





《列子》一书有好几个人的英文译本。兹介绍 Graham 所翻译的愚公的一番话如下:

"Certainly your mind is set too firm for me ever to penetrate it. You are not even as clever as the widow's little child. Even when I die, I shall have sons surviving me. My sons will beget me more grandsons, my grandsons in their turn will have sons, and these will have more sons and grandsons. My descendants will go forever, but the mountains will get no bigger. Why should there be any difficulty about leveling it?"





现介绍 Graham 的英译如下:

When Confucius was travelling in the East, he saw two small children arguing and asked them the reason. One child said he thought that the sun is nearer to us at sunrise, the other that it is nearer at noon. The first child said:

"When the sun first rises it is as big as the cover of a car; by noon it is as small as a plate or a bowl. Don't you think it must be nearer when it is big than when it is small?"

The other child answered:

"When the sun first rises the air is cool, by noon it is like dipping your hand in hot water. Don't you think it must be nearer when it is hot than when it is cool?"

Confucius could not answer the question. The two children laughed: "Who says you are a learned man?"

