- 阶级报复
- class reprisal (retaliation)/class vengeance
- 阶级本性
- class nature
- 阶级仇,民族恨
- class hatred and national feeling against
- 阶级分析(详见J(3))
- class analysis
- 阶级斗争观念
- sense (concept) of class struggle
- “阶级斗争熄火论”
- the theory of "the dying out of class struggle"
- 阶级斗争新动向
- the new trends of class struggle
- 阶级斗争,一抓就灵
- Grasp class struggle and all problems can be solved.
- 阶级感情
- class feeling
- 阶级苦
- sufferings of the oppressed and exploited classes
- 阶级路线
- class line
- 阶级异已分子
- alien class element
- 阶级友爱
- class solidarity
- 阶级斗争学说
- the theory of class struggle
- 阶级斗争,生产斗争,科学实验三大革命运动
- the three great revolutionary movements of class struggle, the struggle for production and scientific experiment
- 阶级觉悟
- class-conscious
- 街道食堂
- neighborhood dining-room
- 揭盖子
- take the lid off
- 揭开阶级斗争盖子
- lift the lid off the class struggle
- 揭开内幕
- reveal the inside story of/get to the bottom
- 揭露
- disclose/expose/unmask/bring to light
- 揭露无遗
- be told the plain truth about
- 接班人
- successors to the revolutionary cause
- 接近工农兵
- get close to the workers, peasants and soldiers
- 结案
- wind up the case
- 结党营私
- set up cliques for one's own selfish interests
- 结合
- combine...with/integrate...with
- 竭尽造谣诬蔑之能事
- do the utmost to spread lies and slander...
- 竭力反对
- oppose strongly
- 竭力鼓吹
- drum with all one's might for
- 竭力毁谤
- do one's utmost to slander
- 竭力宣传
- assiduously spread an idea of
- 捷报频传
- Triumphant news keeps pouring in.
- 节节胜利
- win (gain) victory after victory/push forward from victory to victory
- 解除思想顾虑
- free one's mind of all misgivings
- 解放思想
- emancipate the mind
- 解铃仍须系铃人
- To untie the bell, the person who tied it is required.
- 解剖麻雀
- "dissect one or several sparrows"
- 介绍信
- letter of introduction
- 戒骄戒躁
- be on guard against conceit and haste
- 借刀杀人
- borrow a knife to kill others/kill... by another's hand
- 借古讽今
- use ancient things to satirize the present
- 借尸还魂
- use corpses to resurrect the evil souls/resurrect in a new guise
- 借题发挥
- play on the theme of/seize on some pretext or other
- 洁身自好
- preserve one's purity
- 今昔对比
- contrast past suffering with present happiness
- 津津乐道
- indulge in elaborating on/delight in talking about
- 紧握手中枪
- hold fast to one's gun/hold one's gun tightly
- 锦标主义
- be prize-mad/notion of everything for the medal
- 进行到底
- carry... through to the end
- 进行群众路线的教育
- carry out ideological education on the mass line
- “近朱者赤,近墨者黑”
- Near vermillion, one gets stained pink; near ink, one gets stained black./One takes the color of one's company.
- 惊心动魄
- soul-stirring/breath-taking
- 经不起考验
- fail to pass the test
- 经典著作
- classical works
- 经风雨,见世面
- face the world and brave the storm
- 经得起风浪的考验
- able to stand all tests of storm and stress
- 经不起糖衣炮弹的攻击
- cannot withstand sugar-coated bullets
- 经济渗透
- economic penetration
- 经久不息的掌声
- prolonged applause
- 经历了一次又一次的大风浪,绕过了一个一个的又暗礁,战胜了一个又一个凶恶的敌人
- have gone through one great storm after another, bypassed one submerged rock after another and conquered one ferocious enemy after another
- 兢兢业业,克已奉公,忠心耿耿,保持晚节
- be conscientious and earnest, work selflessly for the public interest, keep loyal and uphold revolutionary integrity as one grows older
- 兢兢业业,踏踏实实
- work in a careful and thoroughgoing manner
- 精兵简政
- better troops and simpler administration
- 精简机构
- simplify the administrative structure
- 精神变物质
- The spirit is transformed into a material force.
- 精神财富
- spiritual wealth
- 精神贵族
- intellectual aristocrat
- 精神枷锁
- spiritual shackles/mental fetter
- 精神空虚
- be barren and exhausted spiritually
- 精神面貌
- mental outlook
- 精神生活
- cultural life
- 精神粮食
- mental food
- 精神原子弹
- spiritual (moral) atom bomb
- 精神振奋,斗志昂扬,意气风发
- proud in spirit, strong in morale, firm in determination
- 精神上解除武装
- disarmed oneself morally
- 精心策划
- careful arrangements
- 精心炮制
- be carefully dished up
- 警卫团
- guards regiment
- 井水不犯河水
- The well water does not interfere with the river water.
- 敬酒不吃吃罚酒
- rather do things under compulsion than of one's own accord
- 静止地孤立地
- statically and in isolation
- 纠正偏差
- correct deviations
- 揪出来
- be ferreted out
- 揪住辫子不放
- take hold of one's mistakes and shortcomings
- 揪住不放
- tie up in knots/be held in a tight grip
- 久经考验
- long-tested/steeled
- 旧的社会习惯势力
- old social force of habit
- 旧社会把人逼成鬼,新社会把鬼变成人
- The old life forced men to turn into ghosts, but the new life changes ghosts back into men.
- 旧思想、旧文化、旧风俗、旧习惯(即“四旧”)
- old ideas, old culture, old customs and old habits
- 从旧学校培养的学生
- the students trained in the old schools and colleges
- 旧知识分子
- intellectuals of the old type
- 咎由自取
- One will only have oneself to blame.
- 救命稻草
- a life-saving straw
- 救死扶伤,实行革命的人道主义
- Heal the wounded, rescue the dying, practice revolutionary humanitarianism.
- 就地监督改造
- on-the-spot control and remold
- 就地闹革命
- carry out revolution in one's own locality
- 就地枪决
- summary execution
- 鞠躬尽瘁
- devote oneself entirely to/bend one's body and exhaust his energy
- 居安思危
- think of danger in time of peace
- 居心何在
- What is your motive?
- 居心叵测
- insidious/with ulterior motive
- 局部服从全体
- The part is subordinate to the whole.
- 局部利益服从整体利益,眼前利益服从长远利益
- submit local interests to over-all interests and immediate interests to long-term interests
- 举国上下,一片欢腾
- The whole nation has been in jubilation.
- 拒不交代
- refuse to give an accounting
- 卷土重来
- stage a comeback
- 决定战争胜负的根本因素是人不是物
- People and not things are fundamental factor determining the outcome of war.
- 绝不会有好下场
- be bound to end up badly
- 绝不甘心
- never reconcile oneself to
- 绝妙的反面教材
- excellent material for learning by negative example
- 军代表
- army representative
- 军民一致,军政一致,官兵一致,全军一致
- with army and people united, army and government united, officers and soldiers united, and the whole army united
- 军事管制委员会
- the military control commission
- 军民关系
- the relations between the army and the people