- 文不对题
- The heading and article have nothing to do with each other./full of pointless talk
- 文攻武卫
- attack by pens and defense by weapons
- 文过饰非
- gloss over one's fault/cover up one's error
- 文化革命小组
- the Cultural Revolution Group
- 文来文去,武来武往
- return blow for blow
- 文武之道,一张一弛
- The principle of kings Wen and Wu was to alternate tension with relaxation.
- 稳、准、狠地打击
- deal sure, accurate (well-aimed) and relentless blows at
- 问题一时弄不清的,可以列为专案
- cases which cannot be decided for the time being can be laid aside to be handled by a special group for examination
- 瓮中捉鳖
- catch a turtle in a jar/a sure catch
- 窝藏不报者
- persons who shelter... and do not report them to...
- 我们的朋友遍于全世界
- We have friends all over the world.
- 我们的学说不是教条而是行动的指南
- Our theory is not a dogma but a guide to action.
- 我们共产党人从来不隐瞒自己的政治主张
- We Communists do not conceal our political views.
- 我们也有一双手,不在城里吃闲饭
- We also have a pair of hands and d not want to lead an idle life in the city!
- 我们一定要解放台湾!
- We will certainly liberate Taiwan!/We are determined to liberate Taiwan!
- 污泥浊水
- the mire
- 污染
- contamination/pollution/stain/defile
- 乌龟忘八
- all kinds of scoundrels
- 乌合之众
- a gathering of crowds/a motley force that knows no discipline
- 乌纱帽
- official post (position)/the headgear of an official
- 乌托邦
- utopia/utopian
- 乌烟瘴气
- vicious practices/a foul atmosphere
- 乌云遮不住太阳
- The dark clouds cannot shut out the sunshine.
- 呜呼哀哉
- Alas! Alack!
- 无比幸福
- boundless happiness
- 无产阶级不但要解放自己,而且要解放全人类
- The proletariat must emancipate not only itself but all mankind.
- 无产阶级对少数资产阶级分子的全面统治
- the all-embracing rule of the proletariat over the small number of bourgeois elements
- 无产阶级心情舒畅之日,就是资产阶级倒霉之时
- When the proletariat has ease of mind, the bourgeoisie is bound to be uneasy.
- 无产阶级革命派
- proletarian revolutionaries
- 无产阶级革命造反精神
- revolutionary rebel spirit of the proletariat
- 无产阶级只有解放全人类才能最后解放它自己
- The proletariat can finally emancipate itself only with the emancipation of all mankind.
- 无产阶级专政
- dictatorship of the proletariat
- 无产阶级文化大革命
- the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
- 无产阶级先锋队
- the vanguard of the proletariat
- 无产阶级专政下继续革命
- continue the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat
- 无耻到了极点
- the height of shamelessness
- 无从着手
- have no way of handling
- 无的放矢
- shoot at random/aimless shooting/shoot without a target
- 无法无天
- defy laws of human and divine
- 无风不起浪
- There is no smoke without fire.
- 无关痛痒
- irrelevant
- “无可奈何花落去,似兽相识燕归来”
- "Flowers fall off, do what one may; swallows return, no strangers they."
- 无坚不摧,无攻不克
- all-conquering/invincible
- 无孔不入
- all-pervasive/have a finger in every pie/lose no change
- 无事不登三宝殿
- No one cams to the Hall of the Trinity without a reason.
- 无限热爱、无限信仰、无限崇拜、无限忠诚
- there are no bounds to our love, faith, esteem and loyalty for/boundless love for, faith in, esteem for and loyalty to
- 无限上纲
- exaggerate politically some mistakes to the maximum/elevate minor mistakes or shortcomings to the level of principles
- 无限生命力
- inexhaustible vitality
- 无源之水
- water without a source
- 无一漏网
- None has escaped the net.
- 无政府状态
- anarchic way/anarchy/disorganized state of affairs
- 无中生有,当面造谣
- fabricate rumors out of thin air and tell barefaced lies
- 无自知之明
- ignorance of one's limited capabilities/lack of self-knowledge
- 无组织无纪律的行为
- an act in defiance of the organization and discipline
- 无足轻重,微不足道
- be insignificant and not worthy of mention
- 五保户
- five guarantees family (the aged, the infirm, old widows and widowers, orphans) taken care of by the people's commune in five ways (food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expense)
- “五.七”干校
- "May 7" cadre school
- 《五.七指示》
- the May 7 Directive of 1966
- 五反运动
- the movement against five evils (capitalist bribery of government workers, tax evasion, cheating on government contracts, theft of state property, and stealing economic information from government sources)
- 五好战士
- "five-good" fighters (fighters who excel in political and ideological work, in the "three-eight" working style, in military technique, in fulfilling combat missions, and in keeping fit)
- 五类分子
- five-category elements (landlords, rich peasants, counter-revolutionaries, bad elements and rightists
- 五体投地
- prostrate oneself in admiration before/kneel at the feet of/on all fours before
- 武斗
- wage struggle by force or coercion
- 勿谓言之不预也
- let no one say he has not been warned.
- 务实
- discuss concrete questions relating to work
- 务虚
- discuss matters from the angles of politics and principles
- 物极必反
- When a thing reaches its limit, it turns round./Once a certain limit is reached, a change in the opposite direction is inevitable.
- 物以类聚,人以群分
- Things of a kind come together; people of a mind fall into the same group.
- 物质变精神,精神变物质
- from matter to consciousness and from consciousness to matter/matter turns into consciousness and vice versa
- “物质刺激,奖金挂帅”
- material incentives, and bonuses in command