- 染缸
- dyeing vats
- “让步政策”
- "policy of concession"
- 让高山低头,叫河水让路
- make the mountains bow their heads and the rivers give way
- 扰乱市场
- disrupt the market
- 扰乱阵线
- create confusion within our ranks
- 绕过暗礁
- bypass hidden reefs and dangerous shoals
- 惹火烧身
- stir up fire only to burn oneself
- 人剥削人的制度
- the system of exploitation of man by man
- “人不为已,天诛地灭”
- "Heaven destroys men who won't look out for themselves."
- 人多力量大,柴多火焰高
- There is strength in numbers; more logs make a big fire.
- 人多议论多,热气高,干劲大
- More people mean a greater ferment of ideas, more enthusiasm and more energy.
- 人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛
- Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather.
- 人还在,心不死
- Persons of these classes are still living and they are not reconciled to their defeat.
- “人口论”
- Essay on Population (by T.R. Malthus in 1798)
- 人类灵魂工程师
- engineers of human souls
- 人民大众开心之日,就是反革命分子难受之时
- The day of rejoicing for the masses of the people is a day of woe for the counter-revolutionaries.
- 人民解放军永远是一个战斗队
- The People's Liberation Army is always a fighting force.
- 人民是历史的创造者
- The people are the makers of history.
- 人民子弟兵
- the people's soldiers
- 人穷志不穷
- Though we are poor, we have lofty aspirations./poor but with lofty ideals
- 人人得而诛之
- anyone will have the right to punish...
- 人是决定的因素
- Man is the decisive factor.
- 人头落地
- take a great toll of lives/lose one's life
- “人向高处走,水向低处流”
- "Man endeavors to rise, water flows downwards."
- 人的社会存在
- man's social being
- “人性的异化”
- "alienation of man"
- “人之初,性本善”
- "Man's nature is good at birth."
- 仁至义尽
- magnanimous/forbearance
- 任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼船
- Never mind the storm, just sit tight in the fishing boat.
- 任人唯亲
- appoint people by favoritism
- 任人宰割
- submit oneself to the mercies of...
- 任重而道远
- take a heavy burden and embark on a long road
- 认敌为友
- regard (treat) enemies as friends
- 认真搞好斗、批、改
- Carry out the tasks of struggle-criticism-transformation conscientiously.
- 认识和改造客观世界
- know and change the objective world
- 日薄西山
- decline like the setting sun
- 日暮途穷
- in one's decline
- 日新月异
- bring about new changes day after day
- 日子越来越不好过
- have an increasingly difficult time
- 容光焕发,神采奕奕
- glowing with health and in high spirits
- 儒家
- Confucian school
- 儒法斗争
- struggle between the Confucians and the Legalists
- 如此而已,岂有他哉!
- That is all there is to it!
- 如实地反映情况
- report the situation accurately
- 辱骂和恐吓决不是战斗
- Hurling insults and threats is certainly not fighting.
- “入党做官论”
- the theory of "joining the Party in order to climb up"
- 软刀子割肉
- the gentle method of decapitation
- 软刀子杀人
- murder with an invisible knife
- 软骨病
- rickets
- 软骨头
- a weak-kneed fellow
- 瑞雪兆丰年
- Auspicious snow promises good harvests.
- 弱肉强食
- The weak will stand an easy prey to the strong.
- 若要人不知,除非已莫为
- The only way to keep people from knowing something is not to do it.