- 踏踏实实
- in a thoroughgoing manner/on a firm footing
- 踏实苦干,百折不挠
- down-to-earth effort, dauntlessness and defiance of all setbacks
- 抬高自己
- climb over the heads of others/boost oneself
- 太公钓鱼,愿者上钩
- Like Chiang Tai Kung fishing, they have cast the line for the fish who want to be caught.
- 太上皇
- supreme ruler/overlord
- 泰然处之
- take it easy
- 泰山盖顶
- bear down on somebody with the weight of Mt. Tai
- 贪得无厌
- insatiable greed/voracious
- 贪生怕死
- no more than coward
- 贪天之功为已有
- credit other people's achievements to oneself
- 贪图安逸
- the desire for an easy life
- 贪污盗窃分子
- embezzlers and grafters
- 贪污犯
- person guilty of corruption
- 贪污腐化
- corruption and degeneration
- 贪污盛行
- riddled with graft and corruption
- 贪小便宜
- covet little advantages/greedy for small advantages
- 弹冠相庆
- congratulate each other on their promotion
- (打烂)坛坛罐罐
- have the pots and pans smashed
- 谈虎色变
- turn pale at the mention of the tiger
- 谈情说爱,低级趣味
- be concerned with love and romance, pandering to philistine tastes
- 昙花一现
- vanish as soon as it appears
- 昙花一现的人物
- passers-by on the stage of history/one who just flashes across the stage of history
- 坦白从宽,抗拒从严
- Leniency to confessors; severity to resisters.
- 坦白大会
- confession meeting
- 糖衣炮弹
- sugar-coated bullets
- 螳臂当车
- like the grasshopper which wanted to stop the chariot
- 躺在过去的成绩上睡觉
- rest on one's laurels (past achievements)
- 滔天罪行
- monstrous (horrible) crimes
- 逃避斗争
- evade struggle
- 逃避责任
- shirk (shun) responsibility
- 逃跑主义
- flightism
- 逃亡地主
- runaway landlord/fugitive landlord
- 讨人厌
- incur hatred/excite dislike or disgust
- 特权
- prerogatives
- 特权阶层
- privileged position
- 特权思想
- think in terms of privileges for themselves/ideology of the privileged classes
- 特务
- enemy agents/secret agents/spies
- 特务机关
- secret service
- 特赦
- amnesty
- 提到日程上
- place... on the agenda
- 提法
- formulation of the question/presentation of the question
- 提防
- guard against/take precaution against
- 提高警惕,保卫祖国,随时准备歼灭入侵之敌!
- Heighten our vigilance, defend the motherland! Be ready at all times to destroy the enemy intruders!
- 提高觉悟
- raise one's political consciousness
- 提高认识
- enhance (raise) understanding
- 提高和普及
- promote and spread
- 提前释放
- release (discharge) before the sentence expires
- 提审
- bring up for trial
- 提倡节约,反对浪费
- call for economy and the elimination of waste
- 提心吊胆
- in great terror/trembling with fear
- 体力劳动与脑力劳动相结合
- combine physical labor with mental labor
- 体无完肤
- have cuts and bruises all over the body/completely/thoroughly
- “替天行道”
- enforce the justice on behalf of the Heaven
- 替罪羊
- scapegoat
- 天不怕,地不怕
- fearless
- 天翻地覆
- the sky and the earth turning upside down/shake the very ground
- 天经地义
- nature's law and earth's way/by nature/by the very nature
- 天罗地网
- nets above and snares below/escape-proof net
- 天壤之别
- a world of difference/worlds apart
- 天怒人怨
- wrath of Heaven and anger of man/widespread indignation and discontent
- 天时,地利,人和
- favorable climatic, geographical and human conditions
- 天塌下来我们能顶住,地陷下去我们能填平
- Even if the heavens fall, we can hold them up; even if the earth quakes, we can fill the chasm.
- 天无绝人之路
- Heaven never cuts off a man's means.
- 天下大乱
- The whole country (world, place) is in chaos.
- 天下大治
- The whole world is well-ordered.
- 天字第一号
- the world's number one
- 天下太平
- All is quite in the world.
- 天下没有不散的宴席
- All feasts must break up in the end.
- 天下无难事,只怕有心人
- Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.
- 天下乌鸦一般黑
- All crows under the sun are black.
- 天涯海角
- the end of the sky and the corners of the sea/ends of the earth
- “天要下雨,娘要嫁人”
- (编者译)Heavens need raining and girls need marrying. Let them go.
- 天衣无缝
- divine garments without seams/faultless/free from defect
- 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福
- Storms may gather unexpectedly and misfortune may befall man overnight.
- 天诛地灭
- be executed by heaven and destroyed by earth
- 恬不知耻
- shameless/not feel ashamed at all
- 甜言蜜语
- honey-mouthed/sweet words and honeyed phrases
- 条条框框
- regulations and conventions
- 调处
- mediate
- 调和
- conciliation/reconcilable
- 调和折衷
- compromising
- 调剂
- regulate/adjust
- 调整、巩固、充实、提高
- readjustment, consolidating, filling out and raising standards
- 调整工作
- readjust one's job
- 调整干部
- remove some cadres and appoint others to take their place
- 挑拨离间,浑水摸鱼
- create dissention and exploit confusion
- 挑动群众斗群众
- stir up masses to struggle against masses/incite the masses to struggle against each other
- 挑起武斗
- provoke conflicts in which force is used
- 跳出来
- come forward/come out/come out into the open/step forward
- 跳梁小丑
- the clown
- 铁板一块
- a monolithic bloc/of one cut
- 铁打江山
- an impregnable state
- 铁的纪律
- iron discipline
- 铁的事实
- hard facts/indisputable facts
- 铁饭碗
- unbreakable rice bowl
- 铁杆分子
- diehard (element)
- 铁拳
- iron fist
- 铁扫帚
- mighty broom
- 铁证如山
- irrefutable proof