- 机关
- government institutions and other organizations
- “机关算尽太聪明,反误了卿卿性命”
- "With all your calculations and intrigues, you are too clever; they bring you no good but will cost you your life!"
- 机会主义路线
- opportunist line
- 饥寒交迫
- live in hunger and cold
- 基本功
- essential (basic) skill
- 基本矛盾
- fundamental contradictions
- 基层
- at the grassroots level/the basic sections of society
- 基层干部
- basic-level cadres
- 基干民兵
- core members of the militia
- 鸡犬之声相闻,老死不相往来
- "do not visit each other all their lives, though the crowing of their cocks and the barking of their dogs are within hearing of each other"
- 击中要害
- hit the vital point
- (从一个)极端到另一个极端
- from one extreme to the other
- 极端个人主义者
- out-and-out egoist
- 极“左”
- ultra-"Left"/extreme "Left"
- 极“左”思潮
- ultra-"Left" trend of thought
- 极右分子
- ultra-Rightist
- 急先锋
- shock force/chief abettor
- 急用先学,立杆见影
- first study what must be urgently applied so as to get quick results
- 集思广益
- good at listening to all useful opinions
- 集体领导
- collective leadership
- 集中起来,坚持下去
- concentrate the ideas of the masses and then carry them through
- 集中指导下的民主
- democracy under centralized guidance
- “己所不欲,勿施于人”
- "Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you."
- “技术第一”
- "Technique comes first."/"top priority to technique"
- 技术革新和技术革命运动
- a movement for technical innovation and technical revolution
- “即以其人之道,还治其人之身”
- beat one at his own game/pay one back in his own coin
- 缉拿归案
- be brought to justice
- 既当“官”,又当老百姓
- Remain one of the common people while serving as an official.
- 既定方针
- established guiding line
- 既来之,则安之
- Since it is so, it's better to accept it.
- 既往不咎
- be let off for one's past mistakes
- 既懂政治,又懂业务
- be both politically good and professionally efficient
- 既要弄清思想,又要团结同志
- clarity in ideology and unity among comrades
- 既有冲天的干劲,又要有科学分析的精神
- An enthusiasm mounting to the stars should go hand in hand with scientific analysis./combine great revolutionary vigor with the scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts
- 继承……衣钵
- take over (inherit) the mantle of
- 继承……遗志
- follow the behest of...
- 继续深入
- continue to develop in depth
- 继续革命
- continuing the revolution
- 寄生的、腐朽的、垂死的
- parasitic, decaying and moribund
- 加强纪律性,革命无不胜
- The sense of discipline grows stronger, and the revolution will be ever-victorious.
- 加强对运动的指导
- strengthen the leadership in the movement
- 加强党和群众的联系
- strengthen the Party's ties with the masses
- 家常便饭
- daily lot
- 家丑不可外扬
- conceal the family shame/Do not wash dirty linen in public.
- 家庭出身(成份)
- class origin of the family
- 家喻户晓
- make known to every family
- 家长制
- patriarchy
- 夹起尾巴逃跑了
- run away with one's tail between one's legs
- 假的就是假的,伪装应当剥去
- Sham is sham, and the mask must be stripped off.
- 假、恶、丑
- the false, the evil and the ugly
- 假革命,真投降
- sham revolution and genuine capitulationism
- 假公济私
- jobbery
- 假和平、真备战
- peace in words, war preparation in deeds
- 假积极
- in the guise of an activist
- 假检讨
- sham (phony) self-criticism
- 假批判、真包庇
- fake criticism but real protection
- 假团结、真分裂
- sham unity and a real split
- 假象
- false (misleading) appearance/false impression
- 假斗争,真保护
- sham attack but real defense
- 假揭发,真支持
- sham exposure but real support
- 假面具
- mask
- 假民主
- bogus democracy
- 假团结,真反华
- sham unity and real hostility towards China
- “假自首”
- "false confessions"
- 假洋鬼子
- Imitation Foreign Devil
- 假支持、真出卖
- sham support and real betrayal
- 假左派、真右派
- pseudo-Leftists but genuine Rightists
- 嫁祸于人
- shift the blame onto/transfer the evil to another
- 艰苦奋斗、勤俭建国,自力更生、奋发图强的方针
- policy of plain living and hard struggle, of building up the country with industry and thrift, of relying on our own effort and working hard for the prosperity of the country
- 艰难险阻
- difficulties and dangers
- 兼听则明,偏听则暗
- Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be benighted.
- 坚持不改和屡教不改
- persist in one's errors and refuse to correct them after repeated education
- 坚持不懈
- persistent/consistent and untiring efforts
- 坚持群众路线
- adhere to the mass line
- 坚持团结,反对分裂
- persist in unity and oppose a split
- 坚持文斗,不用武斗
- uphold struggle by reasoning and not by force
- 坚持社会主义路线
- persist along the socialist road
- 坚定正确的政治方向
- a firm and correct political orientation
- 坚决、彻底、干净、全部消灭之
- resolutely, thoroughly, wholly and completely wipe out
- 坚决照办
- express one's determination to act accordingly
- 监督
- supervise/exercise supervision over
- (放到群众)监督之下
- place them under the surveillance of the masses
- 肩不能挑,手不能提
- incapable of carrying anything either on their shoulders or in their hands
- “尖子”
- best of its kind
- 检查团
- inspection team
- 检举箱
- box for accusation letters
- 检讨
- examine one's own mistakes/self-criticism
- 检讨书
- statement of self-criticism
- 见不得人
- cannot bear the light of day
- 见困难就上,见荣誉就让
- take difficulty for oneself and leave honors to others
- 见物不见人
- ignore the human factor and see only the material factor
- 见先进就学,见后进就帮,见困难就上,见方便就让
- learn from the advanced and help the backward, brave difficulties and leave convenience to others
- 见异思迁
- wish to change their work the moment they see something different
- 见义勇为
- do boldly what is righteous
- 见鬼去吧!
- To hell with it!
- 建立一个没有帝国主义,没有资本主义,没有剥削制度的新世界
- establish a new world without imperialism, without capitalism and without the exploitation of man by man
- 鉴别能力
- ability to differentiate/discernment
- 江河日下
- degenerate day by day/go from bad to worse
- 江山易改,本性难移
- Rivers and mountains may be changed but it is hard to alter a man's nature.
- 将革命进行到底
- carry the revolution through to the end
- 将功补过
- make amends for one's previous faults (mistakes) by giving good service
- 将功赎罪
- atone for a crime by meritorious service/expiate faults by good services
- 讲的是一套,做的是另一套
- say one thing and do another
- 讲究斗争艺术
- study and perfect the art of struggle
- 交代历史问题
- clear up the problems of a political nature in a person's history
- 交“底”
- be well informed
- 交心
- confide what one has in mind/heart-to-heart talk
- (革命)交响音乐《沙家浜》
- revolutionary symphonic music Shachiapang
- 矫枉必须过正,不过正不能矫枉
- Proper limits have to be exceeded in order to right a wrong, or else the wrong can not be righted.
- 矫枉过正
- exceed the limits in righting a wrong
- 焦头烂额
- be bruised and battered/black and blue
- 脚踩两只船
- a fence-sitter/straddle two boats/sit on the fence
- 侥幸心理
- idea of leaving things to chance
- 教改小组
- revolution-in-education team
- 教学、设计、施工三结合的统一体
- a three-fold function - teaching, designing and building
- 教育必须为无产阶级政治服务,必须同生产劳动相结合
- Education must serve proletarian politics and be combined with productive labor.
- 教育面要宽
- More people should be helped through education.
- 教育要革命
- Education should be revolutionized.