- 爬行主义
- the doctrine of trailing behind at a snail's pace
- 爬在别人头上
- tread on others' necks
- 怕得要命
- fear intensely/mortally fear
- 怕得要死,恨得要命
- scared to death and mortally hate
- 怕丢丑,怕丢名,怕挨斗,怕丧失威信
- fear of losing face or reputation, fear of public criticism, and fear of forfeiting prestige.
- 怕字当头
- put fear before everything else
- 排华
- discrimination against the Chinese
- 排山倒海之势,雷霆万钧之力,磅礴于全世界,而葆其美妙之青春
- full of youth and vitality, sweeping the world with the momentum of an avalanche and the force of a thunderbolt
- 派性
- factionalism
- 攀登前人没有攀登过的高峰
- scale heights yet unclimbed
- 盘古开天地以来
- since Pan Ku divided the heavens from the earth
- 叛变投敌
- become a traitor and surrender to the enemy
- 叛徒、内奸、工贼
- renegade, hidden traitor and scab
- 叛徒哲学
- renegade philosophy
- 盼星星,昐月亮
- We looked at the stars and looked at the moon, hoping...
- 庞然大物
- colossus/formidable giant
- 抛到茅厕里去
- dump on the muck heap
- 抛到历史垃圾箱
- (something or somebody) history will discard
- 抛头颅,洒热血
- shed blood and lay down lives
- 抛砖引玉
- cast away a brick and attract a jadestone
- 跑龙套
- utility man
- 炮制
- dish up/be cooked up
- 炮打司令部
- bombard the headquarters
- 培养干部
- cultivate cadres
- “裴多菲俱乐部”
- the Hungarian Petofi Club
- 配给制
- ration system
- 蓬勃发展
- surging vigorously forward
- 捧场
- eulogize/extol/laud/hail/acclaim/cheer/applaud
- 捧上天
- laud (praise) someone to the skies
- 碰得头破血流
- knock one's head against a brick wall/badly battered and smashed
- 碰钉子
- run into snags/meet with failure/meet disappointment/get snubbed
- 碰头会
- meeting with heads together
- 碰一鼻子灰
- being snubbed/get a rebuff
- 批陈整风
- criticize Chen Boda and rectify the style
- 批斗会
- exposure-criticism meeting
- 批林批孔
- repudiate Lin Biao and criticize Confucius
- 批判从严,处理从宽
- strict in criticism, lenient in handling the cases
- 批判地继承
- inherit in a critical way
- 批判会
- repudiation meeting
- 批深,批透,批倒,批臭
- criticize penetratingly, repudiate thoroughly, overthrow and discredit completely
- 披着……外衣
- wear the cloak of
- 披着羊皮的狼要比不披羊皮的狼阴险十倍
- Wolves in sheep's clothing are ten times more sinister than wolves undisguised.
- 披着形形色色的外衣
- don all sorts of cloaks
- 皮之不存,毛将焉附?
- When the skin has gone, what can the hair adhere to?
- 蚍蜉撼大树,可笑不自量
- like ants trying to shake a huge tree, ridiculously overrating themselves
- 蚍蜉撼树谈何易
- How can ants topple the giant tree?
- 把屁股坐到……那一边去
- go over to the side of
- 辟谣
- deny a rumor
- 偏见比无知离真理更远
- Prejudice is farther from the truth than ignorance.
- 片面地看问题
- take a one-sided approach to problems
- 骗局
- fraudulent game/fraud/trap/trickery
- 骗人的鬼话
- deceitful rubbish
- 拼刺刀
- bayonet charge
- 拼命渲染
- play up and exaggerate
- 贫、下中农出身
- of poor and lower-middle peasant origin
- 贫协(贫下中农协会)
- the poor and lower-middle peasants' association
- 平等、互利、互相尊重主权和领土完整
- equality, mutual benefit, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity
- 平地一声春雷
- A peal of spring thunder roars over the horizon.
- 平反
- reverse the decisions/rehabilitate/reverse the verdicts on
- 平均主义
- equalitarianism
- 乒乓外交
- ping-pong diplomacy
- 评工记分
- evaluation of work and allotment of points
- 评《水浒》
- appraisal of Shuihu
- (编者说明)《水浒》或《水浒传》有几种英译版本:All Men are Brothers, Outlaws of the Marsh,Water Margin,Men of the Brothers;较新的版本是:Marshes of Mount Liang。
- 评价历史人物
- appraise historical characters
- 泼冷水
- a dash of cold water
- 破除迷信,解放思想
- break down the superstitions, emancipate the mind
- 破旧立新
- destroy the old and establish the new
- 破烂货
- rubbish
- 破私立公
- fight self and foster devotion to the public interest
- 破四旧,立四新
- destroy old ideas, old culture, old customs and old habits; foster new ideas, new culture, new customs and new habits
- 破天荒
- unprecedented/for the first time
- 破字当头,立在其中
- Destruction comes first and construction comes in the course of destruction.
- 迫不及待
- hurriedly/in haste
- 迫于形势
- under the circumstance they could not do anything else/under the pressure of events
- 迫不得已
- do something against one's will
- 铺张浪费
- extravagance and waste
- 普遍真理
- universally true/the universal truth
- 普及到工农群众中去
- become widely diffused among the workers and peasants
- 普及和提高相结合
- the principle of combining popularization with elevation
- 普通劳动者
- ordinary laborers
- 普照大地
- illuminate every corner of the land