




这一首诗,收入《唐诗三百首》内,早就有 Bynner 的英译:

All alone in a foreign land,
I am twice as homesick on this day.
When brothers carry dogwood up the mountain,
Each of them a branch, and my branch missing.

这一首诗,被人引用的最多的是第二句“每逢佳节倍思亲”,这里,“倍”字是译作“Twice”,而“佳节”则只译作“This day”,只译成“此日”,当然也可指“佳节”,不过这一句如果被单独引用,“I am twice as homesick on this day”,看了未必知道是指“佳节”。

一九七三年出版的企鹅丛书的“Poems of Wang Wei”中,G. W. Robinson 就明确地把“佳节”译作“This festival”,他把全诗译成如下:

Here I am alone in a strange place a stranger,
And always this festival revives thoughts of my people.
From far I know my brothers are climbing some high place,
All crowned with dogwood their number one short.

在这里,“倍思亲”的“倍”,只译作“Revives thoughts”,只译成“又思亲”或“复思亲”,而非“倍思亲”。

Robert Payne 把“倍”字也是译作“Twice”,而把“每逢佳节”译成“Whenever one feasts”,译成“人每过节”,把重点放在“人”而不放在“节”,与原诗歌意思有所出入。他把全诗译成如下:

To be a stranger in a strange land,
Whenever one feasts, one thinks of one's brother twice as much as before.
There where my brother far away is ascending,
The dogwood is flowering, and a man is missed.


Chang Yin-nan 与 Lewis Walmsley 则把“思亲”的“亲”译作“Homefolk”,而“倍思亲”的“倍”则译作“Doubly”,似比“Twice”更强有力。两人合译成的全诗如下:

I am a stranger of a strange land,
On every annual festival, I doubly long for my homefolk.
I think of my far-away brothers climbing the mountains,
Surely they will miss me when they pin on sprigs of dogwood!

“每逢佳节”,这里详译作“On every annual festival”,唯恐不足,而整句“每逢佳节倍思亲”,则译为“One every annual festival, I doubly long for my homefolk”,把原句意思译到十足,虽然译得相当的长,似乎还是诗味十足。
