- 拿原则做交易
- barter away principles / bargain over principles / trade in principles / haggle about principles
- 哪里有压迫,哪里有反抗
- Where there is oppression, there is resistance.
- 哪有猫儿不吃油
- Was there ever a cat that did not love fish?
- 难免有一天要垮台
- be pretty sure to fall one day
- 纳入轨道
- be placed in line
- 耐人寻味
- afford much food for thought
- 难兄难弟
- two just alike
- 男盗女娼
- behave like thieves and prostitutes/men as robbers and women as prostitutes
- 南辕北辙
- go south by driving the chariot north
- 脑袋掉了,还不知道怎么掉的
- lose one's head without knowing how it happened
- 闹分裂
- keep on splitting away from
- 闹矛盾
- at loggerheads
- 闹了几十年还没有闹清楚
- After several decades of wrangling it has still not been cleared up.
- 闹不出什么名堂
- have not been able to get anywhere
- 闹地位
- be after position
- 闹名誉
- be after fame
- 内查外调
- make investigations both inside and outside/investigate internaly and externally
- 内奸
- hidden traitor
- 内外交困
- beset with difficulties both at home and abroad
- 能“官”能民
- both serve as "official" and remain one of the common people
- 能伸能屈
- able to stoop or stand erect
- 能上能下
- able to work both at the top and down below
- 泥菩萨过江,自身难保
- like the clay idol that can hardly survive while crossing the river
- 你不斗他,他就斗你
- If you do not attack them, they will attack you.
- 你打你的,我打我的
- You fight in your way and we fight in ours.
- 你死我活的斗争
- life-and-death struggle
- 你有你的一套打法,我有我的一套打法
- You have your way of fighting and we have ours.
- 年年讲,月月讲,天天讲
- be repeated of this every year, every month and every day
- 念念不忘
- bear in mind constantly
- 捏造
- fabricate/concoct
- 宁为革命前进一步死,不为个人后退半步生
- rather die for the revolution than quit to save my neck
- 宁“左”勿“右”
- prefer being "Left" to being "Right"
- 牛鬼蛇神
- monsters and ghosts
- (放手让)牛鬼蛇神出笼
- turn monsters of all kinds loose
- 扭转历史车轮
- reverse the wheel of history
- 《农村社会主义教育运动中目前提出的一些问题》(即《二十三条》)
- Some Current Problems Raised in the Socialist Education Movement in the Rural Areas (i.e., the 23-Point Document)
- 农村社会主义教育运动
- socialist education movement in the rural areas
- 农民意识
- peasant mentality
- 全国农业发展纲要
- National Program for Agricultural Development 1956-1967
- 农业为基础、工业为主导
- take agriculture as the foundation and industry as the dominant factor of the national economy
- 农业学大寨
- In agriculture, learn from Tachai.
- 把学习……的空气搞得浓浓的
- create an atmosphere of keenness to study...
- 弄清是非
- clarify what is right from what is wrong
- 弄清思想,团结同志
- clarity in ideology and unity among comrades
- 弄清事实
- set facts straight
- 奴才哲学
- philosophy of willing slaves
- 奴化教育
- enslaving education
- 奴隶思想
- slave mentality
- 奴颜婢膝
- bend one's knees before
- 挪用公款
- embezzle public funds