- 马大哈
- carelessness/blind heedlessness
- 唯……马首是瞻
- dance to someone's tune/follow on the heels of
- 蚂蚁啃骨头
- ants gnawing at a bone
- 埋头苦干,奋发图强
- work hard and courageously
- 埋头业务
- immersed in vocational work
- 卖国求荣
- seek after glory by selling out one's own country
- 卖国主义
- national betrayal
- 卖身投靠
- hire oneself out to
- “瞒天过海”
- "cross the sea under camouflage"
- 满城风雨
- like a storm over the whole city
- 满怀战斗豪情
- full of militant spirit
- 满口革命词句
- use a profusion of revolutionary phraseology
- 满口仁义道德,满脑子男盗女娼
- Though they write and speak abundantly of justice and morality, in fact their heads are obsessed by "men as robbers" and "women as prostitutes".
- 满面红光
- glowing with health
- 谩骂
- fling abusive charges/vituperation
- 盲目的、不完全的、不清醒的
- blind, half-baked, muddle-headed
- 盲目性
- blindness/blindly and uncritically
- 矛盾尖锐化
- intensification of contradictions
- 矛盾上交
- pass on the contradictions to one's superiors
- 矛盾转化
- transformation of contradiction
- 矛头对准
- direct its spearhead against
- 冒进
- adventurous advance
- 冒牌的
- phony
- 冒天下之大不韪
- defy the universal will of the people/risk universal condemnation
- 冒险主义
- adventurism
- 貌似公正
- presence of fair play/seemingly impartial
- 貌似极“左”而实质极右
- sound extremely "Left" but in essence be extremely Right
- 貌似强大
- appear so powerful/look quite strong
- 貌似有理
- seemingly plausible
- 没有调查,没有发言权
- No investigation, no right to speak.
- 没有改造好的地、富、反、坏、右分子
- unreformed landlords, rich peasants, counter-revolutionaries, bad elements and rightists
- 没有革命的理论,就不会有革命的运动
- Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement.
- “没有功劳也有苦劳,没有苦劳还有疲劳”
- "If the contributions are not to be counted, still I can say I have done hard work. Even if hard work is not to be mentioned, still you cannot deny that I did not spare my strength and worked myself to the point of exhaustion."
- 没有赫鲁晓夫的赫鲁晓夫修正主义
- Khrushchev revisionism without Khrushchev
- 没有什么了不起
- not so great/nothing wonderful
- 美其名曰
- euphemistically describe ... as...
- (受)蒙蔽
- hoodwinked by/befuddled
- 蒙混过关
- slip by/slip through/sneak away in the confusion
- 蒙在鼓里
- "living in a drum"
- 靡靡之音
- demoralizing music/beguiling music
- 密切联系群众
- maintain close ties with the masses
- 面和心不和
- friends on the surface
- 面向农村
- geared to the needs of the countryside
- 面向群众
- identify oneself with the masses/face the masses
- 面子
- face-saving
- 灭敌人威风,长自己志气
- destroy the arrogance of the enemy and enhance the spirit of the great masses of the people
- 灭顶之灾
- buried beneath the waves
- 灭资兴无
- eradicate what is bourgeois and foster what is proletarian
- “民不畏死,奈何以死惧之?”
- "The people fear not death, why threaten them with it?"
- 民愤大
- incur the great wrath of the masses/strong indignation among the people
- “民以食为天”
- "Food is the first necessity of the people."
- 民族败类
- national outcast
- 名不见“经传”
- those whose names are not on "celebrity" lists
- 名利双收
- gain both fame and wealth
- 名利思想
- ideas of seeking personal fame and material gains
- “名”、“洋”、“古”
- "famous plays", "foreign plays" and "ancient plays"
- 明火执杖
- conduct activities openly
- 明目张胆
- openly/in a bare-faced way/in a flagrant way
- 明枪易躲,暗箭难防
- It is easy to dodge an open spear thrust, but difficult to guard against an arrow in the dark.
- 明修栈道,暗渡陈仓
- do something behind the facade of
- 明哲保身,但求无过
- be worldly wise and play safe and seek only to avoid blame
- 明知故犯
- violate it knowingly/commit deliberately
- 明知山有虎,偏向虎山行
- He knows there are tigers in the mountains but insists on taking that road./Well aware that there are dangers ahead, he goes on undeterred.
- 明知征途有艰险,越是艰险越向前
- Well we know that there's danger ahead, we are all the more set on driving forward.
- 鸣不平
- to air grievances for
- 鸣锣开道
- sound the gongs to clear a way for
- 鸣冤叫屈
- make bitter complaints
- 命根子
- lifeline/one's very life
- 命运寄托在……
- stake one's fate on
- 命中注定
- decreed by fate
- 谬种流传,误人不浅
- Error is disseminated, doing people great harm.
- 摸底
- feel out
- 摸老虎屁股
- touch the backside of a tiger
- 磨洋工
- slacking
- 抹黑
- defame and discredit
- 抹煞
- negate/ignore/deny/repudiate/efface/write off/blot out/obliterate
- 莫须有的
- fabulous/fabricated/concocted
- 墨守成规
- stick to established practice/stick to accustomed rules
- 幕后操纵
- behind-the-scenes manipulations
- 幕后人物
- the man who directs behind the scenes
- 幕后指使人
- those maneuvering behind the scenes
- 木已成舟
- What's done is done.
- 目无法纪
- flout law and discipline