinking
- 花天酒地
- indulge in a gay life and debauchery
- 花言巧语
- fine words/honeyed words
- 花招
- play games/tricks
- 滑天下之大稽
- make a great laughing-stock of itself
- 化悲痛为力量
- run grief into strength
- 化大为小,蒙混过关
- turn big issues into small ones and slip through
- 化整为零
- break up the whole into parts
- 化成美女的蛇
- serpents assuming the guise of beautiful girls
- 划分阶级
- classify/determine class status
- 划分阶级成分
- differentiate the class status
- 划清界线
- draw a clear line between
- 划清政治界限
- draw a clear line of demarcation politically
- 划清政策界限
- draw distinctions in accordance with our policy
- “怀疑一切”
- "suspecting all"
- 坏分子
- bad elements
- 坏事变好事
- Bad things can be turned into good things.
- 坏事做尽
- commit every evil
- 坏头头
- ringleader
- 欢声雷动、掌声不绝
- thunderous cheers and prolonged applause
- 还乡团
- home-going contingents
- 换汤不换药
- old wine in new bottles
- 荒谬绝伦
- absolutely preposterous
- 黄色书刊
- decadent books and periodicals
- 黄色音乐
- vulgar music
- 皇皇不可终日
- in a desperate situation
- “皇天不负有心人”
- "Heaven rewards the faithful."
- 幌子
- signboard
- 恢复党籍
- reinstate Party membership
- 恢复名誉
- rehabilitation
- 回避要害问题
- steer clear of the crucial question
- (走)回头路
- reverse its course
- 回顾过去,展望未来
- review the past and look forward the future
- 回击
- fight back
- 回忆对比
- recall the past and contrast it with the present
- 回忆旧社会,对比新社会
- recall the old society and compare it with the new
- “悔过启事”
- "public apology"
- 悔过自新
- repent and turn over a new leaf/repent and start anew
- 混进党内的走资本主义道路的当权派
- those in authority who have wormed their way into the Party and are taking the capitalist road
- 混淆黑白
- mix up black and white
- 混淆阶级阵线
- confuse the class alignments
- 混淆是非
- confuse right and wrong
- 混淆视听
- confuse the public
- 浑水摸鱼
- fish in troubled water
- 和稀泥
- blur the line between right and wrong
- “活老虎、铁老虎、真老虎”
- "living tigers, iron tigers, real tigers"
- 活学活用
- living study and application of
- 活生生的事实
- living reality
- 活思想
- living idea/current thinking
- “活命哲学”
- "philosophy of survival"
- 活阎王
- demon king
- (把)火药味搞得浓浓的
- make the air thick with the pungent smell of explosives
- 祸害
- evils/bane
- 祸不单行
- Misfortunes never come singly.
- 祸国殃民
- injure the country and bring calamity to the people
- 祸首
- arch-criminal