- 一般和个别相结合
- combine the general with the particular
- 一帮一,一对红
- One helps one, to become a red pair.
- 一鼻孔出气
- be in tune with/breathe through the same nostrils
- 一边倒
- lean to one side
- 一波未平,一波又起
- One trouble follows another.
- 一不怕苦,二不怕死
- fear neither hardship nor death
- 一不做,二不休
- A thing once begun will not be put off until done.
- 一点也没有交代
- say not a single word about
- 一唱一和
- sing in duet/echo each other/chime in with
- 一尘不染
- not to be stained with a particle of dust/pure-hearted
- 一打一拉
- use the stick and the carrot/hit and wheedle by turns
- 一打三反(打击反革命破坏活动,反对贪污盗窃、投机倒把,反对铺张浪费)
- (编者译)movement of blow at the counter-revolutionary destructions and struggle against three evils (embezzlement and theft, speculation, extravagance and waste)
- 一旦时机成熟
- as soon as the time is ripe/once conditions are ripe
- 一旦有机可乘
- whenever they see the chance
- 一刀两断
- break with... once for all/make a clean break with
- 一代不如一代,一年不如一年
- be faring even worse and their conditions deteriorating year after year
- 一而再,再而三
- again and again
- 一分为二
- divide one into two
- 一竿子插到底
- carry... down to the grass-roots levels
- 一个巴掌拍不响
- It takes two to make a quarrel.
- 一个不杀,大部不抓
- kill none and not arrest most
- 一个指头和十个指头的关系
- a question of one finger among ten
- 一官半职
- some official appointment
- 一棍子打死
- finish... off with a single blow/knock down at one stroke
- 一花独开不是春,百花齐放春满园
- Spring does not arrive with the blossoming of a single flower; when one hundred flowers blossom, spring permeates the orchard.
- 一计不成,又生一计
- When one tactic fails, they fall back on another.
- 一箭双雕
- kill two birds with one stone/dual gain/achieve two things at one stroke
- “一就是一,二就是二”
- "One is just one and two just two."
- “一句顶一万句”
- "Every sentence carries more weight than ten thousand ordinary sentences."
- 一口一口地把敌人吃掉
- chew up the enemy mouthful by mouthful
- 一浪高过一浪
- surge wave upon wave
- 一劳永逸
- hold good for all time/once and for all
- 一厘钱精神
- the spirit of making every mill count
- 一路货色
- be of the same stock (kind, brand, stripe)
- 一落千丈
- a precipitate (great, terrific) drop
- 一脉相承
- be imbued with the same spirit/a continuation of
- “一年土,二年洋,三年不认爹和娘”
- "The first year they are still country folk, the second year they become citified, and the third year they turn their backs on their parents."
- 一盘散沙
- a heap of loose sand
- “一平二调”
- "equalitarianism and indiscriminate transfer of manpower, land, draught animals, farm tools, funds, etc."
- 一批二看,或一批二用, 或一批二养
- Either criticize them and see, or criticize them and give them work to do, or criticize them and provide them with a proper livelihood.
- 一切革命的根本问题是国家政权问题
- The fundamental question in all revolutions is that of state power.
- 一切行动听指挥
- Obey orders in all your actions.
- 一丘之貉
- jackals of the same lair
- 一去不复返
- be gone forever
- 一群嗡嗡叫的苍蝇
- a swarm of buzzing blowflies
- 一人困难众人帮
- Everyone helps a comrade in difficulties.
- 一人红,红一点;大家红,红一片
- When a single person is ideologically revolutionized, his contribution is limited; when all of us are ideologically revolutionized, our contribution will be tremendous.
- 一如既往
- continue as always
- 一闪念
- the thoughts which flash through one's mind/fleeting thoughts
- 一声春雷
- a clap of spring thunder
- 一手拿镐,一手拿枪
- pick in one hand and rifle in the other
- 一手抓革命,一手抓生产
- take a form hold of revolution with one hand and spur production with the other
- 一手遮天
- shut out the heavens with one palm
- 一塌糊涂,一无是处
- utterly black and without a single virtue
- 一天等于二十年
- Twenty years are concentrated in a day.
- 一网打尽
- take them all at one haul of the net/all captured at once
- 一往无前的精神
- an indomitable spirit
- 一系列事件
- a train of events
- 一心为革命,一心为人民
- complete dedication to the revolution, to the people/be wholly dedicated to the revolution and the people
- 一心为公
- be heart and soul devoted to public interests
- 一心一意
- with one heart and one mind
- “一言堂”
- "rule by the voice of one man alone"
- 一言以蔽之
- in a word/in short/briefly
- 一意孤行
- persist in willfully and arbitrarily
- 一应俱全
- complete in every line
- 一有风吹草动
- in times of stress/at the mere rustle of leaves in the wind
- 一元化的领导
- unified (centralized) leadership
- 一月革命的红色风暴
- red hurricane (storm) of the "January Revolution"
- 一张一弛
- tense and relax
- 一长制
- system of one-man leadership
- 一朝一夕
- overnight/a short duration of time
- 一朝被蛇咬,三年怕井绳
- The burnt child dreads the fire.
- 一针见血
- make a pointed remark/go right to the heart of the matter/hit the nail on the head
- 一整套
- in its entirety/the whole range of
- 一只耳朵进,一只耳朵出
- in at one ear and out at the other
- 一字之差
- a difference of only a single word