- 吸取精华,弃其糟粕
- its essence should be absorbed and its dross discarded
- 吸收新鲜血液
- absorb fresh blood
- 洗心革面,重新做人
- repent genuinely and make a fresh start
- 喜闻乐见
- preferred by the masses/love to see and hear
- 细水长流
- plan on a long-term basis
- 下不了台
- nonplussed
- 下毒手
- strike a vicious blow/stab a person in the back
- 下放
- transfer cadres to work at the grassroots levels
- 下放劳动
- go down to do manual labor
- 下工厂(生产队,连队)
- go out to the factories (production teams or army companies)
- 下马威
- prompt reprisals/instant severity
- 下台
- step down/removed from power/toppled/thrown out of office
- “下乡镀金论”
- "go to the countryside so as to gain credit"/"go to the countryside to gild oneself"
- 先公后私
- put public interest before self-interest
- 先破后立,破中有立
- destruction before construction and construction in the course of destruction
- 先入为主
- First impressions are firmly entrenched./formulate pre-conceived ideas
- “先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”
- "be concerned about affairs of state before others, enjoy comfort after others"
- 先下手为强
- The early bird gets the worm./Whoever strikes the first blow has the advantage.
- 先做学生,再做先生
- Be a pupil before you become a teacher.
- 鲜血凝成的战斗友谊
- blood-cemented comradeship-in-arms
- 现身说法
- take oneself as an example
- “现实主义深化”论
- the theory of "the deepening of realism"
- 现行反革命分子
- acting counter-revolutionary
- 相信群众,依靠群众,尊重群众的首创精神
- trust the masses, rely on them, respect their initiative
- 香花与毒草
- fragrant flowers and poisonous weeds
- 响彻云霄的凯歌
- a song of triumph which resounds through the skies
- “响当当的左派”
- "genuine Leftists"
- 向党交心
- confide what one has in mind to the Party
- 向反面转化
- change into the reverse
- 向上爬
- climb up social ladder/office seeker
- 逍遥法外
- The convict is still at large.
- 逍遥派
- persons who get away (stand aloof) from the struggle
- 嚣张
- wild/unbridled/rampant/formidable
- 小丑
- clown/knave
- 小道理服从大道理
- The minor principle should be subordinated to the major principle.
- 小道消息
- grape-vine news
- 小恩小惠
- sops/a little bit of economic bail
- 小脚女人
- woman with bound feet
- 小骂大帮忙
- criticize in a small way and help in a big way/minor attacks in words but major help in deeds
- 小题大做
- make a fuss about a trifling matter
- 小巫见大巫
- be dwarfed
- 小车不倒只管推
- I'll keep on pushing the cart until I drop.
- 孝子贤孙
- filial progeny of
- 笑里藏刀
- murderous intent behind one's smile
- 效法
- pattern after/follow in the steps
- 邪门歪道
- crooked means
- 胁从分子
- unwilling followers/those who are coerced into becoming accomplices
- 胁从者不问
- Accomplices under duress shall go unpunished.
- 写得何等好啊
- be indeed superbly written
- “写真实”论
- the theory on "truthful writing"
- “写中间人物”
- "portray middle characters"
- 欣欣向荣
- growing (blooming) prosperity/thriving/flourishing
- 新陈代谢
- the transition from the old order of things to the new/metabolism/the new superseding the old
- 新的资产阶级分子
- new capitalist (bourgeois) elements
- 新仇旧恨
- new hatred piled on the old
- 新人新事
- new people and new things/new personalities and new deeds
- 新沙皇
- new tsars
- 新生力量
- new rising forces/new emerging forces
- 新生事物
- emerging new things
- 新思想、新文化、新风俗、新习惯(即“四新”)
- new ideology, new culture, new customs and new habits
- 新高潮
- a new high tide of
- 新纪元
- a new epoch