- 司空见惯
- it is quite common for/a matter of repeated occurrence
- 司马昭之心,路人皆知
- This Szuma Chao trick is obvious to every man in the street./all too evident/obvious to everybody
- 私心杂念
- selfish ideas and personal considerations
- 私字当头
- make the self-interest the first consideration
- 思想过硬,生活过硬,本领过硬
- stand severe tests in one's thinking, life and professional skills
- 思想改造
- ideological remold
- 思想革命化
- ideological revolutionization
- 思想根源
- ideological root-cause
- 思想混乱
- ideological confusion
- 思想落后
- ideological backwardness
- 思想落后于实际
- thinking lags behind reality
- 思想认识问题
- a matter of ideology and understanding
- 思想政治工作
- ideological and political work
- 死路一条
- There is only one road, the road to extinction.
- 死不回头
- never repent
- 死不认罪
- be adamant in refusing to admit one's guilt
- 死不改悔的走资本主义道路的当权派
- absolutely unrepentant persons in power taking the capitalist road
- 死不要脸
- lose all sense of shame
- 死党
- sworn followers/someone's followeer even unto death
- 死得其所
- worthy death
- 死胡同
- blindy alley/dead end
- 死灰复燃
- like dying embers that flare up/come to life again/rise again from
- 死老虎
- the slain tiger
- 死气沉沉
- without vitality/lose one's vitality
- 死心塌地
- be dead set on
- 死心眼
- pig-headed
- 死硬派
- die-hands
- 死有余辜
- deserve more than death
- 死有重于泰山有轻于鸿毛
- The death may be weightier than Mt. Tai or lighter than a feather.
- 四个第一(即林彪提出的“人的因素第一,政治工作第一,思想工作第一,活的思想第一”)
- The "four-first" are: first place to man, first place to political work, first place to ideological work and first place to living ideas. (The details of the "four-first" are: First place must be given to man in handling the relationship between man and weapons; to political work in handling the relationship between political and other work; to ideological work in relation to routine tasks in political work; and, in ideological work, to the living ideas in a person's mind as distinguished from ideas in books.)
- 四海之内
- within the limit of the four seas
- 四好连队(指的是:政治思想工作好,“三八作风”好,军事训练好,生活管理好)
- "Four-Good" companies are: companies which are good in political and ideologicalwork, in the "three-eight" working style, in military training and in arranging their everyday life.
- 四旧(即“旧思想、旧文化、旧风俗、旧习惯”)
- "Four-Olds" (old ideas, old culture, old customs and old habits
- 四类分子
- the landlords, rich peasants, counter-revolutionaries and other bad elements
- 四面树敌
- make too many enemies
- 四面楚歌
- be surrounded by the enemy on four sides/find oneself besieged on all sides
- 四清复查
- check the results of the "four clean-ups" movement
- 四清工作队
- four clean-ups work teams
- “四清四不清的矛盾”
- "the contradiction between the 'four cleans' and the 'four uncleans'"
- 四清运动
- the "four clean-ups" movement (the socialist education movement to clean things up in the fields of politics, ideology, organization and economy)
- 四人帮
- Gang of Four (Wang Hongwen, Zhang Chunqiao, Jiang Qing, Yao Wenyuan)
- 四体不勤,五谷不分
- can neither do physical work nor distinguish rice from wheat
- 四新(即“新思想、新文化、新风俗、新习惯”)
- "four news" (new ideas, new culture, new customs and new habits)
- 伺机再起
- wait for an opportunity to stage a comeback
- 伺机而动
- wait for the opportune moment to go into action again
- 似是而非
- appear what it is really not/look right, but really wrong
- 肆无忌惮
- unscrupulously/reckless and unbridled
- 肆意污蔑
- wantonly slander
- 肆意挥霍
- freely squander public money
- 松懈情绪
- mood of relaxation
- 耸人听闻
- sensational
- 送货上门
- home delivery service
- 送进历史博物馆
- be consigned to the museum of history
- 诉苦
- pour out grievances/air one's sufferings
- 塑造典型形象
- create typical characters
- 塑造工农兵形象
- create images of workers, peasants and soldiers
- 塑造英雄形象
- create the heroic images
- 肃反
- clean out the counter-revolutionaries
- 肃清暗藏的反革命分子
- ferret (weed) out undercover counter-revolutionaries
- 算剥削账
- calculate the extent of exploitation
- 算总账
- general check-up
- 随波逐流
- go with the stream (tide)
- 随大流
- go (flow) with the tide
- 随风倒
- veer with the wind
- 随机应变
- adjust to changing circumstances
- 随军家属
- the families who have followed the army
- 随声附和
- agree to what other people say
- 随时准备歼灭入侵之敌
- ready at all times to wipe out the enemy intruders
- 随心所欲
- wilfully/arbitrarily
- 谁说鸡毛不能上天
- Who says that a chicken feather cannot fly up to the sky?
- “孙行者钻进肚皮的战术”
- the tactics of the Monkey King making his way into the stomach
- 损人利己
- injure others for the sake of one's own advantage
- "损失是最小最小最小,成绩是最大最大最大"
- The losses are of the smallest while the gains are of the biggest.
- 损公肥私
- injure the public interest to profut the private interest
- 缩手缩脚
- be handicapped
- 缩小打击面
- reduce the number to be attacked/narrow the target of attack
- 所向披靡
- ever triumphant