- 欺骗不明真相的人
- mislead those who are not aware of the true facts
- 欺骗世界舆论
- becloud world opinion
- 欺人太甚
- bully others too much
- 欺软怕硬
- bully the faint-hearted but fear the stout-hearted
- 七斗八斗
- struggle repeatedly
- 七分成绩,三分错误
- achievements amount to seventy percent and mistakes to thirty percent
- (打着……)旗号
- under the signboard of
- 旗手
- standard-bearer
- 旗帜鲜明
- take a clear-cut stand
- 奇谈怪论
- strange tale/absurd argument
- 奇文共欣赏,疑义相与析
- A remarkable work should be enjoyed together, and doubts analyzed in company.
- 奇装异服
- outlandish clothing
- 骑虎难下
- One who rides a tiger finds it difficult to dismount.
- 骑墙派
- people who take no side/sitters on the fence/fence-sitters
- 杞人忧天
- unnecessary worry/The man of Chi worries in case the sky should fall.
- 启发阶级觉悟
- awaken their class consciousness
- 乞灵于……
- reliance on/resort to/seek help from
- 气节
- integrity
- 气焰嚣张
- swollen with arrogance
- 气息奄奄
- gasping/fainting/expiring/dying
- 弃暗投明
- forsake the darkness and cross over to the brightness
- 弃恶从善
- shun evil and do good
- 迄今为止
- to this day
- 牵连
- drag into trouble/become involved in/have connections with
- 牵连的面很广
- involve great numbers of people
- 牵强附会
- lead by the nose
- 千百万人头落地
- cause tens of millions of people to lose their lives
- 千古罪人
- branded as a traitor through the ages
- 千钧棒
- the massive cudgel
- 千秋万代
- everlasting/remain forever
- 千丝万缕的联系
- a thousand and one links with...
- 千头万绪,日理万机
- deal with a host of miscellaneous problems everyday
- 千万不要忘记阶级斗争
- never forget the class struggle.
- 千言万语,归到一句话
- in brief/in short/in a word
- 前怕虎,后怕狼
- fear the tiger in front and the wolf behind
- 潜伏在……
- entrenched in
- 潜逃
- abscond
- 潜移默化
- be unconsciously influenced
- 枪杆子、笔杆子
- the pen as well as the gun
- 枪杆里面出政权
- Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
- 强奸民意
- defile public opinion
- 强制劳动
- forced labor
- 墙报
- wall-newspaper
- 敲门砖
- a brick to open the door
- 乔装打扮
- disguise oneself
- 切切不可等闲视之
- It is most important that this struggle should not be taken lightly.
- 切实有效的
- practical and effective
- 窃据
- entrenched in
- 亲美、恐美、崇美的思想
- the outlook of devotion to America, fear of America, and worship of America
- 亲密战友
- close comrade-in-arms
- 亲如手足的兄弟
- intimate brothers/become like brothers
- 亲信
- one's own men
- 亲一派,疏一派
- be warm to one group and cold to the other
- 亲者所痛,仇者所快
- sadden one's friends and gladden one's enemies
- 亲自出马
- come out oneself
- 亲自主持制定
- be drawn up under the direct leadership of
- 侵蚀
- corrosion/corruption/corrupting influence
- 勤工俭学
- work-study program
- 勤俭建国,勤俭办社,勤俭办企业,勤俭办一切事业
- building the country industriously and thriftily and likewise running the people's communes, enterprises and all undertakings industriously and thriftily
- 擒贼先擒王
- Capture the ringleader first in order to capture all followers.
- 轻描淡写,文过饰非
- make light of something or gloss over it
- 轻重倒置
- reverse the order of importance
- 轻重缓急
- in order of importance and urgency
- 青出于蓝而胜于蓝
- Blue is extracted from the indigo plant but is bluer than it.
- 清规戒律
- taboos and commandments
- 清理阶级队伍
- purify the class ranks
- 清政治,清思想,清组织,清经济
- clean things up in the fields of politics, ideology, organization and economy
- 清算
- examine and repudiate
- 清查
- unearth/uncover/comb out
- 清除影响
- eradicate the influence
- 清一色的
- homogeneous/of one color
- 情节特别恶劣拒不交代拒不悔改的
- a handful of people who have committed very bad, very serious offences and refuse to own up and repent
- (根据)情节轻重
- according to the seriousness of the case
- 请示
- ask for (request) instructions/ask instructions from
- 庆功会
- celebration meeting for achievements
- (罪恶滔天),罄竹难书
- His crimes are monstrous, inexpiable and too numerous to be listed in one book.
- “穷光蛋”
- the poor wretches
- 穷棒子精神
- pauper spirit
- 穷途末路
- driven into an impasse/at one's last gasp
- 穷凶极恶
- most vicious
- 穷则思变,要干,要革命
- Poverty gives rise to the desire for change, the desire for action and the desire for revolution.
- 穷追猛打“落水狗”
- vigorously pursue and fiercely beat the "dog in the water"
- 秋后算账
- squaring of accounts after the autumn harvest
- 求大同,存小异
- seek common ground on major questions while reserving differences on minor ones
- 求同存异
- seek common ground while reserving differences
- 区别对待
- deal with different things in different ways/deal with each case on its own merits
- 屈打成招
- extort confessions by torture
- 屈膝投降
- fall one's knees in surrender
- 去粗取精,去伪存真,由此及彼,由表及里
- discard the dross and select the essential, eliminate the false and retain the true, proceed from the one to the other and from the outside to the inside
- 全场欢声雷动,一片沸腾
- The hall was astir and resounded with thunderous cheers.
- 全党共诛之,全国共讨之
- be condemned and punished by the whole Party and the whole nation
- 全国一盘棋
- co-ordinate all activities of the nation as in a chess game
- 全力以赴,务歼入侵之敌
- Go all out and be sure to destroy the enemy intruders.
- 全面落实
- carry out in an all-round way
- 全民皆兵
- All the people are soldiers.
- (提倡)“群言堂”,反对“一言堂”
- favor "rule by the voice of the many" and oppose "rule by the voice of one man alone"
- (同)群众打成一片
- be one with the masses
- 群众的眼睛是雪亮的
- The masses have clear eyes.
- “群众落后论”
- the theory that "the masses are backward"
- (拜)群众为师,向群众求教,当群众的小学生
- take the masses as teachers, seek enlightenment from them and be their pupils
- 群众大会斗争
- struggle at mass meetings
- 群众斗群众
- masses struggle against each other