- 仔细你们自己的脑袋
- Look out for your own skins!
- 宗派分裂活动
- factional splitting activity
- 宗主权
- suzerainty
- 总崩溃
- complete collapse
- 总后台
- chief behind-the-scenes boss/chief backer
- 总是要进行垂死挣扎的
- invariably conduct desperate struggles
- 总爆发
- general outbreak
- 总结会
- summing-up meeting
- 纵容包庇
- with the connivance of and shielded by
- 纵深发展
- develop in depth
- 走狗
- lackeys/servile followers
- “走过场”
- make the movement a sham/reduced to mere formality
- 走后门
- a backdoor deal/get "back door benefits"
- 走回头路
- turn the clock back
- 走老路
- adhere to the old ways
- 走马观花
- look at the flowers while on horseback/take a brief look at
- 走前人没有走过的道路
- break paths where none have gone before/break paths unexplored by people before
- 走上邪路
- follow the wrong track
- 走投无路
- go down a dead alley/be in an impasse
- 走弯路
- take a roundabout route/make a detour
- 走向反面
- go over to the opposite side/turn into its opposite
- 走与工农相结合的道路
- follow the road of integrating with the workers and peasants
- 走着睢
- wait and see
- 走自己的路
- follow one's own road
- 走自己工业发展的道路
- follow China's own road of industrial development
- 走资派
- capitalist-roader/persons in power within the Party taking the capitalist road
- 走卒
- cat's paw/foot-man
- 走上正轨
- be on the correct path/set on the right path
- 走向灭亡
- head for one's doom
- 走向胜利
- advance towards victory
- 走一步看一步
- short-range makeshifts
- 祖师爷
- venerable masters/supreme masters
- 祖祖辈辈
- for generations
- 组织处分
- organizational discipline
- 组织处理为辅
- organizational measures should be only supplementary
- 组织纪律性
- sense of organization and discipline
- 组织军事化,工作战斗化,生活集体化
- organize along military lines, work as if fighting a battle and live the collective way
- 组织处理应当放宽一些
- in taking disciplinary measures, leniency should be practiced
- 组织关系
- membership certificates
- 组织生活
- the activities of an organization
- 钻进
- worm their way into/sneak into/steal their way into
- 钻营
- be busy with... machinations
- 钻进去
- dig (probe) into a subject
- 钻空子
- avail oneself of loopholes/seize every opportunity/crawl through any crack
- 钻牛角尖
- get into a blind alley
- 钻业务
- go in for professional efficiency/improve one's professional skill
- “嘴上没毛办事不牢”
- "Downy lips make thoughtless slips."
- 最光荣的时刻
- the most glorious moment
- 最广泛的民主
- the fullest democracy/democracy in the widest (broadest) sense
- 是广泛的统一战线
- the broadest united front
- 最凶恶的敌人
- the sworn enemy
- 最薄弱的地方
- the most vulnerable area
- 最广大群众
- the overwhelming majority of the masses
- 最后解放
- ultimate liberation
- 最坚决的回击
- the most resolute rebuff
- 罪大恶极
- heinous (monstrous, atrocious) crimes/criminal and wicked in the extreme
- 罪恶多端
- up to all kinds of evil
- 罪该万死
- guilty of a crime deserving ten thousand deaths
- 罪魁祸首
- arch-criminal/chief criminal
- 罪名
- bring charges against
- 罪有应得
- deserve one's punishment
- 罪责难逃
- One cannot shirk responsibility for one's crimes.
- 罪证确凿,铁案如山
- The evidence of these crimes is conclusive, the iron-clad proofs pile up mountain high.
- “醉生梦死”
- lead a befuddled life
- “醉翁之意不在酒”
- "Though one professes to be a drinker, he is really not interested in wine."
- “尊孔读经”
- the worship of Confucius and the study of the Confucian canon
- 尊儒反法
- the worship of Confucian and the opposition of Legalist
- 坐办公室
- do desk work
- 坐山观虎斗
- sit on top of the mountain to watch the tigers fight/see both sides go for each other and not involve in
- 坐失良机
- allow an opportunity to slip past
- 坐视不救
- sit idly by without lending a helping hand
- 坐收渔人之利
- have an advantage fall into one's lap/reap the spoils of victory without lifting a finger/get profit at others' expense
- 坐以待毙
- await one's doom/sit passively for one's end
- 座上客
- a guest of honor
- 座右铭
- permanent reminders/maxims
- 作恶多端
- up to all kinds of evils
- 作结论
- draw the conclusion/reach conclusion on
- 作风不正
- wrong style of work
- “左”得出奇
- be surprisingly "Left"
- 左派
- leftist/the forces of the Left
- “左”倾机会主义
- "Left" opportunism
- “左”倾冒险主义
- "Left" adventurism
- 左一条清规,右一条戒律
- one taboo after another
- 左右手
- right-hand man/valuable assistant
- 左右摇摆
- vacillate now to the left and then to the right
- 左右逢源
- win advantage from both sides
- 做到老,学到老,改造到老
- So long as we live, we shall always work, study, and remold ourselves.
- 做官当老爷
- act as high and overbearing bureaucrats/act as bureaucrats and overlords
- 做好本职工作
- do a good job at their specific tasks
- 做好组织处理工作
- take disciplinary measures in an appropriate way
- 做尽了坏事
- have committed every evil
- (把事情)做绝
- push things to the extreme/render matters irretrievable
- 做老实人,说老实话,办老实事
- be an honest person, speak and act honestly/be honest in thinking, speech and action
- 做前人所没有做过的事
- do things never previously attempted
- 做人要做这样的人
- We must be like that kind of man.
- 做样子给人看
- just to put on a show
- “做一天和尚撞一天钟”
- So long as one remains a monk, one goes on tolling the bell.
- 做贼心虚
- have a guilty conscience, as a thief
- 做表面文章
- put on a show
- 做牛马
- be a beast of burden
- 做戏
- put up (on) a show