- 依法惩办
- punish according to law/be brought to justice
- 依附于帝国主义
- become an appendage to imperialism
- 依靠谁,团结谁,攻击谁
- whom to rely on, whom to unite with and whom to attack
- 依靠谁,争取谁,反对谁
- whom to rely on, whom to win over and whom to oppose
- 移风易俗
- change existing habits and customs
- 移山倒海
- remove mountains and drain seas
- 遗臭万年
- will live in history as a byword of infamy/leave a bad name forever/remain forever infamous
- 遗毒
- evil legacy
- 遗老遗少
- survivals of bygone ages/antediluvian survivals
- “以不变应万变”
- "meet changes with constancy"
- “以德报怨”
- "return good for evil"
- 以毒攻毒
- use poison as an antidote to poison
- 以队为基础
- with the production team ownership as the basic form of ownership/with the production team as the basic level
- 以革命的两手对付反革命的两手
- combat the dual tactics of counter-revolution with the dual tactics of revolution
- 以功臣自居
- assume the airs of a self-styled hero
- 以古讽今,旁敲侧击
- use ancient thing to satirize the present and attack by innuendo
- 以观后效
- see how they behave in the future
- 以极“左”的面目出现
- give the appearance of being exceedingly "Left"
- 以阶级斗争为纲
- take class struggle as the key link
- 以理服人
- persuade through reasoning/convince people by reasoning
- 以卵击石
- like an egg knocking itself against a stone
- 以农业为基础、工业为主导的发展国民经济总方针
- the general policy of taking agriculture as the foundation and industry as the leading factor in developing the national economy
- “以其人之道,还治其人之身”
- "Deal with a man as he deals with you."/Pay him in his own coin./reply in kind
- 以身作则
- set an example with one's own conduct/make oneself an example
- 以世界革命为已任
- regard the world revolution as one's own responsibility
- 以势压人
- overwhelm people with one's power
- 以损人的目的开始,以害已的结果告终
- start with the aim of injuring others only to end up by ruining oneself
- 以天下为已任
- consider the transformation of the world as one's task
- 以……为纲
- take... as the key link
- 以……为转移
- hinge on/pivot on/revolve around
- 以伪乱真
- mix the spurious with the genuine
- “以我为核心”
- "style oneself as the core of leadership"/put me at the core
- 以“我”为中心
- take "me" as the center of all
- 以我之长,攻敌之短
- utilize our strong points to attack the enemy at his weak points
- 以小人之心,度君子之腹
- measure the stature of great men by the yardstick of small men
- 以姓氏笔画为序
- be listed in the order of the number of strokes in their surnames
- 以学为主,兼学别样
- While their main task is to study, they should also learn other things.
- 以牙还牙
- a tooth for a tooth
- 以眼还眼
- an eye for an eye
- 以一当十,以十当百
- pit one against ten, pit ten against a hundred
- 以正视听
- ensure a correct understanding of the facts
- 以教育为主、以惩办为辅
- use education as our main method, and punishment as an auxiliary method
- 以粮为纲、多种经营的方针
- policy of a diversified economy in agriculture with food grains as the key link
- 以身殉职
- die a martyr at one's post
- 倚老卖老,摆老资格
- flaunt one's seniority
- 异化
- alienation
- 异已分子
- alien elements
- 异曲同工
- play the same tune on different instruments/the same result achieved by different methods
- 异想天开
- wishful thinking/fanciful ideas/wild hopes
- 意气风发
- so daring
- 意志薄弱者
- the weak-willed
- 忆苦饭
- a meal to recall the bitter past
- 忆苦会
- meeting to recall past bitterness
- 忆苦思甜
- call to mind one's past sufferings and think over the source of the present happiness
- 义不容辞
- set from a strong sense of duty/be incumbent upon one to...
- 义愤填膺
- be filled with righteous indignation
- 义务劳动
- voluntary labor
- 义务宣传员
- willing (voluntary) propagandist
- 义正词严
- in no uncertain terms
- 议会斗争
- parliamentary struggle
- 议会迷
- parliamentary cretinism/devotee of parliament
- 屹立在世界东方
- stand like a giant in the East
- 亦步亦趋
- ape someone at every step/follow in one's steps
- 亦工亦农
- take part both in industry and agriculture
- 亦文亦武
- engage in civilian as well as military affairs
- 抑制不住的狂热心情
- irrepressible fanaticism
- 因地制宜
- according to circumstances (local conditions)
- 因陋就简
- make use of the available conditions
- 因势利导
- guide... in the light of its general trend
- 因循守旧
- follow the beaten track
- 阴暗面
- dark side/seamy side
- 阴魂不散
- haunting specter/The shadow of... still lingers on.
- 阴谋诡计
- underhand methods/conspiracies and plots
- 阴谋活动
- subversive activities/conspiracy
- 阴谋家
- schemer/conspirator/crafty politicians
- 阴险毒辣
- insidious and deadly
- 阴阳怪气
- cynical
- 阴一套,阳一套,软一套,硬一套
- double dealing/underhand double-dealing tactics
- 银样蜡枪头
- a pewter-pointed spear
- 引火烧身
- draw fire to oneself
- 引狼入室
- bring a wolf into the house
- 引以为戒
- take warning
- 引起高度警惕
- rouse us to high vigilance
- 饮水思源
- When drinking the water think of its source.
- 蔭蔽精干、长期埋伏、积蓄力量、以待时机
- have well-selected cadres working underground for a long period, accumulate strength and bide our time
- 隐晦曲折
- insidious and devious
- 印把子
- the seal of power
- 应届毕业生
- the graduating students
- 应声虫
- echoer/parrot/yes-man/mouthpiece