- 砸个稀巴烂
- smash to smithereens
- “杂家”
- miscellaneous scholar
- 灾难深重
- miserable/disaster-ridden/bitterest suffering
- “宰相肚里好撑船”
- "The stomach of a prime minister is large enough to scull a boat."/broad-minded
- 载入史册的光辉的一页
- a bright page in the chronicles
- 再接再厉
- make sustained and redoubled efforts/advance from strength to strength
- 在不太长的时期内
- in not so long a period of time
- 在党的总路线光辉的照耀下
- be guided by the beacon light of the Party's general line
- 在风霜中巍然屹立的劲松
- stand firm as a proud pine in the wind and frost
- 在斗争中学,在斗争中用
- study and apply in the course of struggle
- 在行
- be skilled in
- 在灵魂深处闹革命
- make revolution in the depths of the soul
- 在马克思主义的基础上达到团结的目的
- reach the goal of unity on the basis of Marxism-Leninism
- 在事实面前碰得头破血流
- run one's head against the brick wall of really
- 在民主基础上的集中,在集中指导下的民主
- centralized on the basis of democracy and democratic under centralized guidance
- 在劫难逃
- It is fate, and cannot be avoided./There is no escape from fate.
- 在无产阶级专政下继续革命的理论
- the theory of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat
- 在用字上狠下功夫
- put the greatest stress on the application/make great efforts in applying what one studies
- 在运动中歼灭敌人
- wipe out the enemy when he is on the move
- 在职干部
- cadres at their posts/cadres at work
- 早请示,晚汇报
- (编者译)ask instructions from Chairman Mao in the morning and report to Chairman Mao in the evening
- 早有精神准备
- be mentally prepared well in advance
- 造反不分先后
- Early or late, all who rebel merit equal treatment.
- 造反到底
- rebel to victory
- 造反精神
- rebel spirit
- 造反派
- rebel faction
- 造反有理
- Rebellion is reasonable.
- 造就
- to train/bring up
- 造“私”字的反
- rebel against "self-interest"
- 造谣生事
- cause trouble by spreading rumors
- “责任田”
- "responsibility plots"
- 责无旁贷
- an inescapable duty
- 贼喊捉贼
- thief crying for the thief
- 贼心不死
- do not give up its gangster designs
- 扎扎实实
- in a down-to-earth way/in a well-grounded way
- (把根子)扎正
- lay a sound and solid foundation
- 渣滓
- the refuse of humanity/debris of history/dregs of society
- 诈骗犯
- swindlers
- 摘帽子
- remove designation of.../remove the label of
- 摘下伪善的面具
- drop one's mask of hypocrisy
- 债台高筑
- run heavily into debt/deep in debt
- 沾光
- get an advantage
- 沾染
- be imbued with/be infected with
- 斩草除根
- Destroy evil, leaving no chance of its revival./pull up weeds by the root
- 斩断魔爪
- cut the claws of
- 斩头去尾
- quoted in broken sentences/quote... out of context
- (既是)战斗队,又是工作队,也是生产队
- It is at the same time a fighting force, a political work force and production corps.
- 战斗豪情
- militant pride
- 战歌
- battle-march
- 战略上藐视敌人,战术上重视困难
- despise the enemy strategically and take full account of him tactically
- 战无不胜
- invincible/ever-victorious/all-conquering
- 战争升级
- war escalation
- “战争熄灭论”
- the theory of "dying out of wars"
- 站不住脚
- unable to stand one's ground/cannot stand up
- 站出来革命
- step forward courageously to make revolution
- 站错队
- stand on the wrong side/take the wrong stand
- 站得高,看得远
- stand on eminence and become far-sighted
- 站稳脚跟
- take a firm stand/get a firm foothold
- 站在一旁说风凉话
- make irresponsible and carping comments from the side-lines
- 站稳阶级立场
- take (maintain) a firm class stand
- 张牙舞爪
- bare one's fangs and open one's claws
- 长无产阶级志气,灭资产阶级威风
- height the proletariat's will to fight and crush the bourgeois arrogance
- 掌权
- retention of power/be in power
- 掌握斗争的大方向
- hold fast to the main orientation of the struggle
- 掌握第一手材料
- possess first-hand material
- 掌握动向
- pay attention to the trends
- 掌握分寸
- handle appropriately
- (理论一旦)掌握了群众
- once theory grips the masses
- 掌握事物的本质
- grasp the essence
- 掌握重点,照顾其他
- give priority to the most important aspects and due consideration to the rest
- 召之即来,来之能战,战之能胜
- Be ready to assemble at the first call and be capable of fighting and winning
- 招兵买马
- hire men and buy horses/enlist followers
- 招魂
- resurrect/revive the soul of
- 招架不住
- unable to hold one's own
- 招生考试制度
- entrance examination system of enrolling students
- 招降纳叛,结党营私
- recruit (enlist) deserters and renegades, and form cliques to serve one's own selfish interests
- 招摇过市
- swagger through the streets
- 招摇撞骗
- try every trick to mislead the public
- 昭然若揭
- everything above board
- 朝不保夕
- living from hand to mouth/live in constant fear for one's livelihood
- 朝令夕改
- issue an order in the morning and rescind it in the evening/frequent changes in policies
- 朝气蓬勃
- full of vitality
- 朝三暮四
- play fast and loose/shift and veer
- 找出根源
- go to the root of
- 找借口
- seek pretext
- 照本宣科
- repeat what the books say
- 照顾全局
- consider the situation as a whole
- 照葫芦画瓢
- copy blindly
- 照妖镜
- a mirror to show up monsters
- 遮羞布
- mask/fig-leaf
- 折中(衷)主义
- eclecticism
- 这也不行,那也不行
- no good at this and no good at that