- 三八作风(三句话是:坚定正确的政治方向,艰苦朴素的工作作风,灵活机动的战略战术;八个字是:团结,紧张,严肃,活泼。通称“三八作风。)
- The "three-eight" working style - the three mottoes and eight characters representing the fine tradition of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. The three mottoes are: Keep firmly to the correct political orientation; maintain a style of hard work and plain living; and be flexible in strategy and tactics. The eight characters mean: Be united, alert, earnest and lively.
- 三查(查阶级成分,查工作,查斗志)
- the three check-ups (on class origin, performance of duty and will to fight)
- 三大差别
- the difference between town and country, between worker and peasant and between mental and manual labor.
- 三大革命运动
- Class struggle, the struggle for production and scientific experiment are the three great movements.
- 三大纪律,八项注意
- the three main rules of discipline and the eight points for attention
- 三反运动
- the movement against three evils (corruption, waste and bureaucracy)
- “三分天灾,七分人祸”
- "three parts of natural calamities and seven parts of man-made disasters"
- 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮
- Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Chukeh Liang the master mind.
- “三和一少”(即所谓“对帝修反要和(三和),对世界革命援助要少(一少)”)
- "the liquidation of struggle in its relations with imperialism, the reactionaries and modern revisionism, and reduction of assistance and support to the revolutionary struggle of other peoples"
- 三级所有,队为基础
- the three-level system of ownership of the means of production in the peple's commune, with ownership by the production team as the basic form
- “三家村”(即“邓拓、廖沫沙、吴晗”,名字是文革时期的译法。)
- "three family village", a "gangster inn" run jointly by Teng To, Liao Mo-sha and Wu Han
- “三驾马车”(即赫鲁晓夫集团、铁托集团、意大利共产党总书记陶里亚蒂为首的修正主义领导。)
- the revisionist "troika" - the Khrushchev group, the Tito clique and the revisionist leadership of the Italian Communist Party headed by Togliatti
- 三结合
- three-way combination consisting of representatives of the revolutionary mass organizations, revolutionary leading cadres and the People's Liberation Army/"three-in-one" combination
- “三结合”的临时权力机构
- the provisional "three-in-one" organ of power
- 三面红旗
- the Three Red Banners of the General Line for Socialist Construction, the Great Leap Forward and the People's Commune
- 三整(整顿组织,整顿思想,整顿作风)
- three improvements (organizational consolidation, ideological education and rectification of style of work)
- 三年严重自然灾害
- grave natural calamities for three consecutive years
- 三十六计
- the thirty-six stratagems
- 瞒天过海
- cross the sea under camouflage
- 围魏救赵
- relieving the state of Chao by besieging the state of Wei
- 借刀杀人
- killing someone by another's hand
- 以逸待劳
- waiting at one's ease for the exhausted enemy
- 趁火打劫
- plundering a burning house
- 声东击西
- making a feint to the east and attacking in the west
- 无中生有
- creating something out of nothing
- 暗渡陈仓
- advancing secretly by an unknown path
- 隔岸观火
- watching the fire from the other side of the river
- 笑里藏刀
- covering the dagger with a smile
- 李代桃僵
- palming off a substitute for the real thing
- 顺手牵羊
- picking up something in passing
- 打草惊蛇
- beating the grass to frighten away the snake
- 借尸还魂
- using a corpse to resurrect a dead soul
- 调虎离山
- luring the tiger out of his den
- 欲擒故纵
- letting the enemy off in order to catch him
- 抛砖引玉
- giving the enemy something to induce him to give up more valuable things
- 擒贼擒王
- capturing the ringleader first in order to capture all his followers
- 釜底抽薪
- extracting the firewood from under the cauldron
- 浑水摸鱼
- fishing in troubled waters
- 金蝉脱壳
- slipping away by casting off a cloak
- 关门捉贼
- catching the thief by closing his escape route
- 远交近攻
- befriending the distant enemy while attacking the enemy nearer home
- 假途伐虢
- attacking the enemy by passing through a common neighbor
- 偷梁换柱
- stealing the beams and pillars and replacing them with rotten timbers
- 指桑骂槐
- reviling the locust tree while pointing to the mulberry
- 假痴不癫
- feigning madness without becoming insane
- 上屋抽梯
- removing the ladder after the enemy has climbed up
- 树生开花
- putting artificial flowers on trees
- 反客为主
- turning from a guest into a host
- 增兵减灶
- bringing in reinforcements while reducing cooking-stoves
- 十面埋伏
- ambushing on all sides
- 虚张声势
- making a false show of strength
- 诱敌深入
- luring the enemy in deep
- 美人计
- using seductive women to corrupt...
- 空城计
- presenting a bold front to conceal unpreparedness
- 反间计
- sowing discord among the enemy
- 苦肉计
- deceiving the enemy by torturing one's own man
- 连环计
- coordinating one stratagem with another
- 拖刀计
- feigning defeat in order to kill the enemy
- 疑兵计
- deceiving the enemy by sham deployment
- 三十六计,走为上计
- Of the thirty-six stratagems, running away is the best.
- “三十年代文艺”
- the literature and art of the 1930s
- 三思而后行
- Look before you leap./think twice
- 三天打鱼、两天晒网
- spend three days fishing and two days drying nets
- 三同(同吃、同住、同劳动)
- eat, live and work together with the masses
- 三支两军
- "three supports and two militaries" (support industry, support agriculture, support the broad masses of the Left, military control and military training)
- “三自一包”(自留地,自由市场,自负盈亏,包产到户)
- san zi yi bao: the extension of plot for private use, the extension of free markets, the increase of small enterprises with sole responsibility for their own profits or losses, and the fixing of output quotas based on the individual households
- 三座大山
- the three great mountains which weighed on the backs of the Chinese people - imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism
- 丧家之犬
- stray dogs/homeless dog
- 丧权辱国
- humiliate the nation and forfeit its sovereignty
- 丧失革命志气
- sap one's revolutionary will
- 丧失警惕
- put one off one's guard
- 丧失立场
- lose one's class stand
- 丧失原则
- depart from principle/lose principle
- 丧心病狂
- become frenzied
- 丧钟敲响了
- ring the knell for
- 扫除一切害人虫
- Sweep away all pests.
- 扫地出门
- be swept out like rubbish
- 杀出一个无产阶级的新世界
- hew out a proletarian new world
- 煞费苦心
- cudgel one's brains/rack one's brains
- 煞有介事
- pull a sanctimonious face/in all apparent seriousness/pretend to be serious
- 刹住歪风
- check bad tendencies
- 山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村
- “Just as the weary traveler despairs of finding a road, a village appears and the shade of willows and riotous flowers beckon.”
- 山头主义
- mountain-stronghold mentality
- 山雨欲来风满楼
- The turbulent wind precedes the mountain storm./Strong winds foretell the coming storm.
- 扇风点火,推波助澜
- make (stir up) trouble/fan up the fire (flames)
- 扇阴风,点鬼火
- fan up evil winds and fires
- 善有善报,恶有恶报;不是不报,时候未到;时候一到,一切都报
- "Good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil; if the reward is not forthcoming, it is because the time has not arrived; and when the time arrives, one will get all the reward he deserves."
- 善于斗争,善于革命
- be good at waging struggles and making revolution
- 擅离职守
- absence without leave
- 擅用私刑
- take the law into one's hands
- 擅自修改
- make unauthorized change/modify without authorization
- 商品粮
- commodity grain
- 商业网
- trade network
- 伤风败俗
- pervert the manners and customs/corrupt the morals