- “老三篇”
- the "three constantly read articles" (Serve the People, In Memory of Norman Bethune, The foolish Old Man Who removed the Mountains)
- 毛泽东思想大学校
- a great school of Mao Tsetung Thought
- 毛泽东思想空前大普及
- the unprecedented wide dissemination of Mao Tsetung Thought
- 毛泽东思想千钧棒
- invincible Mao Tsetung Thought
- 毛泽东思想是时代的旗帜,革命的方向,胜利的保证,力量的源泉。
- Mao Tsetung Thought is the banner of our era, the guide for the revolution, the guarantee for winning victories and the source of strength.
- 毛泽东思想是我们的命根子。
- Mao Tsetung Thought is our lifeline.
- 毛泽东思想是最高最活的马列主义。
- Mao Tsetung Thought is the living Marxism-Leninism at its highest.
- 毛泽东思想学习班
- Mao Tsetung Thought study classes
- 毛泽东思想宣传队
- Mao Tsetung Thought Propaganda Team
- 毛泽东同志的理论如日月经天,江河行地。
- The theory of Comrade Mao Tsetung is likened to the ceaseless movement of the sun and moon in the skies and the endless flow of the rivers and streams on earth.
- 毛主席的话句句是真理,一句顶一万句。
- Every sentence by Chairman Mao is the truth and carries more weight than ten thousand ordinary sentences.
- 毛主席热爱我热爱,毛主席指示我照办,毛主席挥手我前进。
- We love what Chairman Mao loves, we support what Chairman Mao supports, we act according to Chairman Mao's instructions, we advance when Chairman Mao gives the signal.
- 毛主席是我们心中最红最红的红太阳。
- Chairman Mao is the red sun shining brightly in our hearts.
- 毛主席著作要天天学,一天不学问题多,两天不学走下坡,三天不学没法活。
- We must study Chairman Mao's works every day. If we miss one day, problems will pile up. Let two days pass, and we start slipping backwards. Three days makes it impossible to live.
- 毛主席万岁!万岁!万万岁!
- Long live Chairman Mao! A long, long life to Chairman Mao!
- 毛主席像章
- Chairman Mao badge
- 毛主席指到哪里,我们就打到哪里。
- We will advance wherever Chairman Mao points.
- 毛主席和群众心连心。
- Chairman Mao is of one heart with the masses.
- 念念不忘阶级斗争,念念不忘无产阶级专政,念念不忘突出政治,念念不忘高举毛泽东思想伟大红旗。
- We must never forget the class struggle, never forget the dictatorship of the proletariat, never forget to keep politics right in the forefront and never forget to hold high the great red banner of Mao Tsetung Thought.
- 努力学习最高指示,忠实执行最高指示,热情宣传最高指示,勇敢捍卫最高指示。
- Study diligently the supreme guide, faithfully carry out the supreme guide, enthusiastically propagate the supreme guide, courageously defend the supreme guide.
- 认真学习、坚决执行、积极宣传、勇敢捍卫毛泽东思想。
- Conscientiously study, firmly carry out, vigorously disseminate and courageously defend Mao Tsetung Thought.
- 人听毛主席的话,机器听人的话。
- When men listen to what Chairman Mao says, the machines listen to what the men say.
- 生为毛主席的革命路线而战斗,死为毛主席的革命路线而献身。
- Battle for Chairman Mao's revolutionary line for life; defend Chairman Mao's revolutionary line to the death.
- 谁反对毛主席,就打倒谁!
- Down with anyone who opposes Chairman Mao!
- 抬头望见北斗星,心中想念毛主席。
- The Dipper in the sky turns our thoughts to Chairman Mao.
- 毛泽东同志天才地、创造性地、全面地继承、捍卫和发展了马克思列宁主义。
- Comrade Mao Tsetung has inherited, defended and developed Marxism-Leninism with genius, creatively and comprehensively.
- 天大地大不如党的恩情大,爹亲娘亲不如毛主席亲。
- The heavens are great, the earth is great, but they can't compare with the greatness of what the Party has done for the people. Dear as are father and mother, Chairman Mao is still dearer.
- 天天读
- regular daily study of Chairman Mao's works
- 听毛主席的话,走合作化的道路。
- Listen to Chairman Mao's words, take the co-operative road.
- 伟大的导师、伟大的领袖、伟大的统帅、伟大的舵手。毛主席万岁!
- Long live Chairman Mao, our great teacher, great leader, great supreme commander and great helmsman!
- 为毛主席争光。
- Win honor for Chairman Mao!
- 我们最最敬爱的伟大领袖毛主席
- our most respected and beloved great leader Chairman Mao
- 我们心中最红最红的红太阳
- the red sun which shines brightly in our hearts
- 无限忠于毛主席的无产阶级感情
- infinite proletarian loyalty to Chairman Mao
- 无限忠于毛主席,无限忠于毛泽东思想,无限忠于毛主席的革命路线。
- Infinitely loyal to Chairman Mao, to Mao Tsetung Thought and to Chairman Mao's revolutionary line.
- 乌云遮不住毛泽东思想的灿烂阳光。
- Dark clouds cannot obscure the radiance of Mao Tsetung Thought.
- 心中只有毛主席,事事请教毛主席,步步紧跟毛主席,誓死保卫毛主席。
- Always keep Chairman Mao in heart, constantly consult his teachings, follow him step by step and defend him whatever the cost.
- 一切胜利归于伟大领袖毛主席!
- All victories are attributed to our great leader Chairman Mao!
- 一切想着毛主席,一切服从毛主席,一切紧跟毛主席,一切为着毛主席。
- Always keep Chairman Mao in heart, obey him under all circumstances, follow him step by step and do everything for him.
- 永远忠于毛主席!
- Always loyal to Chairman Mao!
- 用毛泽东思想统帅一切
- place Mao Tsetung Thought in command of everything
- 语录牌
- placards inscribed with quotations from Chairman Mao
- 以毛主席为首、林副主席为副的党中央
- the Central Committee of the Party with Chairman Mao as its leader and Vice-Chairman Lin as its deputy leader
- 扎下毛泽东思想的根子
- inplant Mao Tsetung Thought firmly among the people
- 最高指示
- supreme guide for our work / supreme instruction
- 最新指示
- a new instruction of Chairman Mao/latest instruction
- 祝福毛主席万寿无疆!
- We wish Chairman Mao a long, log life!