- 利令智昏
- be blinded by lust for gain
- “利润挂帅”
- "Profit comes first."
- “利润挂帅,钞票挂帅”
- "put profit and money in command"
- 利用职权
- take advantage of one's position and power
- 利欲熏心
- reckless with greed
- 利用、限制、改造、消灭的政策
- the policy of utilizing, restricting, transforming and eliminating...
- 利诱
- lure one with position or money bribery
- 例会
- regular meeting
- 例行公事
- routine/regular procedure
- 立场不稳
- lack a firm political stand
- 立场坚定,旗帜鲜明
- have a firm and clear-cut political stand
- 立场问题
- the problem of class stand
- 立竿见影
- get quick results
- 立功赎罪
- perform meritorious services to atone for one's crimes
- 立脚点
- the foundation stone
- 立足于
- base oneself on/keep a foothold
- 力不从心
- strength not equal to the will
- 历史车轮
- the wheel of history
- 历史的本来面目
- the history as it actually occurred
- 历史的创造者
- the makers of history
- 历史的垃圾堆
- garbage heap of history
- 历史的审判
- The history will eventually bring them before the bar of justice.
- 历史的罪人
- the traitor of history
- 历史反革命分子
- person with a history of counter-revolutionary activities/old-line counter-revolutionary
- 历史赋予
- history has entrusted... with...
- 历史根源
- the historical roots
- 历史上犯过错误
- comrades who formerly committed errors
- 历史上遗留下来的边界问题
- border questions which were left over by history
- 历史条件
- historical conditions (settings)
- (一般)历史问题
- ordinary problems of a political nature in a person's history
- 历史使命
- historic mission
- 历史属于人民
- History is on the side of the people.
- 厉行节约,反对浪费
- practicing strict economy and combating waste
- 连累
- become involved in
- 连续三年
- three years in a row/three successive years of
- 联系思想,联系实际
- relate... with one's own thinking and practice
- 脸不变色,心不跳
- without turning pale nor heart palpitating with fear
- 脸上无光
- loss of face
- “两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书”
- ""Do not pay attention to what is happening outside in the world, but concentrate on your studies.""
- 良药苦口
- The remedy was tough, but it might be salutary.
- 粮食定量
- grain ration
- 两参、一改、三结合
- the system of cadre participation in productive labor and worker participation in management, of reform of irrational and outdated rules and regulations and of close co-operation among cadres, workers and technicians
- 两极分化
- the bipolar differentiation
- 两面派
- double-dealer
- 两面派的伎俩
- double-dealing tricks
- 两面三刀
- double dealing
- 两面手法
- double-dealing
- 两面讨好
- try to keep the favor of both sides in a dispute
- 两条腿走路
- walk on two legs
- 两头小,中间大
- small at both ends and big in the middle/a few at each extreme and many in between
- 列席代表
- delegate without power to vote
- 临时抱佛脚
- embrace Buddha's legs when in urgent need
- 淋漓尽致
- most incisive
- 凌驾于其他党之上
- lord it over other parties
- 灵丹妙药
- panacea
- 灵魂深处闹革命
- make revolution in the depths of our souls/make revolution in the very core of our being
- 领导班子
- leading group
- 领导核心
- the core of leadership
- 领导和群众相结合
- linking of the leadership with the masses
- 领会
- have a true grasp of/acquire an understanding of
- 领教过
- have had experience of/have had occasion to sample...
- 流毒
- poisonous influence
- 流言蜚语
- stories and gossip/rumors and gossip
- 留党察看
- place on probation within the Party
- “留得青山在,不怕没柴烧”
- "As long as the green mountains are there one need not worry about firewood."
- 留有余地
- have an appropriate margin for unforeseen circumstances/leave some leeway/make allowance for
- “龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠生儿打地洞”
- "A dragon begets a dragon, a phoenix begets a phoenix, and those begotten by rats are good at digging holes."
- 漏划地主
- landlords escaped being classified as such
- 漏网
- escape from the net/escaped undetected
- 庐山会议
- Lushan meeting
- 庐山真面目
- the real face of Mt. Lushan/one's true character (identity)
- 路线错误
- a wrong line
- 路线斗争
- line struggle
- 路线教育
- line education
- “路遥知马力,日(事)久见人心”
- "A long journey tests a horse's strength, a long acquaintance shows a man's heart."
- 露马脚
- reveal (show) one's cloven hoof (foot)/leave holes
- 露骨
- bare-faced/undisguised
- 露骨宣扬
- naked publicity
- 屡教不改
- refuse to correct one's errors despite repeated education
- (大开)绿灯
- leave the door wide open to/give the green light to
- 乱戴帽子
- stick labels at random
- 乱了敌人,锻炼了广大群众
- It was only the enemy who was thrown into disorder while the broad masses were steeled.
- 乱了阵脚
- be thrown into confusion
- 乱抓乱斗
- unauthorized arrests and struggles
- 论调
- argument/view
- 论战
- open polemics/debate
- “落花有意,流水无情”
- While the drooping flowers pine for love, the heartless brook babbles on.
- 落得一个可悲的结局
- head for a miserable end
- 落后分子
- backward elements
- 落井下石
- drop stones on the man who has fallen into a well
- 落实
- carry out to the letter/fulfill
- 落实政策
- fulfill the policy to...
- (条条)落实,全面落实
- all-round implementation of each and every one of them
- 落水狗
- mad dog in the water
- 落汤鸡
- as bedraggled as a drenched chicken
- 落脚点
- underlying objective
- (有)落空的危险
- There is the danger that nothing may come of it.
- 落在无产阶级的肩上
- has been placed upon the shoulders of the proletariat