- 有案可稽
- the record warrants that...
- 有把握
- be certain of/with confidence
- 有百害而无一利
- have everything to lose and nothing to gain
- 有百利而无一害
- gain everything and lose nothing
- 有备无患
- Preparedness prevents calamity./Where there is precaution there will be no danger.
- 有步骤地
- in a planned way/methodically
- 有唱有和
- echo each other
- 有的放矢
- shoot the arrow at the target
- 有反必肃,有错必纠
- Counter-revolutionaries must be suppressed whenever they are found; mistakes must be corrected whenever they are discovered.
- 有计划、按比例地发展
- develop proportionately in a planned way
- 有拉有打
- try to win over and at the same time struggle against
- 有来历的
- there is a background for
- 有来有往
- reciprocity
- 有利必有害
- Advantage must be accompanied with disadvantage.
- 有利可图
- reap (make) some profit/there is profit to be derived
- 有利于国计民生
- beneficial to national welfare and the people's livelihood
- 有理,有利,有节
- with good reason, with advantage and with restraint
- 有两下子
- He's really something./He really knows a thing or two.
- 有了眉目
- be under way/A clue has been known.
- 有了政权就有了一切,没有政权就丧失一切
- To have political power is to have all, to lose it is to lose all.
- “有奶便是娘”
- He'll lick the hand of anyone who throws him a few crumbs./Whoever suckles me is my mother.
- 有破有立
- overthrow certain things and establish others
- “有其父,必有其子”
- Like father, like son.
- 有色眼镜
- colored spectacles
- 有事和群众商量
- consult the masses whenever problems arise
- 有恃无恐
- feel reassured and emboldened/have something secure to rely on
- 有所发现,有所发明,有所创造,有所前进
- go on discovering, inventing, creating and advancing
- 有条不紊
- in perfect order
- “有限主权论”
- the theory of "limited sovereignty"
- 有压迫就有反抗
- Oppression beget resistance.
- 有眼不识泰山
- have eyes but fail to see Mount Tai
- 有意无意地
- wittingly or unwittingly
- 有则改之,无则加勉
- Correct mistakes if you have committed them and guard against them if you have not.
- 有朝一日
- some day
- 有指挥,有组织,有计划,有目的
- under direction, in an organized way, according to plan and with a set purpose
- 有志者事竟成
- Where is a will, there is a way.
- 有职有权
- entrusted with the responsibility and authority that should go with one's post
- 有准备,有步骤
- in a well-prepared and step-by-step way
- 有过之而无不及
- go farther than
- 有决心,有办法
- have the will and the way
- 有领导、有步骤地
- well-guided and systematic
- 有社会主义觉悟的有文化的劳动者
- well-educated worker imbued with socialist consciousness
- 有原则、有条件的让步
- principled and conditional concessions
- 又臭又长
- smelly and long-winded/fetid, wordy hodge-podge/the article with offensive smell and prolixity
- 又打又拉
- use the stick and the carrot
- 又何其毒也!
- How poisonous!
- 又红又专
- both politically conscious and professionally competent/red and expert
- 又联合又斗争的政策
- the policy of both unity and struggle
- 又难又不难
- It is at once difficult and not difficult.
- 又团结,又斗争,通过斗争达到团结
- unity, struggle, unity through struggle
- 又想当婊子,又想立牌坊
- They want to be prostitutes, yet they insist on having a monument erected to their chastity.
- 又压又拉
- use both the stick and the carrot
- “又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草”
- You can't make a horse work without feeding it.
- 又有集中又有民主,又有纪律又有自由,又有统一意志又有个人心情舒畅、生动活泼的政治局面
- a political situation in which there are both centralism and democracy, both discipline and freedom, both unity of will and personal ease of mind and liveliness
- 右派分子
- Rightist
- 右倾机会主义
- Right opportunism
- 右倾机会主义分子
- Right opportunist
- 幼稚病
- infantile disorder
- 余孽
- left-over evils
- 余粮户或自给户
- peasant households having grain reserve or becoming self-sufficient
- 鱼目混珠
- pass fish eyes for pearls/mix the genuine with the fictitious
- 鱼水般的密切联系
- close relations like those of fish to water
- 愚弄
- dupe/fool
- 愚公移山,改造中国
- transform China in the spirit of the Foolish Old Man who removed the mountains
- 愚民政策
- obscurantist policy
- 与人民为敌
- set oneself against the people
- 与人为善的批评
- criticism aimed at helping those criticized
- 与群众同甘共苦共呼吸
- share weal and woe with the people
- 与天斗、与地斗、与阶级敌人斗
- Fight the heavens, fight the earth, fight the class enemy!
- 与天奋斗,其乐无穷!与地奋斗,其乐无穷!与人奋斗,其乐无穷!
- What joy it is to struggle with heavens! What joy it is to struggle with earth! What joy it is to struggle with man!
- 羽毛丰满
- become full-fledged
- 雨后春笋
- to mushroom/spring up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain
- 语重心长
- in all earnestness
- 欲盖弥彰
- The more one tries to hide, the more one is exposed.
- “欲加之罪,何患无辞”
- "Give a dog a bad name and hang him."
- 欲擒故纵
- let the enemy off in order to catch him
- 欲速则不达
- Haste does not bring success./Haste brings no success.
- 御用的
- serve as someone's tool
- 御用报刊
- controlled press
- 御用文人
- scribblers in their pay/hack writers
- 预谋的
- premeditated/pre-arranged
- 预言家
- prophet
- 愈来愈不得人心
- increasingly unpopular
- 冤案
- unjust case
- 冤有头,债有主
- Every wrong has its cause, every debt has its debtor.
- 原封不动的翻版
- exact replica/exact reproduction
- 原形毕露
- reveal one's real nature
- 原则性的错误
- errors of principle
- 原则性立场
- principled stand
- 援引经典
- cite the classics
- 援越抗美
- assist Viet Nam in resisting U.S. aggression
- 远见卓识的革命闯将
- far-sighted revolutionary path breakers
- 远水不解近渴
- Distant waters cannot quench thirst.
- 远在天边,近在眼前
- be far away on the horizon and yet right under your eyes
- 怨声载道
- Voices of discontent are heard everywhere.
- 愿意坦白
- want to come clean
- 越是表演得充分的反动派,垮得就越彻底
- The more a reactionary performs, the more thorough his collapse.
- 越是艰险越向前
- The harder things get, the more determined we are to fight.
- 越来越深入人心
- penetrate deeper and deeper into the hearts and minds of the people
- 越怕,就越有鬼
- The more they are afraid, the more they are haunted by ghosts.
- 越学心里越亮堂
- The more I study the cleaner my mind.
- 越“养”越“修”
- The more the "cultivated" themselves, the more revisionist they became.
- 越走越远
- going farther down
- 运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外
- contrive strategic plans in the headquarters, win victory in a battle a thousand li away
- 运筹学
- operation research
- 运动的重点
- the main target of this movement
- “运动就是一切,目的是没有的”
- "The movement is everything, the aim is nothing."
- 醖釀讨论
- deliberation and discussion
- 蕴藏了一种极大的社会主义的积极性
- a potentially inexhaustible enthusiasm for socialism