- 挖掉黑线
- eradicate the... black line
- 挖空心思
- rack one's brain for/think hard
- 挖墙脚
- undermine the foundation/subvert
- 歪风邪气
- evil winds and noxious influence/perverse trends
- 歪曲事实,颠倒事非,混淆视听
- distort the facts, confound right and wrong, and mislead the people
- 外来干部
- cadres from outside
- 外强中干
- strong in appearance but weak inside
- 玩火者必自焚
- Whoever plays with fire gets burned.
- 玩弄花招
- play tricks
- 玩弄两面派(两手)
- play double-dealing tactics
- 玩弄字眼
- words juggling
- 玩物丧志
- sap one's spirit by seeking pleasures
- 顽固不化
- incorrigible/headstrong/pig-headed
- 顽抗到底,死路一条
- (编者译)If you stubbornly resist to the end, the only road is death.
- 顽强地表现他们自己
- stubbornly try to project oneself/stubbornly assert oneself
- “万般皆下品,唯有读书高”
- "All occupations are base, only book-learning is exalted."
- 万变不离其宗
- No matter how many changes he has made, he has not departed from his line.
- 万恶之源
- source (root) of all evils
- 万古长青
- flourish forever/be evergreen
- 万里长征走完了第一步
- only the first step in a long march of ten thousand li
- “万马齐瘖”
- "ten thousand horses stand mute"
- 万水千山只等闲
- hold light ten thousand crags and torrents
- 万岁不离口,语录不离手
- (编者译)cheering long live Chairman Mao from the outset of speaking, holding Quotations from Chairman Mao all the time
- 亡羊补牢,犹未为晚
- It is not too late to mend the fold even after some of the sheep have been lost.
- 枉费心机
- rack one's brains in vain/waste one's efforts
- 妄自菲薄
- sense of inferiority/think lightly of oneself
- 危机四伏
- be threatened by growing crises
- 危言耸听
- sensational/make an inflammatory statement
- 危在旦夕
- Death is expected at any moment./in imminent danger
- 威逼利诱
- big stick and carrot
- 威胁利诱
- threats and blandishments
- 威风扫地,永世不得翻身
- Shorn of its prestige, it will never rise again.
- 威力无穷
- colossal power
- 威信扫地
- forfeited prestige/prestige completely swept into the dust
- 为虎作伥
- play the jackal to the tiger/assist the evil-doer/act as the paws of the tiger
- 为富不仁
- the heartless rich
- 为革命使完最后一点劲,洒完最后一滴血
- give every ounce of strength, every drop of blood for the revolution
- “为民请命”
- "plead for the people"
- 为人民立新功
- Make new contributions to serving the people.
- 为人民所唾弃
- be cast aside by the people
- 为伟大的社会主义祖国争光
- win honor for our great socialist motherland
- 为人民而死,虽死犹荣
- To die for the people is a glorious death!
- 为人民服务
- serve the people
- 为人民利益而死,就比泰山还重
- To die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai.
- 为所欲为
- do as one pleases/do whatever one likes
- 为资本主义复辟鸣锣开道
- to pave the way for the restoration of capitalism
- 违背
- violate/go back on/go against/defy/be contradicted by
- 违法乱纪
- break laws and violate discipline/offences against law and discipline
- “唯成份论”
- "theory that only class origin should be taken into account"/take into account class origin alone
- 唯恐天下不乱
- anxious to stir up trouble/The only anxiety is that there should be no trouble on the earth.
- 唯利是图
- pursue profit as one's only aim/work exclusively for profit
- 唯命是从
- be at one's disposal
- “唯生产力论”
- the theory of "productive forces"
- 唯我独左
- think of himself as "the only Left"
- 唯我独尊
- over lordship/suppremacy over all
- 唯物辩证法
- the materialist dialectics
- 唯心历史观
- the idealist conception of history
- 巍然屹立
- stand majestically (firmly)/tower in the world
- 委曲求全
- suffer wrong for the sake of general interest/in a spirit of conciliation and compromise
- 伪君子
- hypocrite
- 伪造历史
- falsify (fabricate) history
- 伪装应当剥去
- The mask must be stripped off.
- 尾巴翘到天上去了
- very cocky
- 尾巴主义
- to tail behind the masses
- 未雨绸缪
- take precautions/have forethought/provide against the future
- (资本主义复辟的)温床
- hotbed (breeding ground) of the capitalist restoration
- 温情主义
- moderations/soft-heartedness
- 洗“温水澡”
- "take a bath in warm (tepid) water"