- 真不知人间有羞耻事
- This is indeed the height of impudence.
- 真金不怕火
- Genuine (pure) gold fears no fire.
- “真理面前人人平等”
- "Everyone is equal before the truth."
- 真理越辨越明
- The more the truth is debated, the clearer it becomes.
- 真面目
- true features
- 真、善、美
- the true, the good and the beautiful
- 真相
- reality/true features/actual state of affairs/real situation
- 真知灼见
- real knowledge and deep insight/incisive judgment
- 真革命
- real revolution/a true revolutionary
- 真理必须旗帜鲜明
- Truth requires a clear-cut stand.
- 真凭实据
- with factual evidence/indisputable evidence
- 甄别
- the work of determining the nature of the case
- 斟酌办理
- at one's discretion
- 针插不进,水泼不进的“独立王国”
- a watertight and impenetrable "independent kingdom"
- 针锋相对
- stand in sharp opposition to/contract sharply with
- 镇压反革命
- suppression of counter-revolutionaries
- 镇压与宽大相结合的政策
- a policy of combining suppression with leniency without neglecting either
- 症结所在
- where the trouble lies
- 争夺青年一代
- contend for the younger generation
- 争权夺利
- fight among themselves for power and money
- 争名、争利、争权、争位、挣出风头
- strive for fame, wealth, power, position or opportunity to be in the limelight
- 争取一切可以争取的力量
- win over all the forces that can possibly be won over
- 睁着眼睛说瞎话
- bare-faced lying/a plain lie
- 蒸蒸日上
- ever more flourishing/greater and greater prosperity
- 整党
- consolidation of the Party/consolidating the Party organization
- 整顿队伍
- straighten out the ranks organizationally
- 整顿思想
- straighten out the ranks ideologically/check up on the ranks ideologically
- 整顿组织
- check up on the organizations/organizational consolidation
- 整顿作风
- rectification of style of work
- 整风审干运动
- the campaign to rectify incorrect styles of work and to examine cadres
- 整风运动
- rectification campaign
- 整顿纪律
- strengthen discipline
- 整死
- to doctor a person to death
- 正确处理人民内部矛盾
- correct handling of contradictions among the people
- 正面和反面的历史经验
- positive and negative historical lessons
- 正气
- uprightness/integrity
- 正人君子
- "gentlemen"
- 政社合一
- integrate government administration with commune management
- 政治背景
- political background
- 政治标准
- political criterion
- 政治表现
- political showing
- 政治第一
- politics first
- 政治赌博
- political gamble
- 政治犯
- political offender (prisoner)
- 政治方向
- political orientation
- 政治攻势
- political offensive
- 政治工作是一切经济工作的生命线
- Political work is the life-blood of all economic work.
- 政治挂帅
- place politics in command/with politics first and foremost
- 政治僵尸
- political mummy/political corpse
- 政治交易
- political transactions/political deal
- 政治结论
- political conclusion
- 政治界线
- political demarcation line
- 政治面目
- political features
- 政治是不流血的战争,战争是流血的政治
- politics is war with bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.
- 政治是经济的集中表现
- Politics is the concentrated expression of economics.
- 政治是统帅,是灵魂
- Politics is the commander, the soul of everything.
- 政治手腕
- political dodges (maneuvers)
- 政治投机
- political opportunism
- 政治嗅觉
- political acumen
- 政治眼光
- political judgment/political outlook
- 政治阴谋
- political intrigue
- 政治资本
- political capital
- 政府工作人员
- government personnel (workers)
- 政府机关
- government organizations/government apparatus
- 政治地位
- political standing
- 政治觉悟
- political consciousness
- 政治立场
- political standpoint/political stance
- 政治路线
- political line
- 政治倾向
- political tendency
- 政治权利
- political rights
- 政治热情
- political fervor
- 政治生涯
- political career
- 政治生活
- political life
- 政治水平
- political level
- 政治主张
- political views
- 证据确凿的叛徒、特务、死不改悔的走资本主义道路的当权派
- proven renegades, enemy agents, absolutely unrepentant persons in power taking the capitalist road
- 证据确凿,铁案如山
- irrefutable (verified) evidence
- 证据确实
- upon valid evidence
- 支持一方,压制一方
- support one section in suppressing another
- 支左爱民模范
- model in helping the Left and cherishing the people
- 支左不支派的原则
- the principle of "helping the Left but not any particular faction"
- 枝节问题
- minor issue/minor problem
- 知己知彼,百战不殆
- Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.
- 知情人
- insider
- 知人知面不知心
- It is impossible to judge a man's heart from his face.
- 知识分子成堆的地方
- places where intellectuals are predominant in number
- 知识分子出身的
- with an intellectual background
- 知识分子劳动化
- Intellectuals should integrate themselves with the working people.
- 知识青年
- educated youth
- 知无不言,言无不尽
- Say all you know and say it without reserve.
- 执迷不悟
- refuse to come to one's senses/persist in one's wrong course
- 执勤
- do guard duty
- 傎得引起警惕
- merit the vigilance of
- 指标
- quota/target
- 指标落实
- fix targets in relation to specific measures for their fulfillment
- 指挥棒
- the baton
- 指鹿为马
- call a stag a horse/talk black into white
- 指名批评
- criticize by name
- 指明正确的方向
- chart the correct orientation and course
- 指日可待
- just round the corner/the day is not far off
- 指桑骂槐
- revile the locust while pointing to the mulberry/point at one and abuse another
- 指手画脚
- to carp and cavil/criticize and gesticulate
- 指名攻击
- assail... by name