- 听其言而观其行
- hear their words and judge them by their deeds/hear what a man says and see how he acts
- 听取群众意见
- listen to the masses
- 听任宰割
- place themselves at the mercy of
- 听天由命
- submit to the will of God/abide by the will of Heaven/trust to luck
- 听之任之
- allow them to continue/let one have one's own way
- 铤而走险
- risk danger when in desperation/take a risk
- 挺身而出
- step forth bravely
- 通报
- circular/notification for general information
- 通风报信
- provide someone with information
- 同病相怜
- People similarly afflicted feel pity for one another. /Fellow sufferers sympathize with one another.
- 同吃、同住、同劳动(即“三同”)
- eat, live and work together with the masses
- 同仇敌忾
- fight shoulder to shoulder with/treat one as a common enemy
- 同床异梦
- sleep in the same bed but dream different dreams
- 同党一条心
- be at one with the Party
- 同甘共苦
- share weal and woe with/share joys and sorrows/in weal and woe
- 同甘苦,共患难
- share weal and woe/go through storm and stress together with
- 同工同酬
- equal pay for equal work
- 同呼吸,共命运
- share weal and woe
- 同流合污
- wallow the mire with/join in their evil-doings
- 同生死,共患难
- coming together through thick and thin/go through hardships and tribulations together
- 同谋者
- accomplices
- 同舟共济
- share with one in trouble
- 铜墙铁壁
- wall of bronze/iron bastions
- 统筹规划
- over-all planning
- 统筹兼顾
- over-all planning and all-round considerations
- 统购统销
- planned purchase and marketing by the state
- 统一计划,统一安排,统一调配,统一分配收入
- unified planning, unified arrangement, unified allocation of resources and unified distribution of income
- 统一领导,分散经营
- unified leadership and decentralized management
- 统一认识,统一政策,统一计划,统一指挥,统一行动
- unity in thinking, policy, plan, command and action
- 痛打落水狗
- relentlessly beat the dog in the water
- 痛改前非
- reform with a keen sense of error/reform earnestly one's misdeeds
- 痛击
- batter
- 痛加批判
- subject... to merciless criticism
- 痛哭流涕
- cry and shed bitter tears
- 偷工减料
- cheat in work and cut down material
- 偷梁换柱
- secretly replacing the beams and pillars with rotten timbers
- 偷天换日
- play a sly trick/substitute the fake for the genuine
- 投案自首
- give oneself up to the government
- 投靠
- hire oneself out to/sell oneself to/throw oneself into the arms of/put oneself under the wing of/subservient to
- 投机倒把
- speculate/profiteering/capitalize
- 投机取巧
- gain something by trickery
- 投身到斗争中去
- plunge into the thick of the fray/participate in the struggle
- 头等大事
- issue of prime importance
- 头号敌人
- enemy number one
- (党内)头号走资本主义道路的当权派
- top Party person in power (the number one Party person in power) taking the capitalist road
- 头可断,血可流
- not afraid of death or shedding our blood/not afraid to lose our lives or to shed our blood
- 头可断,血可流,祖国的神圣领土一寸也不能丢
- We are determined to defend our motherland at the cost of our lives and shall never yield even one inch of our sacred territory to the enemy.
- 头面人物
- bigwig/those in the limelight/top people
- 头目
- ringleader/chieftain
- 头痛医头,脚痛医脚
- palliative measures for one's illness
- 透过现象看本质
- see through the appearance to perceive the essence
- 突出无产阶级政治
- put proletarian politics in the forefront
- 突出政治
- put politics first
- 突破口
- force a breakthrough into
- 徒有虚名
- have an undeserved reputation
- 涂脂抹粉
- embellish/varnish/make presentable
- 屠刀
- butcher's knife
- 土办法
- indigenous methods
- “土包子”
- boor/bumpkin
- 土崩瓦解
- crumble and perish
- “土豆烧牛肉的共产主义”
- "goulash communism"
- 土洋并举
- simultaneous employment of modern and indigenous methods of production
- 土专家
- indigenous experts
- 吐故纳新
- exhale the old and inhale the new/get rid of stale and take in the fresh
- 兔死狐悲,物伤其类
- The fox mourns over the death of the hare. Like mourns over the death of like.
- 团结、紧张、严肃、活泼
- Be united, alert, earnest and lively.
- 团结一切可能团结的力量
- unite with all those forces that can be united with
- 团结在党的周围
- rally closely around the Party
- 团结在一起,战斗在一起,胜利在一起
- always be united, always fight together and be victorious together
- 团结、批评、教育的政策
- the policy of uniting with, criticizing and educating...
- (把一切错误)推给别人,把一切功劳归于自己
- shift all errors onto others and claim all credits for themselves
- 推陈出新
- weed through the old to let the new grow
- 推到某人身上
- lay the entire blame on someone
- 推荐和选拔相结合的新招生办法
- a new method of enrolment, a combination of recommendation and selection
- 推卸责任
- shirk one's responsibility
- 退避三舍
- keep a good distance from
- 退出历史舞台
- quit the stage of history/retire from the stage of history
- 退贓从宽、不退从严
- be lenient with those who return the loot, but severe with those who refuse to do so
- 蜕化变质分子
- political degenerates
- 拖泥带水
- be dragged through mud/messy matters
- 拖人下水
- involve in trouble/drag into hot water
- 脱产
- be disengaged from work
- 脱节
- out of keeping with
- 脱离群众
- estrange oneself from the masses
- 脱胎换骨
- create new thing out of the old
- 脱颖而出
- become eminent/come out into the open
- 鸵鸟政策
- ostrich policy
- 唾弃
- cast aside