- 收买人心
- win people's hearts
- 收起臭架子
- Away with your ugly airs!
- 手把手地教
- take one in hand and teach one how to...
- 手伸得太长
- be greatly over-extended
- 手脚不干净
- hands are not too clean/seek minor illicit gains
- 手续不完备
- The procedure is inadequate.
- 守口如瓶
- tight-lipped
- 首当其冲
- first to be affected
- 首恶必办,胁从不问,坦白从宽,抗拒从严,立功折罪,立大功受奖
- punish the chief criminals, not punish those are accomplices under duress; leniency towards those who acknowledge their crimes, severely punish those who stubbornly refuse to do so; recognize the good deeds as atonement for crimes, and reward those who have exceptionally meritorious actions to their credit
- 首要分子
- ringleaders
- 首长负责,亲自动手
- The leading cadres must assume responsibility and take an active part.
- 受蒙蔽的群众
- befuddled people
- 疏散
- evacuate
- 梳妆打扮
- disguise oneself
- 赎买政策
- policy of redemption
- 蜀中无大将,廖化作先锋
- (编者译)No qualified general was found in the State of Shu and Liso Hua, an officer, had to be made as the commander of the advance troops.
- 鼠目寸光
- short-sighted/see only what is under one's nose
- 树碑立传
- glorify someone by erecting a monument for him and writing his biography
- 树倒猢狲散
- Once the tree falls, the monkeys on it will flee helter-skelter.
- 树社会主义之新,立无产阶级之异
- create new and original socialist and proletarian works
- 树雄心,立大志
- aim high and have lofty ambitions
- 树欲静而风不止
- The tree desires stillness but the wind will not cease.
- 束缚生产力
- fetter the productive forces
- 束手待毙
- wait for death with tied hands
- 束手束脚
- over-cautiousness/undue caution
- 束手无策
- fold one's hands without knowing what to do
- 束之高阁
- put aside from duty or service/put or lay on the shelf
- 耍花招
- play tricks
- 耍两面派手法
- resort to two-faced tactics
- 摔跟斗
- take a tumble
- 双重领导
- dual leadership
- 双簧
- two-man perform
- 双手沾满了血
- both hands stained with blood
- 谁胜谁负的问题
- the question of which will win out
- 谁是谁非
- the question of who is right and who is wrong
- 谁说鸡毛不能飞上天
- Who says a chicken feather can't fly up to heaven?
- 水火不相容
- exclude each other like fire and water
- 水落石出
- come to light
- 水泼不进,针插不进
- watertight and impenetrable
- 水深火热
- keep in suffering/plunged... into dire suffering
- 水有源,树有根
- Every river has a source; every tree has its roots.
- 水涨船高
- The boat floats high when the river rises.
- 水中捞月
- catch the moon in the water
- 睡在我们身边的赫鲁晓夫
- a Khrushchev lying by our side/a Khrushchev lying right beside us
- 顺乎天理,合乎人情
- conform to the course of nature and the ways of the people
- 顺之者存,逆之者亡
- those who bow before it survive and those who resist perish
- 顺致崇高的敬意
- Please accept the assuances of my highest consideration.
- 说曹操,蓸操到
- Talk of Cao Cao and he's sure to appear.
- 说穿了
- in plain (blunt) language
- 说到底
- in the final analysis
- 说得出,做得到
- carry out one's pledge/Speak and follow through in action.
- 说法
- way of putting things/reasoning
- 说风凉话
- make irresponsible and carping comments
- 说空话
- use empty words
- 说来说去,无非是两条
- Boil down to two counts, no matter how varied they are.
- 说老实话
- call a spade a spade/be frank/candid
- 说了算
- have the final say
- 说半个不字
- to mutter the word "no"
- 说成漆黑一团
- completely blacken something/paint a black picture of
- 说得好听
- plausible
- 说服教育,洗手洗澡,轻装上阵,团结对敌
- persuade and educate, wash one's hands and take a bath, lay down one's burdens, and unite against the enemy
- 说理斗争
- struggle by argument and reasoning