- 上串下跳
- run clandestine errands up and down the line
- 上大当,吃大亏
- be badly fooled and suffer severely
- 上刀山,入火海
- climb a mountain of swords or plunge into a sea of flames
- 《上海公报》(《中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国联合公报》)
- Shanghai Communiqué (Joint Communiqué of the People's Republic of China and the United States of America 1972)
- 上纲上线
- raise it to the level of principle and political line
- “上穷碧落下黄泉,两处茫茫皆不见”
- (编者译)"Searching up to the heavens and down to the netherworld, where can I find her?"
- 上山下乡
- go to the mountainous areas and the countryside
- 上台
- climb to power/take power/rise (come) power/ascend to power
- 上无片瓦,下无寸地
- have neither a tile over one's heads nor s speck of land under one's feet
- 少而精
- fewer and better/less but better/condensed and concentrated
- 少、慢、差、费
- get few, slow, poor and expensive results
- 少数服从多数,下级服从上级,局部服人全体,全党服从中央
- The minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower level to the higher level, the part to the whole and the entire membership to the Central Committee.
- 少走弯路
- avoid detours
- 舍车马、保将帅
- sacrifice the knights in order to save the queen
- “舍得一身剐,敢把皇帝拉下马”
- "Whoever is not afraid of death by a thousand cuts dares to unhorse the emperor."
- 社会发展规律
- law of social development
- (人们的)社会存在决定人们的意识
- The social being of men determines their consciousness.
- 社会风气
- social convention/prevail in society
- 社会关系
- social connections
- 社会渣滓
- dregs of society
- “社会主义大家庭论”
- the theory of "socialist community"
- 社会主义教育运动
- the socialist education movement
- 社来社去
- recruit students from the people's communes on the understanding that upon graduation they will go back to work where they come from
- 社员大会
- general meeting of people's commune members
- 身败名裂
- lose all standing and reputation
- 身教胜于言教
- Example (practice) is better than precept.
- 身经百战
- experienced many battles/battle-tested
- 深仇大恨
- with immense hatred/bitter and deep-seated hatred
- 深厚感情
- deep feeling for
- 深恶痛绝
- implacable hatred
- 深入人心
- win support among the people/found its way ever deeper into the hearts of the people
- 深入工农兵群众
- go into the very midst of the workers, peasants and soldiers
- 深入基层
- go to the units at the basic level
- 深入实际斗争
- go into the thick of practical struggles
- 神采奕奕,容光焕发
- in high spirits
- 神乎其神
- miraculous
- 神圣不可侵犯
- be scared and inviolable
- 什么坏事都干得出来
- be capable of doing anything, no matter how foul it is
- 什么阶级说什么话
- People always speak according to their class.
- 什么人间奇迹都可以创造出来
- Miracles can be performed.
- 什么籐结什么瓜,什么阶级说什么话
- Each particular plant yields its own particular fruit; each class speaks in its own terms.
- 甚嚣尘上
- make a lot of noise/a great of clamor has arisen
- 审查
- undergo examination/review
- 审干
- examine the personal record of cadres/examination of cadres' histories
- 渗透
- infiltrate
- 升官发财
- win promotion and get rich
- 生搬硬套
- apply mechanically
- 生产建设兵团
- the Production and Construction Corps of the PLA
- 生产突击队
- frontline production brigade
- 生的伟大,死的光荣
- A great life! A glorious death!
- 生活津贴
- subsistence allowance
- 生活空虚
- lead empty lives
- 生活作风问题
- style of living
- 生活特殊化
- live at a far higher standard than ordinary people
- 生活小事
- petty everyday matters
- 生活作风方面的一般性错误
- run-of-the-mill mistakes in day-to-day life
- 生米已成熟饭
- It is no use crying over spilt milk.
- 声名狼藉
- discredited/bad reputation/notorious
- 声势浩大,波澜壮阔
- gigantic and vigorous
- 声讨大会
- denunciation mass meeting
- 胜败乃兵家常事
- Defeats or victories are ordinary things to a general.
- 胜不骄,败不馁
- not be dizzy with success, nor be discouraged by failure
- 胜利冲昏头脑
- get dizzy with success
- 盛气凌人,不可一世
- throw one's weight about, become overbearing
- 失败是成功之母
- Failure is the mother of success.
- 失道寡助
- Being unjust, is lacked popular support.
- 时代潮流
- trend of the times
- 时代最强音
- the most powerful music of our time
- “时代精神汇合论”
- "the merging of various trends as the spirit of the age"
- 识大体,顾大局
- keep the whole situation in mind
- 识时务者为俊杰
- Whoever understands the times is wise./Whosoever understands the signs of the times is a great man.
- 十恶不赦
- guilty beyond forgiveness
- 十个指头中一个指头的问题
- a question of one finger among ten
- 《十六条》—《中国共产党中央委员会关于无产阶级文化大革命的决定》
- Decision of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party Concerning the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (i.e., the 16-Point Decision)
- 十月革命一声炮响
- the salvos of the October Revolution
- 十月怀胎,一朝分娩
- ten months of pregnancy, the day of birth
- 拾人牙慧
- take up and adopt others' thoughts instead of using one's own/offer another's ideas as one's own
- 实践、认识、再实践、再认识
- practice, knowledge, again practice, and again knowledge
- 实事求是
- seek truth from facts
- 实用主义
- pragmatism
- 使用种种卑鄙恶毒的手段
- resort to all sorts of vile and vicious tricks
- 使用干部
- make proper use cadres
- 史无前例
- unprecedented
- 世界观
- world outlook
- 世界上有些大的东西,其实并不可怕
- There are big things in the world which are actually not to be feared.
- 世上无难事,只怕有心人
- Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.
- 世外桃源
- a place as haven
- 拭目以待
- watchful/wait and see
- 试金石
- touchstone
- 势不两立
- irreconcilable
- 势如破竹,所向披靡
- brave dauntlessly all difficulties and be ever victorious
- 市场繁荣,物价稳定
- The market is brisk and commodity prices are stable.
- 市侩哲学
- philistine philosophy
- 视而不见听而不闻
- see and hear it without taking any notice
- 视死如归
- look death calmly in the face/face death with equanimity
- 视作洪水猛兽
- seem as dangerous as floods and wild beasts
- 事出有因,查无实据
- There is good cause for that, but no evidence is found.
- 事后诸葛亮
- be wise after the event
- 事物都是一分为二的
- Everything tends to divide into two.
- 事物总是在一定条件下向它的对立面转化的
- Everything tends to change into its opposite in particular conditions.
- 事务主义者
- routine plodder
- 事前请示,事后报告
- Instructions should be procured beforehand and a report made afterwards.
- 事业单位
- public undertakings
- 是可忍,孰不可忍?
- If this can be tolerated, what cannot?
- 誓师大会
- a rally of pledge/oath-taking rally
- 誓死保卫
- defy death to defend
- 誓死捍卫
- vow to defend with one's life
- 适得其反
- on the contrary