- 拉出去,打进来
- pull somebody out or put someone in/pull out our cadres or sneak into our ranks
- 拉大旗作为虎皮,包着自己,去吓呼(唬)别人
- Use the great banner as a tiger-skin to cover themselves and intimidate other people.
- 拉关系
- establish contacts with
- 拉拉扯扯
- resort to boasting, flattery and touting
- 拉下水
- drag... into the mire
- 拉线搭桥
- pull strings and make contacts
- 拉一帮,打一帮
- support one section of people in attacking another
- 拉一拉
- win one over
- 垃圾堆
- garbage heap
- 来不得半点的虚伪和骄傲
- No dishonesty or conceit whatsoever is permissible.
- 来去自由
- freedom of movement
- 来头不小
- with powerful backing
- 来而不往,非礼也
- It is impolite not to give after receiving.
- 来历不明
- unknown source or origin
- 来龙去脉
- sequence of events
- 来者不善,善者不来
- With good intent he would not come./Whoever is coming surely has bad intentions.
- 癞皮狗
- mangy (scabby) dog
- 赖是赖不掉的
- No attempts at evasion on his part will succeed.
- 拦路虎
- obstacle
- “懒婆娘的裹脚,又长又臭”
- "foot-bindings of a slattern, long as well as smelly"
- 烂掉(编者说明:“烂掉”指的是领导权已被坏人或走资派所掌握。)
- become rotten
- 烂摊子
- a rotten (trashy) legacy
- 狼狈不堪
- in a dilemma/in an embarrassing (helpless) situation
- 狼狈为奸
- collude in doing evil/in collusion with
- 狼子野心
- wolfish ambition
- 捞取政治资本
- gain political capital
- 捞一把
- reap some profit
- 捞资本
- make capital for oneself
- 捞油水
- fish for personal gains
- 劳动改造
- reform through labor
- 劳动人民要知识化,知识分子要劳动化
- Working people should master intellectual work and intellectuals should integrate themselves with the working people.
- 劳改队
- group for "reform through labor"
- 劳苦功高
- with toilsome labor and distinctive merits
- 劳民伤财
- harass the people and waste money
- “劳心者治人,劳力者治于人”
- "Those who work with their minds govern, while those who toil with their hands are governed."
- 牢记血泪仇
- Remember your life of blood and tears.
- “老大难”单位
- unit long considered a tough nut to crack/unit known for its difficult problems long regarded as insoluble
- “老大难”问题
- problems which have been described as long-standing, big and difficult
- 老调重弹
- the same old song/strike up the old tune about
- 老好人
- good old chaps
- 老虎屁股摸不得
- like a tiger whose backside no one dares to touch
- 老干部
- veteran cadres
- 老革命
- veteran revolutionary
- 老奸巨猾
- an old hand at trickery and deception
- 老九(见“臭老九”)
- intellectuals
- 老路
- the beaten track
- 老弱病残者
- those who are old, weak, ill or disabled
- 老牌机会主义者
- old-time (seasoned) opportunist
- 老前辈
- predecessor/veteran
- 老生常谈
- platitudes
- 老师傅
- master worker/skilled worker
- 老实交代
- make an honest confession
- (做)老实人,说老实话,办老实事
- be an honest person, speak and act honestly
- 老手
- old stager (hand)
- 老鼠过街,人人喊打
- rats running across the street and being chased by all
- 老爷太太少爷小姐
- lords and ladies and their pampered sons and daughters
- 老一辈
- people of the older generation
- 老一代
- the old generation
- 老一套
- old ways/the same old story/the beaten track
- 老造反
- veteran rebels
- “老子党”
- "father party"/"patriarchal party"
- “老子天下第一”
- "the number one authority in the world"
- 老资格
- people of experience/seniority
- 老祖宗
- ancestor/forefather/doyen
- (打上阶级的)烙印
- be stamped with the brand of a class
- 乐于为人民服务,勇于为革命牺牲
- We are ready to endure hardship for the people and die for the revolution.
- 雷厉风行
- rigorously and effectively/all-out and sweeping
- 雷霆万钧之力
- the force of a thunderbolt
- 屡教不改
- refuse to correct errors after repeated education/refuse to mend one's ways after repeated education
- 冷冷清清
- coolly and quietly
- 冷战
- cold war
- “离经叛道”论
- the theory of "discarding the classics and rebelling against the orthodoxy"
- 里程碑
- milestone
- 里通外国
- have (maintain) illicit (traitorous) relations with a foreign country
- 里应外合
- strike together from without and within
- 理工科大学
- colleges (universities) of science and engineering
- 理论一旦掌握群众
- once theory grips the masses
- 理论阵地
- theoretical basis/bastion of theory
- 理直气壮
- be in the right and self-confident
- 礼尚往来
- Courtesy requires a return of visits received./give and take