香港中文大学一九七四年出版了一本中诗英译集“Sitting Up At Night And Other Chinese Poems”,选译了李白、杜甫、白居易、李商隐、陆游以至龚自珍等人的诗四十六首。选译者为刘德爵(Lau Tak Cheuk)。
The thread in the good mother's hand
Makes clothing for the wandering son's back.
Before he goes, she stitches and stitches,
Fearing that he might delay and delay his return,
Who says the gratitude of the inch-long grass
Can repay the warmth of the spring sun?
“密密缝”译作“she stitches and stitches”,“迟迟归”译作“delay and delay his return”,把两对叠字都翻译出来了。
在拙作《中诗英译叙谈》一书中,已介绍过 Fletcher,Lowell,Bynner,Kotewall 及吴经熊等五人的英译。现再介绍刘师舜与 Graham 两人的英译于后。
The thread in the hand of the loving mother,
Is woven into the roving son's garments.
Before he leaves, she makes her stitches double,
Fearing he will be long in returning.
However deep his gratitude, how can he ever
Repay a debt that will bind him always.
Graham 的英译如下:
The thread in the hand of a kind mother
Is the coat on the wanderer's back.
Before he left she stitched it close
In secret fear that he would be slow to return.
Who will say that the inch of grass in his heart
is gratitude enough for all the sunshine of spring?
由引用的英译可见,“慈母”的“慈”,有人译作“good”,有人译作“loving”,有人译作“kind”。此外,还有人译作“tender”,有人译作“doting”,有人译作“fond”,有人译作“fond hearted”。
“游子”的“游”,有人译作“wandering”,有人译作“roving”,有人译作“parting”,有人译作“wayward”,有人译作“absent”,有人译作“far-journeying”,有人译作“far-off journeying”。