- 英明决策
- brilliant policies of decisive and fundamental importance
- 英雄辈出的时代
- an era that gives birth to a multitude of heroes/an era of heroes
- 英雄无用武之地
- a hero with no place to display his prowess/no scope for one's energies
- 英雄形象
- heroic model (stature)
- 鹦鹉学舌
- to parrot
- 迎合
- cater to/fawn upon
- 迎刃而解
- be readily solved
- 迎头痛击
- meet head-on/head-on blows
- 营私舞弊
- embezzlement/malpractices
- 影射
- hint at/insinuate
- 硬的不行来软的
- When rough tactics do not work, they try kid-glove methods.
- 硬骨头
- spirit of unyielding integrity
- 硬拉在一起
- arbitrarily lump together
- 硬着头皮
- brace oneself up to do something
- 硬加在头上
- impose... on...
- 拥军爱民
- support the army and cherish the people
- 拥军优属
- support the army and give preferential treatment to the families of the army men
- 拥政爱民
- support the government and cherish the people
- 庸俗进化论
- vulgar evolutionism/philistine theory of evolution
- 臃肿重叠的机构
- over-staffed and overlapping organizations
- 永葆革命青春
- keep the revolutionary spirit fresh
- 永不变色
- never change color/prevent... from ever changing its political color
- 永不掉队
- never drop behind
- 永不生锈的螺丝钉
- never-rusting cog/untarnished screw
- 永垂不朽
- eternal glory to/win immortality in history
- “永恒主题”
- "eternal theme"
- 永世不得翻身
- can never rise up again/never to rise again
- 永世长存
- perpetuate/immortalize
- 永远开除出党
- be expelled from the Party forever
- 永远革命
- always remain a revolutionary
- 永远保持下去
- perpetuate
- 永远没有完结
- endless/infinite
- 永远在历史上放射着灿烂的光芒
- time will never dim the glorious exploits of
- 勇往直前,视死如归
- defy death and courageously advance
- 涌现
- come to the fore/come forward
- 用不同的方法去解决不同的矛盾
- use different methods to resolve different contradictions
- 用党员的标准去衡量自己
- examine oneself in accordance with the standards required of Party members
- 用大量篇幅
- use a great many words
- 用法律的形式加以肯定
- legal embodiment of
- 用革命统帅生产,促进生产,带动生产
- use revolution to command production, promote it and lead it forward
- 用尽心机
- exhaust one's abilities
- 用鲜血和生命保卫祖国
- We'll defend our motherland with our blood and lives.
- 用鲜血换来的经验
- experience paid in blood
- 用心何其毒也
- How vicious is their intention!
- 用心良苦
- cudgel one's brains
- 优抚烈军属
- give preferential treatment to the family members of revolutionary martyrs and servicemen
- 优先录取
- priority of admission
- 由表及里
- from the outside to the inside
- 由此及彼
- proceed from the one to the other
- 由点到面
- develop from isolated points to a whole area
- 由浅入深
- from the shallower to the deeper
- 由下而上
- from the bottom to the top
- 由小到大
- grow big from being small
- 由弱到强
- grow strong from being weak
- 由坏人变好人的教育
- the education of transforming the bad into the good
- 由物质到精神,由精神到物质
- the process leading from matter to consciousness and then back to matter
- 油水
- crumbs
- 游行示威
- parades and demonstrations
- 游街示众
- lead someone through the streets to show him up before the public
- 友谊第一,比赛第二
- friendship comes first and competition second