- 开倒车
- turn the clock back
- 开动宣传机器
- set the propaganda machine in motion
- 开卷考试
- allow the use of textbooks, notes and reference material during examinations
- 开门红
- make a good start
- 开脱
- whitewash oneself
- 开小差
- desert one's post/decamp
- 开眼界
- widen one's field of vision
- 开除党籍
- expel somebody from the Party/expulsion from the Party
- 开拓无限广阔的道路
- open up boundless vistas
- 开展增产节约的劳动竞赛
- develop labor emulation in increasing production and practicing economy
- 开展批评与自我批评
- unfold criticism and self-criticism
- 揩干净身上的血迹
- wipe off the blood from one's wounds
- 凯歌阵阵,喜讯频传
- Songs of triumph are heard all round and good news keeps pouring in.
- 凯旋归来
- triumphant return
- 看菜吃饭,量体裁衣
- regulate the appetite according to the dishes and fit the dress to the figure
- 看风使舵
- steer according to the wind
- 看门狗
- watch-dog
- 看清本质
- grasp the essence
- 看透
- see right into
- 康庄大道
- the board path of
- 考虑个人得失
- concern with one's own gains and losses
- 靠边站
- stand aside/step aside
- 靠山
- patron/mainstay
- 靠山吃山,靠水吃水
- Those living on a mountain get their living from the mountain, those living near the water get their living from the water.
- 科班出身
- people who have undergone professional training/those who took the formal education
- 科学论断
- scientific thesis
- 可歌可泣
- inspiring
- 可怜虫
- pathetic creatures
- 可笑不自量
- cut a ridiculous figure because of lack of self-knowledge
- 可以教育好的子女(编者说明:“可以教育好的子女”实际上指的是出身不好或被打倒的走资派的子女。)
- the sons and daughters that can be educated
- 克己奉公
- wholehearted devotion to public duty
- 克已复礼
- comply with the rites by setting restraints on oneself
- 刻骨仇恨
- bitter hatred
- 刻骨铭心
- imprint on the bones and inscribe on the memory
- 刻骨的阶级仇恨
- irreconcilable (bitter) class hatred
- “肯定一切”的观点
- viewpoint that "everything is positive"
- 啃硬骨头
- a hard nut to crack
- 孔孟之道
- the ways of Confucius and Mencius
- 空口说白话
- speak without acting
- 控诉会
- accusation meeting
- 口蜜腹剑
- honey in mouth, dagger in heart
- 口是心非
- say yes and mean no
- 口头革命派
- revolutionaries on their lips
- 口诛笔伐
- condemn both by word of mouth and in writing
- 扣大帽子
- put labels on/be branded as
- 苦大仇深
- suffered bitterly in the old society and have a deep class hatred
- 苦干,实干,加巧干
- working hard, conscientiously and skillfully
- “苦海无边,回头是岸”
- "Boundless is the sea of sorrow, yet a man who will turn back can reach the shore."
- 苦练过硬的杀敌本领
- make hard efforts to master the skills of wiping out the enemy
- 苦难深重
- untold suffering
- 苦水中长大
- grow up in dire poverty/grow up amidst sufferings
- “垮掉的一代”
- "beat generation"
- 垮台
- collapse/completely vanish
- 快马加鞭
- spur the flying horse to full speed/with whip and spur
- 宽大处理
- be accorded lenient treatment/be treated with leniency
- 窥测方向,以求一逞
- see how the wind blows in order to achieve one's evil ends
- 窥测时机
- bide one's time
- 捆绑手脚
- fetter
- 扩大化
- broaden the scope of
- 扩大会议
- enlarged session (meeting, conference)
- 扩大教育面,缩小打击面
- Help more people by educating them and narrow the target of attack.