- 心潮澎湃
- be full of excitement
- 心存侥幸
- engage in winning by luck (a fluke)
- 心红似火
- with a heart red as fire
- 心怀敌意
- be hostile
- 心怀鬼胎
- with misgivings in one's heart
- 心惊胆战
- be deeply alarmed/tremble with fright
- 心连心
- Their hearts are closely linked./Their hearts are joined as one.
- 心明眼亮
- see and think clearly
- 心往一处想,劲往一处使
- work with one heart and one mind
- 心心相印
- see eye to eye with/like-minded/both of the same mind
- 心血来潮,忘乎所以
- forget oneself in a moment of excitement
- 心有灵犀一点通
- Hearts which have a common beat are linked.
- 心有余而力不足
- more than willing but lacking the power to...
- 心有余悸
- with unforgotten trepidation
- 心照不宣
- tacit understanding/not necessary to say more
- 心中有鬼
- have a guilty conscience
- 信口雌黄,一派胡言
- There is sheer nonsense!/irresponsible talk
- 信口开河,胡说八道
- talk at random and utter sheer nonsense/speak at random and talk nonsense
- 信心百倍,斗志昂扬
- full of confidence and high spirit
- 星星之火,可以燎原
- A single spark can start a prairie fire.
- 兴风作浪
- stir up trouble/incite and create trouble
- 行尸走肉
- a walk skeleton
- 行政处分
- be given disciplinary penalties
- 刑讯逼供
- extort confession by torture/use torture to extract confessions
- 形而上学
- metaphysics
- 形形式式
- of various forms/of all kinds/of every kind
- 形“左”实右
- "Left" in form but Right in essence
- 形式主义
- formalist/formalism
- 性质不同
- different in nature/essentially different
- 性质未定
- The nature of the case has yet to be decided.
- 凶相毕露
- reveal the atrocious features
- 汹涌澎湃
- rise in tempestuous waves/rise in a surging tide
- 胸怀祖国,放眼世界
- have the country in heart and the whole world in mind
- 兄弟般的团结
- fraternal solidarity
- 兄弟党关系的准则
- principles guiding relations among fraternal Parties
- 雄赳赳、气昂昂
- valiant and high-spirited
- 熊熊烈火
- raging flames
- 修正主义思潮
- revisionist trend
- 修正主义苗子
- revisionist seedlings
- 休戚与共
- share the same fate/share each other's weal and woe
- “秀才不出门,全知天下事”
- "Without going outdoors the scholar knows all the wide world's affairs."
- “秀才造反,三年不成”
- "Scholars stage a rebellion without result even if they try for three years."
- 嗅觉最灵,眼睛最亮
- the keenest nose and the sharpest eyes
- 臭味相投
- like drawn to like
- 虚无主义
- nihilism
- 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后
- Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.
- 虚张声势
- make a demonstration/a pompous but empty show of power and influence
- 旭日东升
- the rising sun in the eastern sky
- 宣传工具
- propaganda media
- 渲染
- exaggerate/create the impression that...
- 喧嚣一时
- bluster for a time/raise a hue and cry for a while
- 悬崖勒马
- ward off disaster at the critical moment/pull back before it is too late
- 血口喷人
- make slanderous charges
- 血泪仇
- vengeful feelings nurtured by blood and tears
- 血泪史
- a history replete with blood and tears/the history of blood and tears
- 血淋淋的事实
- harsh fact
- 血肉相连,休戚与共
- flesh and blood relationship
- “血统论”
- "blood heritage theory"/"theory of family lineage"
- 血债累累
- heavy blood-debts/blood-steeped
- 血债血还
- The blood-debt must be repaid in kind./demand (pay) blood for blood
- 血战到底
- fight to the finish/fight the enemy to the last drop of our blood
- “学而优则仕”
- "A good scholar will make an official."
- 学阀
- scholar-tyrants
- 学工、学农、学军
- learn industrial production, agricultural production and military affairs
- 学先进,比先进,赶先进,帮后进
- learn from the advanced, emulate and catch up with the advanced, help those lagging behind
- 学以致用
- learn in order to practice
- 学用结合
- integrate study and application/link what we learn with practice
- 学哲学小组
- philosophy study group
- 学制改革
- reform in school system
- 雪中送炭
- offer fuel in snowy weather/timely assistance
- 巡回演出队
- mobile troupe
- 巡回医疗队
- mobile medical teams
- 循环往复以至无穷
- repeat itself in endless cycles
- 循序渐进
- step by step/by regular steps
- 徇私
- practice favoritism
- “驯服工具论”
- the theory of "docile tools"
- 殉葬品
- a funerary object