- 抓辫子
- seize hold of the mistakes and shortcomings of
- 抓党权、军权、政权
- grab power in the Party, army and government
- 抓典型
- grasp (seize) typical examples
- 抓而不紧,等于不抓
- Not to grasp firmly is not to grasp at all.
- 抓革命,促生产
- grasp revolution, promote (spur) production
- 抓纲
- take firm hold of the key link of all work
- 抓活思想
- grasp living (current) ideas
- 抓两头,带中间
- keep watch over the most advanced and the most backward so as to bring along the majority in the middle category
- 抓思想问题
- tackle the ideological problem
- 抓思想,抓生产,抓生活
- give all-round attention to the ideological development, production and well-being of
- 抓意识形态
- grasp ideological work
- 抓重点
- grasp the essential point
- 抓住不放
- tackle the problem on hand firmly and persistently
- 抓住……大做文章
- seize on something and make a big issue of it
- 抓住阶级斗争这个纲
- take class struggle as the key to all our work
- 抓住小辫子
- have somebody by the short braids (plaits)
- 抓住主要矛盾
- single out the principal contradictions
- 抓到一根救命草
- snatch at a straw
- 抓住……把柄
- get hold of something with which to discredit...
- 抓住事物的本质
- grasp the essence
- 专案组
- special group for the examination of a case
- “专家路线”
- line of relying solely on "experts"
- 专家治厂
- rely on specialists in running factories
- 专人分工负责
- division of labor and fixed responsibility
- 专政对象
- be subject to dictatorship
- 转弯抹角
- in a devious way/in a round-about way
- 转移斗争大方向
- switch the general orientation of the struggle
- 转移到以农业为基础的轨道上来
- switch... onto the road of serving agriculture which is the foundation of the economy
- 装可怜相
- pretend ignorance/assume a pitiable look
- 装聋作哑
- play deaf and dumb
- 装模作样
- make a pretence of
- 装腔作势,借以吓人
- strike a pose in order to intimidate people
- 装死躺下
- play dead
- 装出一副假公正的面孔
- feign impartiality
- 壮大左派队伍
- strengthen the ranks of the Lefts
- 壮士暮年,雄心不已
- The heart of the hero in his old age is as stout as ever.
- 壮志凌云
- soaring determination
- 概不追究
- no action will be taken against those who...
- 追随
- follow/adhere to/pursue
- 准备他们大打,早打,打常规战,打核大战
- Make preparations against their launching a big war, and against their launching a war at an early date, preparations against their launching a conventional war and against their launching a large-scale nuclear war.
- 准备两手
- prepare for two eventualities
- 酌情处理
- deal with on the merits of each case
- 茁壮成长
- steadily mature
- 资本主义复辟
- capitalist restoration
- 资本主义工商业的社会主义改造
- socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce
- 资本主义倾向严重的上中农
- upper-middle peasants with strong capitalist tendencies
- 资产阶级代表人物
- representatives of the bourgeoisie
- 资产阶级的“权威老爷”
- Messrs. bourgeois "authorities"
- 资产阶级的思想殘余
- survivals of bourgeois ideology
- 资产阶级法权
- bourgeois rights
- 资产阶级反动学术权威
- bourgeois reactionary academic authorities
- 资产阶级分子
- bourgeois elements
- 资产阶级个人奋斗、追逐名利的白专道路
- become bourgeois specialists by the bourgeois method of "making one's own way" and achieving individual fame, wealth and position
- 资产阶级个人主义
- bourgeois individualism
- 资产阶级老爷式的态度
- the attitude of a bourgeois master
- 资产阶级生活方式
- the bourgeois way of life
- 资产阶级思潮
- bourgeois trend
- 资产阶级司令部
- bourgeois headquarters
- 资产阶级野心家、两面派
- bourgeois careerist and double-dealer
- 资产阶级知识分子
- bourgeois intellectuals
- 资产阶级自由化
- bourgeois liberalization
- 资方人员
- capitalists and their representative
- 子弟兵
- troops who are the sons and brothers of our people
- 自产自销
- produce and market all on one's own
- 自吹自擂
- brag and boast
- (不会)自动退出历史舞台
- It will not step down from the stage of history of its own accord.
- 自发的资本主义倾向
- spontaneous tendency towards capitalism
- 自己不革命,也不准别人革命
- refuse to make revolution oneself and not permit others to make revolution
- 自己不反帝,也不准别人反帝
- refuse to oppose imperialism oneself and not permit others to oppose imperialism
- 自己动手,丰衣足食
- ample food and clothing through self-reliance
- 自绝于人民
- alienate oneself from the people
- “自来红”
- "born red"
- 自力更生,艰苦奋斗,破除迷信,解放思想
- Be self-reliant, work hard, do away with all fetishes and superstitions and emancipate the mind.
- 自力更生为主,争取外援为辅的方针
- the policy of relying mainly on one's own efforts while seeking external assistance as an auxiliary
- 自立于不败之地
- secure an invincible position
- 自留地
- private plots
- 自欺欺人
- deceive oneself and others
- 自取灭亡
- head for disaster/run towards disaster/bring destruction on oneself
- 自命不凡
- pride oneself on being out of the ordinary
- 自然灾害
- natural calamities
- 自食其力
- earn one's own living
- 自首变节
- make confessions and surrender
- 自首书
- letter of confession
- 自投罗网
- fall into a trap through one's own fault/caught in a net through one's own fault
- 自讨苦吃
- ask for trouble/seek out hardships
- 自卫反击
- strike back in self-defense
- 自我标榜
- glorify oneself
- 自我吹嘘
- boast smugly/boost oneself
- 自我教育
- self-education
- 自我陶醉
- self-glorification
- 自我牺牲精神
- the spirit of self-sacrifice
- 自下而上地
- from the bottom up
- 自相矛盾
- self-contradictory
- 自行消灭
- spontaneous disappearance
- 自寻死路
- bring about their own destruction
- 自以为得计
- think oneself a smart fellow/fancy oneself clever
- 自以为不可一世
- swagger like a conquering hero
- 自以为了不起
- think oneself terrific
- 自以为是
- self-approbation/consider oneself always in the right
- 自由泛滥
- open wide the floodgates to
- 自由放任
- unrestrained self-indulgence
- “自由化”
- "liberalize"/"liberalization"
- “自由市场”
- free market
- 自圆其说
- make out a good case/justify oneself
- 自动交待
- admit one's errors voluntarily
- 自觉地造就
- purposefully train
- 自私自利的个人主义
- self-seeking individualism
- 自我表现
- self-expression
- “自由、平等、博爱”
- "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity"