- 只此一家,别无分店
- (编者译)Without any branch, only one store is there.
- “只反贪官,不反皇帝”
- (编者译)Down with the corrupt officials only, not the emperor!
- 只顾一时
- take a short view
- 只顾自己,不顾别人
- think only of oneself and never of others
- 只号召,不动手
- issue verbal calls without personal action
- 只见树木,不见森林
- fail to see the wood for the trees
- 只能赞扬,不能批评
- tolerate only praise and no criticism
- 只凭动机,不问效果
- act solely by motive and not inquire what effect one's action will have
- 只许挨打,不准还手
- must take a beating and not strike back
- 只要帝国主义还存在,就有发生侵略战争的危险
- So long as imperialism exists there will always be soil for aggressive wars.
- 只要还有一口气
- as long as... have a breath in
- 只有天知道
- Heaven alone knows!
- 只许他们规规矩矩,不许他们乱说乱动
- only permitting them to behave themselves properly and not allowing them to speak or act wildly
- 只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯
- The magistrates were allowed to burn down houses, while the common people were forbidden even to light lamps./The magistrate had the power to set houses on fire while forbidding ordinary folk to light lamps.
- 只有解放全人类,才能最后解放无产阶级自己
- Only by emancipating all mankind can the proletariat achieve its own final emancipation.
- 只有批判旧世界,才能发现新世界
- A new world can only be discovered in the course of repudiating the old world.
- 只有人民生活才是文学艺术的唯一源泉
- Literature and art can only spring from the life of the people.
- 只有做群众的学生,才能做群众的先生
- Only be being a pupil of the masses can one be their teacher.
- 只争朝夕
- seizing the day and seizing the hour
- 只专不红
- be experts without socialist consciousness/become experts devoid of socialist consciousness
- 趾高气扬
- ride the high horse/step high and look proud
- 纸包不住火
- Fire cannot be wrapped with fire.
- 纸老虎一戳就穿
- paper tigers that can be punctured with a mere thrust
- 纸上谈兵
- armchair strategy/fight on paper
- 至死不改
- incorrigible die-hards
- 至死不悟
- never repent even unto death
- 致命打击
- a lethal (fatal) blow at
- 致以无产阶级文化大革命的战斗敬礼
- We extend to you the fighting salute of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
- 制造分裂
- manufacture (foment) split
- 制造思想混乱
- create confusion in people's minds
- 制造舆论
- create public opinion
- 置之度外
- ignore/not take into account
- 置之死地而后快
- will not be satisfied with anything less than the destruction of
- 置之脑后
- banish from one's mind
- 治病救人
- cure the sickness to save the patient
- 治党治国
- run the Party and the state
- “智育第一”
- "give first place to intellectual development"
- 《中俄瑷珲条约》
- the 1858 "Sino-Russian Treaty of Aigun"
- 《中俄北京条约》
- the 1860 "Sino-Russian Treaty of Peking"
- 《中俄布连斯奇条约》
- the "Sino-Russian Burinsky Treaty" (1727)
- 中俄不平等旧约
- the old unequal Sino-Russian treaties
- 《中俄勘分西北界约记》
- the 1864 "Tahcheng Protocol on the Delimitation of Sino-Russian Boundary"
- 《中俄尼布楚条约》
- the 1689 "Sino-Russian Treaty of Nipchu"
- 《中俄天津条约》
- the "Sino-Russian Treaty of Tientsin" (1858)
- 《中俄续勘喀什噶尔界约》
- the 1884 "Protocol on Sino-Russian Boundary in Kashgar Region"
- 《中俄伊犁条约》
- the "Sino-Russian Ili Treaty" (1881)
- 《中共中央关于目前农村工作中若干问题的决定(草案)》(即《十条》)
- Draft Decision of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party on Certain Problems in Our Present Rural Work (i.e., the 10-Point Decision)
- 中国国情
- Chinese conditions/conditions in our country
- 中国化的马列主义
- Marxism-Leninism in its application to China
- “中国通”
- a China expert
- 《中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国联合公报》(即《上海公报》)
- Joint Communiqué of the People's Republic of China and the United States of America (1972)
- 中间分子
- middle elements/intermediate elements
- 中间派
- middle-of-the-roaders/intermediate forces
- “中间人物论”
- the theory of "middle characters"
- 中坚分子
- those who are the backbone of/those playing the backbone role
- 中流砥柱
- the mainstay/the pillar rock in mid-stream
- 《中苏解决悬案大纲协定》
- the 1924 "Agreement on General Principles for the Settlement of the Questions Between China and the Soviet Union"
- 中央各部门
- central organs/departments under the Party's Central Committee or the State Council
- 中央和地方并举
- simultaneous development of national and local enterprises
- 中央集权
- centralization of authority
- 中央文化革命小组(即“中央文革”)
- The Cultural Revolution Group under the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party
- 中央各部委
- ministries and commissions under the State Council
- 中央领导机关
- central leading organ
- 中央批准
- approval of the central authorities
- 中央各主管部门
- all the ministries under the State Council
- “中庸之道”
- "the doctrine of the mean"
- 中游思想
- feel content with remaining mid-stream without making further advance
- 中了诡计
- taken in by their maneuver of
- 中间环节
- intermediate links
- 中心环节
- key link
- 忠实走狗
- servile lackeys
- 忠心耿耿
- infinitely loyal/faithfully and conscientiously/loyal and devoted
- 忠字舞
- (编者译)loyal dancing
- 种子选手
- seeded player
- 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆
- reap what one has sown/plant melons and get melons, sow beans and get beans
- 众叛亲离
- rebellion by the masses and desertion by the followers
- 重点批判
- criticize a typical example
- 重事实,讲道理
- have respect for the facts and talk reason
- 重证据而不轻信口供
- The stress must be on the weight of evidence and confessions should not be taken on trust.
- 咒骂
- malign/vile ravings/direct invectives against
- “朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨”
- "Behind these vermillion gates meat and wine go to waste, but along the road are bones of men who have frozen to death."
- 蛛丝马迹
- the gossamer threads of a spider and the trail of a horse/clues
- 诸如此类,不一而足
- so on and so forth
- 竹篮打水一场空
- draw water with a bamboo basket - a useless effort
- 主观臆断
- subjective and groundless conclusion
- 主流
- mainstream/main current/main trend
- 主人翁
- master
- “主帅”
- ringleader/chief culprit
- 主宰
- arbiters of the destiny of/an overlord who determines the destiny of mankind/dictate the destiny of mankind
- 注意一种主要倾向的时候,也要注意可能掩盖着的另一种倾向
- While taking notice of the main tendency we should also pay attention to another, possibly hidden, tendency.
- 注定灭亡
- be doomed to destruction